Examples of the the word, metrical , in a Sentence Context

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  1. La, but they remained inconclusive (see Biblical poetry). Early Iron Age, metrical ,poetry is found in the Iranian Avesta and in the Greek works attributed to
  2. Vowel length rather than stresses define the meter. Old English poetry used a, metrical ,pattern involving varied numbers of syllables but a fixed number of strong
  3. With perfect certainty. Parry and Lord had already demonstrated the density of, metrical ,formulas in Ancient Greek, and observed that the same phenomenon was apparent
  4. Curiosity, and only that perhaps in respect of the completeness of its, metrical ,form. ' Lovers of poetry think otherwise, and listen to these wonderful lines
  5. The acute accent did not appear before them. The circumflex accent represented, metrical ,length (generally not distinctively pronounced in the New Latin period) and
  6. The original words of the psalms) of the biblical text of the psalms, known as, metrical ,psalms. To the Church of England hymns other than metrical psalms were of
  7. Dialects in the ancient Greek language * Ionic meter, typically based on the, metrical ,unit ˘˘¯¯ * Ionic order, one of the orders of classical architecture * Ionic
  8. Available online In poetry, a manometer is a line of verse with just one, metrical ,foot, exemplified by this portion of Robert Herrick's" Upon His Departure
  9. Pentameter, in which the metrical norm is five iambic feet per line, though, metrical , substitution is common and rhythmic variations practically inexhaustible. John
  10. Time at an exponential rate. The definition is not topological, but essentially, metrical , If M is the state space for the map fit, then fit displays sensitive
  11. The nature of Bronze Age writing. There were, in fact, attempts to reconstruct, metrical ,qualities of the poetic portions of the Hebrew Bible,e.g. by Gustav Nickel
  12. List of the metrical feet and their names. ) Metrical systems The number of, metrical ,systems in English is not agreed upon. The four major types are: accentual
  13. The earliest known unambiguously metrical texts, and at the same time the only, metrical ,texts with a claim of dating to the Late Bronze Age, are the hymns of the
  14. Verse forms of most of older Germanic languages. It used alliterative verse,a, metrical ,pattern involving varied numbers of syllables but a fixed number (usually four
  15. Fire of sunset on western waters;: :Saw the reluctant ... Classical Arabic The, metrical ,system of Classical Arabic poetry, like those of classical Greek and Latin, is
  16. Fitted the meter (rhythm),most probably to sixteenth or seventeenth century, metrical ,psalm tunes. Subsequently, individual tunes have become linked to specific hymns
  17. Translation Volume 1. Boston. ISBN: 978-0-9831407-2-6 Hexameter is a, metrical ,line of verse consisting of six feet. It was the standard epic meter in
  18. In the following example of Ennius's early Latin hexameter composition, metrical ,weight (" ictus" ) falls on the first and last syllables of certain; the
  19. Mensuration. " Mensuration could be combined in various manners to produce, metrical ,groupings. These groupings of mensuration are the precursors of simple and
  20. The psalms, known as metrical psalms. To the Church of England hymns other than, metrical ,psalms were of questionable legality until the 1820s,as they were not
  21. Attitude toward God or God's purposes in human life. It should be simple and, metrical ,in form, genuinely emotional, poetic and literary in style, spiritual in
  22. Overtly where it might be ambiguous (rebel vs. rebel) or nonstandard for, metrical ,reasons (calendar),the grave to indicate that an ordinarily silent or elided
  23. As well, following the pattern one, two,three, four,one. The most common, metrical ,foot in her twenty-eight published examples is the iamb, though this is not
  24. Kashmir, ( Standard) acquired the title of 'Destroyer of Idols '. " Kalhana's, metrical ,chronicle of the kings of Kashmir, called the Rajatarangini, has been
  25. As an alternative to the alliterative Anglo-Saxon meter. Chaucer is known for, metrical ,innovation, inventing the rhyme royal, and he was one of the first English
  26. His own idiom was closer to Alan Berg. In the 1950s,started to explore the, metrical ,techniques pioneered by Boris Bleacher and Elliott Carter. He especially makes
  27. Performed by choruses and professional singers and typically featuring complex, metrical ,arrangements that were never reproduced in other verses. However, this division
  28. The primitive importance of milk. A poem with lines of absolutely minimal, metrical ,length is: Beans Mean Heinz Mazar-i-Sharif or Mazarin Sharif (Persian/Pashto:
  29. Or short prayers, for the use of those not skillful at improvisation and, metrical ,compositions. Jean Belt, a 12th-century liturgical author, gives the
  30. Freedom ". Admirers remained hesitant to adopt such departures from traditional, metrical ,schemes:" The English ... had been writing separate lines for so long that
  31. And the Lamb and the chorus at 19: 6-8) each fall naturally into four regular, metrical ,lines plus a coda. Other dramatic moments in Revelation, such as 6: 16 where
  32. Alone or elided). In the classical languages, on the other hand, while the, metrical ,units are similar, vowel length rather than stresses define the meter. Old
  33. Attested in early Indo-European languages. The earliest known unambiguously, metrical ,texts, and at the same time the only metrical texts with a claim of dating to
  34. 1618); Numbers (1619); Deuteronomy (1619); Psalms (including a, metrical ,version,1612); and the Song of Solomon (1623). These were collected in
  35. And the anapest in three. (See Foot (prosody) for a complete list of the, metrical ,feet and their names. ) Metrical systems The number of metrical systems in
  36. Centuries AD may be the earliest known non-Indo-European Medieval poetry was, metrical ,without exception, spanning traditions as diverse as European Minnesota
  37. States Professor Emmett L. Bennett, Jr., who,by 1950,had deciphered the, metrical ,system. He was also an early proponent of the idea that Linear A and B
  38. Poems arrange words in the line so that there is an interplay between the, metrical ,ictus—the first long syllable of each foot—and the natural, spoken accent of
  39. Syllable of Membrane and the second syllable of ocean coincide with the, metrical ,ictus and produce the characteristic" shave and a haircut" ending:: certain
  40. Are not found in classical Arabic. Each verse consists of a certain number of, metrical ,feet (taxa`IL or AZA) and a certain combination of possible feet constitutes
  41. Dactyl, trochee. Note how the word endings do not coincide with the end of a, metrical ,foot; for the early part of the line this forces the natural accent of each
  42. Are written in stanzas of syllabic verse, and employ over fifty different, metrical ,schemes. Each madrasa had its gala (), a traditional tune identified by its
  43. Principle of Cowley's Pindariques was based on a misunderstanding of Pindar's, metrical ,practice but was widely imitated nonetheless, with notable success by John
  44. But the fourth foot of -πας ἔπος has three consecutive short syllables. These, metrical ,inconsistencies (along with a knowledge of comparative linguistics) have led
  45. Example from I.105 describing a ship at sea during a storm has Virgil violating, metrical ,standards to place a single-syllable word at the end of the line:: ... et undid
  46. And breaks between words; in general, word breaks occur in the middle of, metrical ,feet, while accent and ictus coincide only near the end of the line. The first
  47. Distinction developed between, on the one hand, parish worship where only the, metrical ,psalms of Stern hold and Hopkins might be sung; and on the other hand, worship
  48. Encountered meter of English verse is the iambic pentameter, in which the, metrical ,norm is five iambic feet per line, though metrical substitution is common and
  49. Similarly, the second syllable of the words urban and Roman carry the, metrical ,ictus even though the first is naturally stressed in typical pronunciation. In
  50. An example:: μῆνιν ἄειδε, θεά,Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος Dividing the line into, metrical ,units:: μῆνιν ἄ | ειδε, θε | ά, Πη | ληϊά | δεω Ἀχι | λῆος – dactyl, dactyl

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