Examples of the the word, spoil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spoil ), is the 7932 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And eliminates the risk of leaving undissolved sugar in the drink, which can, spoil ,a drinker's final sip. Others use only the juice of a maraschino cherry, along
  2. Is poured into the gourd at near-boiling point to not burn the herb and, spoil ,the flavor. At family or small social gatherings, one mate may be shared by
  3. Dill, onion or garlic, nutmeg or Rosmarie or pepper to taste. Lime will not, spoil ,any room as well. Risk management is the identification, assessment,and
  4. College at the outskirts of campus. The far-flung location of the G. C. was the, spoil ,of a squabble between Woodrow Wilson and then-Graduate School Dean Andrew
  5. Cooking temperature, and refrigerating foods promptly after cooking. Foods that, spoil ,easily, such as meats, dairy,and seafood, must be prepared a certain way to
  6. NACA Weep. " Not only did they beat Cross field, but they did it in time to, spoil ,a celebration planned for the 50th anniversary of flight in which Cross field
  7. Radio was not allowed to broadcast the news because as it was thought it would, spoil ,the liberation festivities in Denmark. On 9 May Soviet troops landed on the
  8. On the grave of Achilles as demanded by his ghost, either as part of his, spoil ,or because she had betrayed him. Asthma, Theseus ' mother, and one of Helen's
  9. Enough for all the drives and, despite environmental objections, tunnel, spoil , was placed behind a reinforced concrete seawall, on condition of placing the
  10. Enemy has been practicing in his usual way, even to the last. Take care not to, spoil ,the good name of Ethiopia by acts which are worthy of the enemy. We shall see
  11. By a sharp blade at a time carefully chosen so that rain, wind,and dew cannot, spoil ,the exudation of white, milky latex, usually in the afternoon. Incisions are
  12. 917,000 m³) of material was excavated from the site. Rather than dumping the, spoil ,at sea or in landfills, the fill material was used to expand the Manhattan
  13. Why grapes could be turned into wine, milk into cheese, or why food would, spoil , Leeuwenhoek did not make the connection between these processes and
  14. Harshly depicted Roosevelt as an egotist who was only running for president to, spoil ,Taft's chances and to feed his vanity. Many of these newspapers political
  15. Used yellow Folio (there called" paranoia," or butter of the familiar) to, spoil ,milk. * Mycologist Tom Folk reports that the plasmodium of Folio is eaten in
  16. 13.1 % of the Georgian GDP is generated by the agrarian sector, crops often, spoil ,in the field because farmers can't sell their goods because of high
  17. Childbirth, bearing twins: a boy, Leto II, and a girl, Ghanima (which means ", spoil ,of war" ). Paul, who did not foresee the birth of twins, loses his prescience
  18. Ability, and are an important recreational and commercial fishery. The meat can, spoil ,quickly, especially in the tropics, causing rhomboid food poisoning—it must be
  19. Often sent to loved ones based in Gladioli because the ingredients did not, spoil ,easily and kept well during naval transportation. In the Gladioli Peninsula
  20. Trespassing on their neighbor. They may then erect a fence or hedge on the, spoil , leaving the ditch on its far side. Exceptions often occur, for example where a
  21. To refer to both pampered children, and residents of London, as to pamper or, spoil ,a child was 'to cocker' him. Cockney area The region in which "
  22. All types of wine, including red, white,sparkling, and fortified, can, spoil , When properly stored, wines can maintain their quality and in some cases
  23. But denounced the annexation of the Philippines as imperialism that would, spoil ,America's innocence. Roosevelt countered with many speeches that argued it was
  24. A grandfather (played by actor Robert Wilson) who removed his false teeth to, spoil ,his grandson's interested in his can of Irn-Bru. A further TV advertisement
  25. Is not looked upon so kindly. Nuisance deals with all kinds of things that, spoil ,a landowner's enjoyment of his property. A subset of nuisance is known as the
  26. Despite inaugural game festivities at the new ballpark, the Dodgers would, spoil ,the 2000 season opener, with a three HR performance by little-known Kevin
  27. Because they may be“ hoarded up without injury to anyone,” since they do not, spoil ,or decay in the hands of the possessor. The introduction of money eliminates
  28. Victoria was the latest in the long history of transfers of the stone as a, spoil ,of war. Deep Singh had been placed in the guardianship of Dr Login. Login was
  29. Disguise Benton as a monk, telling him that they have arranged things to, spoil ,Dr. Camus' plans. Nanette, playing the role of the Fairy Queen, instructs her
  30. Care to the children. Too much love and affection was also said to indulge and, spoil ,the youngsters. Thus, a woman was also to exercise discipline. Though women of
  31. Are victorious and slay every man, woman,and child of his cities and take the, spoil ,for their bounty. Balk meets with Balsam at Kirjath-huzoth, and they go to the
  32. That he would write his own libretto so that" no fool of a librettist" could, spoil ,it. Record persuaded him to accept Leoncavallo as his librettist, but Puccini
  33. Year describes how the smoke" does our lungs and spirits choke, Our hanging, spoil , and rust our iron. " Severe episodes of smog continued in the 19th and 20th
  34. Verbs Verb morphology * The past tense and past participle of the verbs learn, spoil , spell, burn,dream, smell,spill, leap,and others, can be either irregular (
  35. At San Victory. The project he was given was to extract nickel from the mine, spoil , a challenge he accepted with pleasure. It was not lost on Levi that should he
  36. Allowed to come between you and your work or me and mine -- because that would, spoil ,everything. " Despite this, it is still debated whether their
  37. The average depth is below the seabed. On the UK side, of the expected of, spoil ,approximately was used for fill at the terminal site, and the remainder was
  38. The same fate befell the BNP),and the party advised pupils to get voters to, spoil ,their ballot papers in protest or simply write" OMR LP" on the ballot papers
  39. In" Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" on Miles" tends to, spoil ,his case by the implicit assumption that capitalism and optimum resource
  40. Mind and feelings towards his actors at the time: on the one hand, he wanted to, spoil ,and please them; on the other, he was fed up by their diva antics and was ready
  41. Have very low nutritional values. If the weather is too wet, the cut hay may, spoil ,in the field before it can be baled. The hay may also develop rot and mold
  42. Continued to decline. The next year he told an interviewer, Grazia Levi," I, spoil ,everything I touch. I have always blundered. ... All my life I believed I knew
  43. Stopped making the canal, lest the sea should mix with the river water and, spoil ,it. Strabo also wrote that Sesostris started to build a canal, and Pliny the
  44. Due to kimbap's origin as a portable, packable snack and fish could quickly, spoil ,if unrefrigerated. Instant noodles are also a very popular snack food. Koreans
  45. Play divisions that are neither scrappy, nor so wild and involved that they, spoil ,the underlying melody and the composer's design: but are introduced at such
  46. Will normally dig it up to the very edge of their land, and must then pile the, spoil ,on their own side of the ditch to avoid trespassing on their neighbor. They
  47. By Arthur Wales):: Life in the World is but a big dream;: I will not, spoil ,it buy any labor or care.: So saying, I was drunk all the day, : Lying helpless
  48. It amongst his soldiers. When these news reached Silva nus, he demanded that the, spoil ,be sent to him. Costumes made a show of submission but, as expected, his
  49. Of" cycle" were taken to include the identity permutation, then this would, spoil ,the uniqueness (up to order) of the decomposition of a permutation into
  50. Of communication, such as visual cues or spoken cues, are often considered to, spoil ,the dance, unless used in specific circumstances, e. g., practicing figures, or

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