Examples of the the word, logically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( logically ), is the 7927 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a whole be its own cause. Richard Hanley argues that causal loops are not, logically , physically, or epistemically impossible:" In timed systems, the only possibly
  2. Distributed Data Base Management System (DDBMS),a collection of data which, logically ,belong to the same system but are spread out over the sites of the computer
  3. Accounts of mental experiences based on the idea that philosophical zombies are, logically ,possible and supports property dualism. How does it relate to language? In
  4. Computational modeling Computational models require a mathematically and, logically ,formal representation of a problem. Computer models are used in the simulation
  5. S books often feature fantastical plot elements, he usually offers plausible, logically ,consistent science-based explanations for these bizarre events. Very few of
  6. Or actions that are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is, logically ,fallacious because insults and negative facts about the opponent's personal
  7. Hence he focused on maintaining solid premises so that the conclusion would, logically ,follow. Consequently, Plato realized that a method for obtaining conclusions
  8. Are sometimes represented by a standard macro named NULL. Null pointers, logically ,evaluate to false, while all other pointers which evaluate to true. Void
  9. Inverse form of this argument, taking the non-existence of God as a premise and, logically ,deducing the non-existence of objective values. Notes and references
  10. However, that it is considered of note when a theorem in ZFC (ZF plus AC) is, logically ,equivalent (with just the ZF axioms) to the axiom of choice, and
  11. Knew in order to start from a blank slate, the first thing that he could not, logically ,bring himself to doubt was his own existence:" I do not exist" would be a
  12. Across the full range of human societies can be summarized by many, logically ,complementary implications constraints of the following form: if women of
  13. One of Euclid's accomplishments was to present them in a single, logically ,coherent framework, making it easy to use and easy to reference, including a
  14. Theorem states that the theorems (provable statements) are exactly the, logically ,valid well-formed formulas, so identifying valid formulas is recursively
  15. In democratic societies; the necessity of good public education follows, logically ,if one believes that the quality of democratic governance depends on the
  16. He claims, has been left in a haphazard state with no attempt to structure it, logically , Furthermore, he says, the story of the defeat of the ten kingdoms has been
  17. Been given for individual matches. Winning the Man of the Match in the final is, logically ,noteworthy, as this indicates the player deemed to have played the biggest part
  18. Of analyzing and testing economic theory, and advocate deriving economic theory, logically ,from basic principles of human action, a study called phraseology. Additionally
  19. To him, theoretically unsound, because the conclusion being drawn does not, logically ,follow from the theories used to defend it. Riparian Socialists Unequal
  20. Affect the dye layer. Disposal Security risk Since CD-Rs in general cannot be, logically ,erased to any degree, the disposal of CD-Rs presents a possible security issue
  21. Statement that serves as a starting point from which other statements are, logically ,derived. Unlike theorems, axioms (unless redundant) cannot be derived by
  22. Rhetoric can easily turn" people into animals, then meat, and from meat, logically , into tonnage worth a price per pound ". The contrast between the" careful
  23. The possible and the actual, using the 'Library of Mendel' ( the space of all, logically ,possible genomes) as a conceptual aid. In the last chapter of part I, Dennett
  24. But beige, with a brown band at the rim. Though visual continuity errors are, logically ,confined to visual media, parallel mistakes can occur in text. In" The Miller
  25. In the rapidly expanding and cooling first minutes of the universe, as, logically , and quantitatively detailed according to Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Fred Hoyle
  26. Is unrestricted and impossibilities are ignored. Situations are developed, logically ,to absurd conclusions, an approach to humor that is echoed for instance in the
  27. God. He argued that Jesus made several implicit claims to divinity, which would, logically ,exclude this: I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish
  28. Elect). In contrast, infralapsarians hold that God planned the race to fall, logically ,prior to the decision to save or damn any individuals because, it is argued, in
  29. N 1 and n 2 would correspond with A (m,−2) −1 and A (m,−1) 1,which could, logically ,be added. ) For small values of m like 1,2,or 3,the Ackerman function grows
  30. Problems can be traced back to the idea that, for every property that can be, logically ,defined, there exists a set of all objects that have that property. However, as
  31. Taxation in order to fund its protection services, and therefore it seemed, logically ,inconsistent to oppose theft while also supporting a tax-funded protector. So
  32. Parse tree, meaning that this phase logically follows the parsing phase, and, logically , precedes the code generation phase, though it is often possible to fold
  33. Work of the mind as a synthesis of other experiences that is incapable of, logically ,revealing any true essence of Apple. The language-reality objection asserts
  34. John, whose blue car was in the garage, walked to the green store. Can be, logically ,parenthesized as follows::: (John, ( (whose blue car) (was (in the garage
  35. As sign of the object, determines a further interpret ant sign. The process is, logically ,structured to perpetuate itself, and is definitive of sign, object,and
  36. Simply because they are starting points; there is nothing else from which they, logically ,follow (otherwise they would be classified as theorems). Logical axioms are
  37. Because, like Heracles, his mission leads him into Hades. Absurdities develop, logically ,from initial premises in a plot. In The Knights for instance,Cleon's corrupt
  38. The voiceless aspirated row was restored. The reconstruction of proto-sounds, logically ,precedes the reconstruction of grammatical morphemes (word-forming affixes and
  39. Using the above axioms if and only if the corresponding statement forms are, logically ,equivalent.: * The two-element Boolean algebra is also used for circuit design
  40. Advises the young heroes that their sister's claims of a magical world must, logically ,be taken as either lies, madness,or truth. And" On the Pains of Animals. "
  41. Hume, I felt, was perfectly right in pointing out that induction cannot be, logically ,justified ". James Dalton Thumb (December 9,1905 – September 10, 1976) was
  42. Burali-Forti paradox The idea that the collection of all ordinal numbers cannot, logically ,exist seems paradoxical to many. This is related to Cesare Burali-Forti's "
  43. Is consistent. Together these results establish that the axiom of choice is, logically ,independent of ZF. The assumption that ZF is consistent is harmless because
  44. Analysis usually requires a complete parse tree, meaning that this phase, logically ,follows the parsing phase, and logically precedes the code generation phase
  45. Pre-supposes the existence of" I ", and therefore concluding with existence is, logically ,trivial. Kierkegaard's argument can be made clearer if one extracts the
  46. By professional theologians and biblical scholars and is regarded by some as, logically ,unsound and an example of false dilemma. Lewis's Christian apologetics, and
  47. To measure distances. The additional subtlety to contend with is that it is not, logically ,permissible to use the completeness of the real numbers in their own
  48. Has one premise, A,and an unrelated proposition, B. From the premise it can be, logically ,concluded that either A or B is true, or both are true. Here is an example of
  49. Method, that the data warehouse ends up being" segmented" into a number of, logically ,self-contained (up to and including The Bus) and consistent data marts
  50. Proceeds by a series of incremental steps, separated into chapters which, logically ,succeed one another. After expounding his epistemology, Hume explains how to

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