Examples of the the word, um , in a Sentence Context

The word ( um ), is the 7934 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Heights" 380" widths "/JJ"> 380"> File: Hearing Eurail DES Paris, um ,1529. JPG | Norman Hearing, ca. 1529 Files: Mirror Judgement of Paris Louvre
  2. He ended his career with a six-hour, two-part toga and chariot epic, Der Camp, um ,Rom (1968),oddly more campy (perhaps intentionally, one hopes) than Cobra
  3. Was a famous yearly cycling race named after the tower, the " Adrienne Round, um ,den Cunninger Term" ( Cycling race around Cunninger Tower). The race is still
  4. From bare affixes or roots: EK! (get going! ), from the effective prefix;, um ,( um , er ), from the indefinite/undefined suffix; few! (shit! ), from FEI (
  5. Be remembered by using the mnemonic acronym ONUS NAFTA. They are: illus, – a, –, um , ; any nulls, – a, – um ; no, none (of any) user, – Trey, – true;
  6. JPG|Roman art Image: Pompeii Painter. JPG|Roman art Image: Pompejanischer Male, um ,10 20 001. JPG|Roman art Image: Portrait du Famous 02. JPG|Roman art Image:
  7. Manuscript of the Anudātta (erotic treatise),1720. Image: Indices Male, um ,700 001. JPG|Mural fragment of a lady with a parasol, c. 700. Image: Rad ha and
  8. 1335 002. JPG|A painting depicting ABU AYD,1335 AD. Image: Ravisher Male, um ,1210 001. JPG|A scene from the book of Ahmad in Al-Hasan in almanac
  9. As stated, the future active participle is normally formed by removing the –, um ,from the supine, and adding a – URLs. However, some deviations occur.
  10. Of any) user, – Trey, – true; which (of two) souls, – a, –, um , ; sole, alone neuter, – Trey, – true; neither (of two) alias, – a
  11. Particular German prepositions. These include bis, durch, für, gegen, ohne, um , after which the accusative case is always used, and an, auf, hinter,in, neben
  12. On the urban lower-middle class is Manuel Antônio de Almeida's Memorial de, um ,Sargent de militias (1854),which presents a series of picaresque but
  13. 002. JPG|Painting by Chinese artist GU Kieth, c. 380 AD. File: Indices Male, um ,1615 (I) 001. JPG|Portrait of Ibrahim 'ADSL Shah II (1580–1626),Mughal
  14. PNG|Hand Bib hawking, Deccan style,18th century Image: Indices Male, um ,1750 (III) 001. JPG|A Lady Listening to Music, c. 1750. Image: Indices
  15. Was sometimes light and cheerful. An example from Ovid's Trista:: Virgil |, um ,VI | DI tan | t um , nĕc ă | Mara TI | bull: Tempos ă | militia | eye | | data DE
  16. More of something * 2: often replaced by the regular form 'maturissimus, – a, –, um ,' Declension of idem The adjective idem, eadem, idem means 'same. ' It is a
  17. Bare affixes or roots: EK! (get going! ), from the effective prefix; um (, um , her),from the indefinite/undefined suffix; few! (shit! ), from FEI (to
  18. These former teams or clubs: Frankfurt is host to the classic cycle race Round, um ,den Henninger-Turm. The city hosts also the annual Frankfurt Marathon and the
  19. Art Image: KnossosFrescoRepro06827. JPG|Knossos Image: Pompejanischer Male, um ,80 v. CHR. 001. JPG|Roman art, Pompeii File: Hercules-and-telephus. JPG|Roman
  20. Fandī, ( DAT. And ABL. ) fandom, no accusative: Geraldine — famous, – a, –, um , The Romance languages lost many of these verbs, but others (such as ODI and
  21. Entis: Gerund — capped, capiend um , etc.: Geraldine — sapiens, – a, –, um ,Defective verbs are verbs that are conjugated in only some
  22. December 11, 1930. " The Kangchenjunga Adventure ", F. S. Smythe. * I'm Camp, um ,den Himalaya, Paul Bauer. The Kangchenjunga Adventure, F. S. Smythe, Himalaya:
  23. See ISO 3166-2: UM. The Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) "., um ," has historically been assigned to the islands; however,the. Um ccTLD was
  24. 1760 001. JPG|A man with children, Punjab style,1760. Image: Indices Male, um ,1770 001. JPG|Radio arrests Krishna, Punjab style,1770. Image: Indices Male
  25. Men feels oak um FRA TI ill.: TI at Pitt er rigid, valdið OG earn, um ,alder OG altar ævir.: Amen. A Shetland" quick" ( riddle) in Born, which
  26. Er, see below),the feminine form ends in – a, and the neuter form ends in –, um , Therefore, adjectives are given like altos, alta, alt um . First and second
  27. Image: Egyptian papyrus. JPG|Ancient Egypt, papyrus Image: Ägyptischer Male, um ,1355 v. CHR. 001. JPG|Ancient Egypt Image: Egypt. Rapper.01. JPG|Ancient Egypt
  28. Gen. Sing. Alīus; another) onus, – a, – um ; one Titus, – a, –, um , ; whole alter, – era, – dr um ; the other (of two) Third
  29. Plows his fields with a pair of oxen, ca. 1200 BC Image: Ägyptischer Male, um ,1360 v. CHR. 001. JPG|Ancient Egypt, The Goddess Isis, wall painting, ca.1360
  30. JPG|Floating Figures Dancing, a mural of c. 850. Image: Südindischer Master, um ,1540 002. JPG|Wild Pig Hunt, c. 1540. Image: ChandBibiHawking. PNG|Hand Bib
  31. Īram. # Classical Roman pronunciation #: #: #: #: Note the elisions in must (, um ,) and ill (e) in the third line. For a fuller discussion of the prosaic
  32. Mensches (1898) — translated into English as The Last Link,1898 *Her Camp, um ,den Entwickelungsgedanken (1905) — English version, Last Words on Evolution
  33. Embraces Hopis, Gîtâ-Govinda-manuscript,1760-1765. Image: Indices Male, um ,850 001. JPG|Floating Figures Dancing, a mural of c. 850. Image: Südindischer
  34. Visit Haidas in Vrindavan, Rajasthan style, c. 1750. Image: Indices Male, um ,1760 001. JPG|A man with children, Punjab style,1760. Image: Indices Male
  35. You that today, your departure ..." ( German:" WIR find EU Then genome, um ,Then mitzuteilen, dass HETE Ire Aureate ..." ). After these words, the
  36. Of Maharajah Vital Dev of Cannot in Devotion, c. 1690. Image: Indices Male, um ,1615 (I) 001. JPG|Portrait of Ibrahim ADSL Shah II (1580-1626) of Dimapur
  37. Of Achilles Emperaire1868Musée d'Orsay File: Paul Cézanne - Paul Alexis LE, um ,Manuscript a Zola. JPG|Paul Alexis reading to Emile Zola1869–1870São Paulo
  38. Occur in the accusative and ablative cases. *The accusative form ends in a –, um , and is used with a verb of motion in order to show the purpose. Thus, it is
  39. 004. JPG|Maya in Mahmud al-Qasim, Iraq,1237 Images: Fischer Male, um ,1315 001. JPG|Fischer Male,1315 Metropolitan Muse um of Art Image: Islander
  40. In all conjugations, the perfect participle is formed by taking the –, um ,from the supine, and adding a – us (masculine nominative singular). *The
  41. Iran, from a Panama (book of Omens) c. 1550 AD. Image: Frobisher Male, um ,1335 002. JPG|A painting depicting ABU AYD,1335 AD. Image: Ravisher Male
  42. Not declined as i-stems are. Superlatives formed by adding an – isthmus, – a, –, um , to the base. Now, we find that superlatives are declined like first and second
  43. Á er region data (" when the gods die" ) from Van Grímnismál stanza 47,UNC, um ,Judas region (" when the gods will be destroyed" ) from Van Grímnismál stanza
  44. In the sixteenth century. Over an u at the end of a word, the macron indicated, um ,as a form of scribal abbreviation. Letter extension The macron is used in the
  45. Like a first and second declension adjective. **In all conjugations the –, um ,is removed from the supine, and an – URLs (masculine nominative singular) is
  46. Acronym ONUS NAFTA. They are: illus, – a, – um ; any nulls, – a, –, um , ; no, none (of any) user, – Trey, – true; which (of two) souls
  47. Alius, – a, – up; (gen. Sing. Alīus; another) onus, – a, –, um , ; one Titus, – a, – um ; whole alter, – era, – dr um ; the other (of
  48. And wrote the neighbourhood's unofficial anthem," AUF her Reeperbahn Yachts, um ,Half Wins" in the 1940s. The Beatles had stints on the Reeperbahn early in
  49. Ibn almanac, showing two galloping horsemen,1210 AD. Image: Ravisher Male, um ,1280 001. JPG|The angel Israel, Iraq,1280 AD. Image: Ravisher Male on
  50. Widths" 140px" heights" 140px "/IN"> per row="4"> Image: Südindischer Master, um ,1540 001. JPG|A group of women from South India, Hindupur, c. 1540. Image:

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