Examples of the the word, coil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coil ), is the 7933 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Coil ammeter. It uses magnetic deflection, where current passing through a, coil ,causes the coil to move in a magnetic field. The modern form of this instrument
  2. Yarn bombers sometimes target existing pieces of graffiti for beautification. A, coil ,is a series of s. A coil ed coil is a structure in which the coil itself is in
  3. Mail include RF leakage testing and being worn as a Faraday cage suit by tesla, coil ,enthusiasts and high voltage electrical workers. Stab-proof vests Conventional
  4. Is rarely used, since the helical spectrum resembles that of a random, coil ,(although these might be discerned by, e. g., hydrogen-deuterium exchange).
  5. Processed by the system. The relatively cold (below the dew point) evaporator, coil ,condenses water vapor from the processed air, much as a cold drink will
  6. Which induces corresponding fluctuations in the current produced by a, coil ,in an electromagnetic microphone, or the voltage produced by a condenser
  7. Pieces of graffiti for beautification. A coil is a series of s. A coil ed, coil ,is a structure in which the coil itself is in turn also looping.
  8. Monomers to coil around each other, forming a dimer structure called a coil ed, coil , Two of these dimer structures then join side by side, in an antiparallel
  9. Had a cast steel equalizer beam or bar resting on them. The bar had two steel, coil ,springs placed on it and the bogie frame rested on the springs. The effect was
  10. Also looping. Electromagnetic coil s An electromagnetic coil (or simply a ", coil ,") is formed when a conductor (usually an insulated solid copper wire) is
  11. Degaussing circuit produces a brief, alternating current through the degassing, coil ,which smoothly decays in strength (fades out) to zero over a period of a few
  12. Of structure). Some combinations of amino acids will tend to curl up in a, coil ,called an helix or into a sheet called a sheet; some helices can be seen
  13. A coil is a series of s. A coil ed coil is a structure in which the, coil ,itself is in turn also looping. Electromagnetic coil s An electromagnetic coil (
  14. To a third coil placed in relation to a primary coil and secondary coil . A, coil ,tap is a wiring feature found on some electrical transformers, inductors and
  15. And pump a refrigerant around. A refrigerant is pumped into the evaporator, coil , located in the compartment to be cooled, where the low pressure causes the
  16. And was accelerated to 100 km/s. Sakharov later suggested replacing the copper, coil ,in MK generators by a big superconductor solenoid to magnetically compress and
  17. Time) current from both the line output transformer and the horizontal scan, coil ,is discharged again into the primary winding of the fly back transformer by the
  18. Circuit to another by inductive coupling without moving parts. The term tickler, coil ,usually refers to a third coil placed in relation to a primary coil and
  19. Coil pickups. Thumbsuckers also often produce a higher output level than single, coil ,pickups. Dual coil pickups come in two main varieties; ceramic or ceramic and
  20. Axle/spring connection was again with fitted roller bearings. However, now two, coil ,springs rather than one were fitted per wheel. Only a very small amount of Mark
  21. The refrigerant vapor is compressed and forced through another heat exchange, coil , condensing the refrigerant into a liquid, thus rejecting the heat previously
  22. Refers to a third coil placed in relation to a primary coil and secondary, coil , A coil tap is a wiring feature found on some electrical transformers
  23. Bogie by a swing-arm axle. There is dual suspension: *primary suspension via a, coil ,spring and damper mounted on each axle. *secondary suspension via two air
  24. An inert gas, typically argon, at low pressure. The bulb is inserted into a, coil ,that is generating an electromagnetic radio frequency field, resulting in a
  25. To the switched AC power line with the resistor in series with the degassing, coil , When the power is switched on, the heating element heats the PTC resistor
  26. Researchers use lab notebooks to record their notes. They often feature spiral, coil ,bindings at the edge so that pages may easily be torn out. Address books, phone
  27. The need to maintain axle box oil levels. The leaf springs were replaced by, coil ,springs (one per wheel) running vertically rather than horizontally. The
  28. The Latin monomer contains an alpha-helical domain used by two monomers to, coil ,around each other, forming a dimer structure called a coil ed coil . Two of these
  29. This significantly reduces noise from interference compared to single, coil ,pickups. Thumbsuckers also often produce a higher output level than single coil
  30. Tape to provide additional insulation and secure them in place. A completed, coil ,assembly with taps is often called a winding. A transformer is an
  31. Magnetic polarity to reduce hum. This makes the 'P' pickup a hum bucking single, coil ,pickup, something almost unique to the 'P' style pickup. Less common is the
  32. Also often produce a higher output level than single coil pickups. Dual, coil ,pickups come in two main varieties; ceramic or ceramic and steel. Ceramic only
  33. Tickler coil usually refers to a third coil placed in relation to a primary, coil ,and secondary coil . A coil tap is a wiring feature found on some electrical
  34. Or electromagnet. One loop of wire is usually referred to as a turn, and a, coil ,consists of one or more turns. For use in an electronic circuit, electrical
  35. Applied between the two electrodes of the tubes, generated by an induction, coil , was anywhere between a few kilovolts and 100 KV. These were called Gasser
  36. These three left-handed helices are twisted together into a right-handed coil ed, coil , a triple helix or" super helix ", a cooperative quaternary structure
  37. Body design with beveled edges for comfort and a single four-pole" single, coil ,pickup. " This" split pickup ", introduced in 1957,appears to have been two
  38. 4 K at ambient pressure, and cheap metallic superconductors can be used for the, coil ,wiring. So-called high-temperature superconducting compounds can be made to
  39. It uses magnetic deflection, where current passing through a coil causes the, coil ,to move in a magnetic field. The modern form of this instrument was developed
  40. Of a few seconds, producing a decaying alternating magnetic field from the, coil , This degassing field is strong enough to remove shadow mask magnetization in
  41. Pickups, one close to the bridge and one in the Precision bass' split, coil ,pickup position. The earliest production basses had a 'stacked' volume and
  42. Uncontoured" slab" body design similar to that of a Telecaster with a single, coil ,pickup, to a contoured body design with beveled edges for comfort and a single
  43. The latter was fundamental to aromatherapy. He also invented the refrigerated, coil , which condenses the aromatic vapors. This was a breakthrough in distillation
  44. Coil itself is in turn also looping. Electromagnetic coil s An electromagnetic, coil ,(or simply a" coil " ) is formed when a conductor (usually an insulated
  45. Coupling without moving parts. The term tickler coil usually refers to a third, coil ,placed in relation to a primary coil and secondary coil . A coil tap is a wiring
  46. Circuit, electrical connection terminals called taps are often connected to a, coil , Coils are often coated with varnish and/or wrapped with insulating tape to
  47. Turns the transmission input shaft. The plates are forced together by a set of, coil ,springs or a diaphragm spring plate when the clutch is engaged. On most
  48. Demagnetizing) circuit, the primary component of which is a degassing, coil ,which is mounted around the perimeter of the CRT face inside the bezel. Upon
  49. Were called" multipliers ". Types The D'Arson val galvanometer is a moving, coil ,ammeter. It uses magnetic deflection, where current passing through a coil
  50. Generate waves using a suspended diaphragm driven by an electromagnetic voice, coil , sending off pressure waves. Elected microphones and condenser microphones

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