Examples of the the word, grassroots , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grassroots ), is the 7936 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Those who survived them, but also affected profound cultural changes; spurring, grassroots ,fund-raising campaigns that would revolutionize medical philanthropy, and give
  2. A specific interest group. The three basic types of community organizing are, grassroots ,organizing, coalition building, and " institution-based community organizing,"
  3. During his western exile. He" praised 'the sensible and sure process of, grassroots ,democracy, in which the local population solves most of its problems on its own
  4. And transparency with other health activities to reach Nigerians at the, grassroots ,level in 14 of Nigeria's 36 states. The sudden death of General San Apache
  5. Over the past years more emphasis has been given to the construction of, grassroots ,alternatives to (capitalist) globalization, the movement's largest and most
  6. Industry" that" concocts and spins the news, organizes phony, grassroots ,front groups, spies on citizens, and conspires with lobbyists and politicians
  7. Van Buren was the first real American politician and was also the first to use, grassroots ,campaigning in his presidential campaign. He wanted to make a political party
  8. Notably for SUS and Manila. The N'KO alphabet is increasingly used on a, grassroots ,level for the Manila language. CIA World Factbook demographic statistics The
  9. The gap between rich and poor has widened in the 1990s,resulting in, grassroots ,dissatisfaction over the skewed distribution of the reconstruction's benefits
  10. The community hangout or gathering place. With this philosophy in mind, many, grassroots , efforts such as The Project for Public Spaces are being started to create this
  11. Terms used are Garth, stead,sipped, skeppslag and others. Kindred are usually, grassroots ,groups which may or may not be affiliated with a national organization like the
  12. That has covered the Oxford music scene since 1991. Recently (2003) DIY, grassroots ,non-corporate media has begun to spread. Independent and community newspapers
  13. And the Hunt River Province, in exploring how some micronations represent, grassroots ,political ideas, and in the creation of role-playing entities for instructional
  14. On" such issues as abortion, the family, and marriage" and desire" vigorous, grassroots ,engagement" between the two Christian communions on such issues. Interfaith
  15. Law. Despite this legal status, the ELDER party has yet to achieve significant, grassroots ,involvement and retains much of the character of a mere confederation of
  16. Of Montreal—an area run by a federal Crown corporation—while the parade is a, grassroots ,effort that has been met with pressure to cease, even from federal officials.
  17. Unlike Healey, of uniting the party, which at the time was riven by the, grassroots ,left-wing insurgency centered around Tony Been. The Pennies demanded revenge
  18. Communities generally and egalitarian communities; anti-sexist organizing;, grassroots ,media initiatives; digital media and computer activism; experiments in
  19. The 1983 Solidarity Crisis, from the name of the Solidarity Coalition, a huge, grassroots ,opposition movement mobilized, consisting of organized labor and community
  20. United Left–Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament. Background The, grassroots ,democracy movement that forced the dismissal of East German head of state Erich
  21. In crucial July 2001 Upper House elections. On 24 April 2001,riding a wave of, grassroots ,desire for change, maverick politician Juninho Koizumi defeated former Prime
  22. The creation of a semiformal advocates' organization. Named Team OS/2,it was a, grassroots ,organization conceived by an IBM employee and initially joined by other Fibers
  23. To have their names associated with everything from movie stars and athletes to, grassroots ,social movements. Klein argues that large multinational corporations consider
  24. The two parties were destined to compete with each other. This in turn led to, grassroots ,tensions in some areas between Liberal and SDP branches that impaired their
  25. Icon, the Fox Theatre, would have met the same fate had it not been for a, grassroots ,effort to save it in the mid-1970s. Atlanta's skyline is punctuated with
  26. Saboteurs and planned political murders. The Black Hand was organized at the, grassroots ,level in 3- to 5-member cells, supervised by district committees and by a
  27. Representing several peoples in the far north * Islamic Clerics Committee,a, grassroots ,leadership group in Iraq * Isthmian Canal Commission, a body set up to
  28. Center, a collective of protesters reporting on the actions as they happen. Key, grassroots ,organizations * Movement for Justice en el Barrio in the United States of
  29. Downtown Elgin Street, a street with numerous restaurants and pubs, began as a, grassroots ,campaign on Facebook by Ottawa residents before Game 4 of the Ottawa-Buffalo
  30. Of the extras were Latino immigrant cleaners. Some were also trade union and, grassroots ,activists. Some knew from their own experience the dangers of crossing the
  31. Changed The World '. In 2006,BO Diddle participated as the headliner of a, grassroots ,organized fundraiser concert, to benefit the town of Ocean Springs, Mississippi
  32. With the drive for peace. This petition led to the creation of Peace Now,a, grassroots ,movement dedicated to raising public support for the peace process. At a rally
  33. Prestige sank and covered the Galician coast in oil, Fraga was accused by the, grassroots ,movement Nun ca Mai's (" Never again" ) of having been unwilling to react. In
  34. Existing health programs were re-designed to focus on working through, grassroots ,Nigerian non-governmental organizations and community groups. As a response to
  35. In light of Apple's financial difficulties at the time, there was a large, grassroots ,movement among Mac users to upgrade and 'help save Apple '. Even some pirate
  36. The Green Party is any of various political parties emphasizing ecology, grassroots ,democracy, nonviolence,and social justice. Green Parties, now active in over
  37. Blog and online forum messages for their clients, in the guise of a normal ", grassroots ," user or comment (an illegal practice across the larger practice areas such
  38. Repudiated the extremes of Indian activism. The Oklahoma Choctaw sought a local, grassroots ,solution to reclaim their cultural identity and sovereignty as a nation. The
  39. The Human Rights Campaign launched its 'Repeal DAD Now Campaign' to mobilize, grassroots ,support and target swing states. The Center for American Progress issued a
  40. Progress were accompanied by accurate maps and plans. These surveys, as well as, grassroots ,activities to seek redress of grievances, There is a particularly detailed city
  41. Closure and later demolition of Tiger Stadium that same year after decades of, grassroots ,efforts to try to save it). Several groups sprang up, such as" Save Fenway
  42. Hawke's Prime Ministership saw considerable friction between himself and the, grassroots ,of the Labor Party, who were unhappy at what they viewed as Hawke's iconoclasm
  43. An interview with the December 2009 issue of Alliance magazine, stating that ", grassroots ,Non-government-organizations can help the government in its blind spots.
  44. Blades" during the campaign. This, combined with considerable Conservative, grassroots ,disquiet over the Club's links to the National Front, persuaded some
  45. S Cathedral in Jerusalem. According to its website," Nabeel is an ecumenical, grassroots ,liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians. Inspired by the life
  46. Said:" Through the Righteous Babe Foundation, DiFranco has backed various, grassroots ,cultural and political organizations, supporting causes ranging from abortion
  47. The most ecologically diverse region in Mexico, is established as a result of, grassroots ,efforts. *2007 – President of Romania Train Bases survives an impeachment
  48. This statement speaks to the success of the IATA and its widespread embrace by, grassroots ,motorsports). International competition Mazda's competition debut was on
  49. That use the Malcolm Baldric National Quality Award Criteria at the, grassroots ,level to improve the performance of local organizations and economies. Browsers
  50. Structured in a hierarchy on four different levels. With the village being the, grassroots ,(usually a hundred or so families),and not considered part of the hierarchy

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