Examples of the the word, reassure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reassure ), is the 7930 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But now applied to the expanded territory. To facilitate this process and to, reassure ,other countries, some changes were made to the" Basic Law" ( constitution).
  2. King for a year, so his sons will be the sons of a king. The nobles of Ulster, reassure ,him that the boy will be king in name only, so Fergus agrees, but Cochlear
  3. The edict as a way to reaffirm his conservative vision of the Pax Romana and to, reassure ,Rome's citizens that the empire was still secure, it nevertheless sparked a "
  4. For a decade prior to signing the Pact. Upon signing the pact, Molotov tried to, reassure ,the Germans of his good intentions by commenting to journalists that" fascism
  5. And the plane disappears in front of his eyes. However, when Sickly turns to, reassure ,the others he is met only with silence, and seconds later they too disappear as
  6. That Jay entertains homosexual fantasies when masturbating; Jay attempts to, reassure ,a disturbed Silent Bob by explaining that he does not always think about men.
  7. The end of the session to approve desired modifications to the text and to, reassure ,observers that the council would indeed approve such a declaration at all.
  8. To Howard's own reaction of disbelief and indignation, and he angrily tries to, reassure ,those who know him that he is heterosexual. Reporters invade his hometown
  9. French army under Napoleon. Among his last words was his attempt to calm and, reassure ,his servants when cannon shot fell in the neighborhood:" My children, have no
  10. Military port of Cherbourg on 5 August 1858,in an attempt by Napoleon III to, reassure ,Britain that his military preparations were directed elsewhere. On her return
  11. With a Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife during the Knife game, he attempts to, reassure ,Ripley by stating in a conversation with Burke: Burke: Yeah, the Hyperdine
  12. Reported that the officer who returned to her home inspected her house, to, reassure , her,and advised her to seek medical help. Linda Lewis, her longtime agent
  13. Meaning pancreas, not what you might think it means). Monty often tries to, reassure ,about his pancreas anxiety (" I have one. Doc has one. It's nothing to be
  14. A" positive Christianity ". After Hitler's assumption of power he moved to, reassure ,the Protestant and Catholic churches that the party was not intending to
  15. Grillwork arches, added in Stephen Sauvestre's sketches, which served to, reassure ,visitors that the structure was safe, and to frame views of other nearby
  16. Odysseus or be treated in any way other than a princess. She asks that Odysseus, reassure ,her mother as she is led away. Polyxena's virginity was critical to the honor
  17. Of Patmos, identified with the apostle, is granted a series of visions meant to, reassure ,the Christians of Asia amid the persecutions and trials of the end of the first
  18. What the patient has been doing or thinking that causes the guilt, but not, reassure ,the patient not to feel guilty. The analyst might also explore the
  19. Of the 12th-term president in May 2008. After the election, he sought to, reassure ,critics and moderate supporters that the new constitution would not address the
  20. Ago, to try-privately-to start a conversation with my alma mater that would, reassure ,me that steps had been taken in the ensuing years to ensure that unwanted
  21. To argue against the terms. However, Raffles was able to charm the man and to, reassure ,him that the Dutch posed no threat in the area. Hussein Shah had been the crown
  22. Was not a Presbyterian; to persuade the Dissenters not to support James and to, reassure ,moderate Catholics. After having been assured by James that all rumors about a
  23. Of the Provincial Congress, which made itself into the state Legislature. To, reassure ,neutrals, it provided that it would become void if New Jersey reached
  24. Without elaborate mountings. Chamberlain also made a number of speeches to, reassure ,the public. Furthermore, he worked to strengthen bonds between Britain and the
  25. Not to interfere with Iran's nuclear program as long as Iran continues to, reassure ,the world that the program is peaceful. The UAE announced its position
  26. Capacity for further resistance. By this time, the best Goebbels could do to, reassure ,the German people that victory was still possible was to make vague promises
  27. Of martyrdom in a bid to attract dispossessed members of society and also, reassure ,members of the" truth" of the Watchtower cause as evidenced by the level of
  28. Nad Ti sou, near the Slovak-Soviet border. At the meeting, Dubček tried to, reassure ,the Soviets and the Warsaw Pact leaders that he was still friendly to Moscow
  29. Have another painful visit but what he has to say is not to cause pain but to, reassure ,them the love he has for them. It was shorter in comparison to the
  30. Accessed under normal conditions (error handling and the like) and helps, reassure ,test engineers that the most important conditions (function points) have been
  31. Warned that Chick thinks she's betrayed him, she goes to the prison to try to, reassure ,him. All the inmates greet her warmly and familiarly as she walks down the
  32. To help move along the story. Omar Sharif later joked that it was added to, reassure ,the audience that Yuri and Lara would ultimately get together, even though the
  33. Rock and roll days. Director and coproducer Steve Binder had worked hard to, reassure ,the nervous singer and to produce a show that was far from the hour of
  34. The P-38 was not the unmanageable beast of legend. Their exploits did much to, reassure ,pilots that the Lightning might be a handful, but it was by no means a" widow
  35. To justice those who break the law; to keep the peace; to protect, help and, reassure ,the community: and to be seen to do all this with integrity, common sense and
  36. Were not yet known, and the manufacturers, Dow and Monsanto, were eager to, reassure ,potential users about its safety. Admiral Walt acted to protect not only his
  37. S good-natured, if scatterbrained, friend Beak (Nigel Bruce) tries to, reassure ,her that her husband is a good sort, but without much success. When the general
  38. Then Friday will be the latest possible day for the hanging" does little to, reassure ,the condemned man. The prisoner's argument in any case carries the seeds of
  39. Field Marshal Herd On Undated had been recalled by Adolf Hitler, to, reassure , the crumbling western front),initiative and a good staff system were
  40. In inflicting significant damage to German infrastructure, allowing Göring to, reassure ,the public especially as the German air defense network improved. However, in
  41. Of a tragedy or an accident, such as victims of rape and domestic abuse to, reassure ,themselves of their in susceptibility to such events. People may even go to such
  42. To act as an advisor to him and to contact U. S. President Bill Clinton to, reassure ,the White House as to the intentions of the new government of Pakistan.
  43. Pose a health danger to humans when consumed. Dolphin safe labels attempt to, reassure ,consumers fish and other marine products have been caught in a dolphin-friendly
  44. Is devastated and later confesses to Kat and Albert, who try to comfort him and, reassure ,him that it is only part of the war. They are then sent on what Paul calls a "
  45. Had proved to be effective in West Germany. To facilitate reunification and to, reassure ,other states, the FRG made some changes to the Basic Law. Article 23 was
  46. Failure in the course of a campaign. The clergy's message was designed to, reassure ,and encourage the Crusaders. Their argument that the attack on Constantinople
  47. Almost as an aside. Paul's main purpose in writing is to encourage and, reassure ,the Christians there. Paul urges them to go on working quietly while waiting in
  48. In a diplomatist move, he wrote a letter to Patriarch Lifeforms in order to, reassure ,him of his orthodoxy (Nicéphore being obviously afraid of a possible
  49. In Afghanistan. During these deployments, they provided 24-hour presence to, reassure ,the Afghan population as it struggled with its emergent democracy, and provided
  50. And Soviet Union conduct surveillance overflights of each other's territory to, reassure ,each country that the other was not preparing to attack. The fears and

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