Examples of the the word, cycling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cycling ), is the 7919 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or from damage caused by a potentially dangerous environment or action (e.g., cycling , sites of construction works). Personal armor is used to protect soldiers
  2. On the streets, creating an overall negative health effect (fewer people, cycling ,for their own health, and the remaining cyclists being more exposed through a
  3. Of ammonia. The benthic zone also plays an important role in the Black Sea nutrient, cycling , as chemosynthetic organisms and anoxic geochemical pathways recycle nutrients
  4. Frequently than a distressing, crippling depression.; s. There is a low-grade, cycling ,of mood which appears to the observer as a personality trait, and interferes
  5. The best known and most widely used of these inventions, adopted well beyond, cycling , is Charles Bennett's Bike Web, which came to be called the" jock strap ".
  6. Parking for a small fee and the larger ones also with bicycle repair shops, and, cycling , is so popular that the parking capacity is sometimes exceeded. In Trondheim in
  7. The current term bipolar disorder is of fairly recent origin and refers to the, cycling ,between high and low episodes (poles). A relationship between mania and
  8. Is a wooden velodrome, Vélodrome Du Lac, in Bordeaux which hosts international, cycling ,competition in the form of UCI Track Cycling World Cup events. Miscellaneous
  9. A cyclist could use a high gear when cycling downhill, a medium gear when, cycling ,on a flat road, and a low gear when cycling uphill. In a lower gear every turn
  10. See nothing up my sleeve number). The secret key is then, byte by byte, cycling ,the key if necessary, XORed with all the P-entries in order. A 64-bit all-zero
  11. Depression and mania may rapidly alternate, which is known as rapid, cycling , Severe manic episodes can sometimes lead to such psychotic symptoms as
  12. Clubs and Catalan club USA Perpignan are always hard fought. Professional, cycling ,Cycling is popular and the Euskaltel-Euskadi professional cycling team
  13. And thus is an acceptable requirement, while opponents argue that by making, cycling ,seem more dangerous and cumbersome, it reduces cyclist numbers on the streets
  14. And horizontal scrolling tricks, the rotation animation was done with color, cycling ,in the graphics chip, and of course the sound chip handled the sound),this
  15. Weakness” in one of the five elements develops until it impedes the flow of QI, cycling ,throughout the body, causing the symptoms of illness. Acupuncture is described
  16. Marriage began to fall apart in 1901 when it occurred to Russell, while he was, cycling , that he no longer loved her. She asked him if he loved her, and he replied that
  17. Center. Adelaide hosts the Tour Down Under bicycle race, the largest, cycling ,event outside Europe and the first event outside Europe with UCI Proton status
  18. Fraction of individuals with bipolar disorder. The definition of rapid, cycling ,most frequently cited in the literature (including the DSM) is that of Dunner
  19. The participation of tourists and visitors alike from all over the world. The, cycling ,routes offer enchanting and mesmerizing views across the resplendent greenery
  20. Have allowed for a proliferation of specialized designs for particular types of, cycling , The invention of the bicycle has had an enormous impact on society, both in
  21. Maintain their own bicycles, perhaps as part of their enjoyment of the hobby of, cycling ,or simply for economic reasons. The ability to repair and maintain your own
  22. Ibuprofen has the best risk-benefit ratio. Aspirin did not ease pain during, cycling ,exercise, while caffeine, surprisingly,was very effective. Similarly, aspirin
  23. Known as Key Span Corporation * Bicycle User Group, a group set up to promote, cycling ,issues Barry Lamar Bonds (born July 24, 1964) is an American former Major
  24. Of episodes, on average 0.4 to 0.7 per year, lasting three to six months. Rapid, cycling , however, is a course specifier that may be applied to any of the above
  25. Sports The major sports in Belize are football, basketball,volleyball and, cycling , with smaller followings of boat racing, track & field, softball and cricket.
  26. Team based in Winnipeg, Manitoba * Velodrome Buffalo and State Buffalo, former, cycling , tracks in Paris * Vientiane Buffalo's RUFF, a semi-pro rugby union football club
  27. Longer be included in the reckoning. The construct of the Eddington Number for, cycling ,is identical to the h-index that quantifies both the actual scientific
  28. Is meant for amateur cyclists but has also gained a worldwide popularity. This, cycling ,event in Belize has seven rider categories based on rider rating, age,and
  29. Swimming and judo. With five victories in the Tour de France and numerous other, cycling ,records, Belgian Eddy Merck is regarded as one of the greatest cyclists of all
  30. But were only slowly adopted by casual riders. By the turn of the century, cycling ,clubs flourished on both sides of the Atlantic, and touring and racing became
  31. Gear selection to suit the circumstances: a cyclist could use a high gear when, cycling ,downhill, a medium gear when cycling on a flat road, and a low gear when
  32. Barrier. Unlike other antioxidants, melatonin does not undergo redox, cycling , which is the ability of a molecule to undergo repeated reduction and oxidation
  33. Applies if there was full remission between the two most recent episodes. Rapid, cycling ,Most people who meet criteria for bipolar disorder experience a number of
  34. In Burkina Faso is widespread and includes football (soccer),basketball, cycling , Rugby union, handball,tennis, athletics,boxing and martial arts. Football is
  35. Its" gladdening effect" on her health and political optimism. Willard used a, cycling ,metaphor to urge other suffragists to action, proclaiming," I would not waste
  36. Of agents such as Herceptin, Iressa or Sleeve works to stop cells from, cycling ,and causes apoptosis activation by blocking growth and survival signaling
  37. Is open to dispute. He is also associated with the first recorded instance of a, cycling ,traffic offense, when a Glasgow newspaper reported in 1842 an accident in which
  38. Is one of the most popular sports in both parts of Belgium, together with, cycling , tennis, swimming and judo. With five victories in the Tour de France and
  39. Gears and ranges of gears are appropriate for different people and styles of, cycling , Multi-speed bicycles allow gear selection to suit the circumstances: a cyclist
  40. Mandatory helmet wearing is one of the most controversial topics in the, cycling ,world, with proponents arguing that it reduces head injuries and thus is an
  41. Events, such as the Amsterdam Marathon. The city itself played host to the road, cycling ,events for those games. Eight years earlier, Amsterdam assisted in hosting some
  42. In bipolar disorder include carbamazepine, reportedly more effective in rapid, cycling ,bipolar disorder, and Aborigine, which is the first anticonvulsant shown to
  43. Period. Ultra-rapid (days) or ultra-ultra rapid or ult radian (within a day), cycling , have also been described. Differential diagnosis There are several others mental
  44. Downhill, a medium gear when cycling on a flat road, and a low gear when, cycling ,uphill. In a lower gear every turn of the pedals leads to fewer rotations of
  45. Chalk. ), wrenches,hex keys, screwdrivers,and a chain tool. There are also, cycling ,specific multi-tools that combine many of these implements into a single
  46. Professional cycling is popular and the Euskaltel-Euskadi professional, cycling ,team participates in the UCI World Tour division. Known for their orange tops
  47. Is the ability of a molecule to undergo repeated reduction and oxidation. Redox, cycling ,may allow other antioxidants (such as vitamin C) to act as pro-oxidants and
  48. Of post-war BSA range of lightweight sports bicycles based on his knowledge of, cycling , Bob Maitland also made some components used on the bicycles of the
  49. Commuter aircraft may feasibly commence. Cycling Ballarat has a long history of, cycling ,as a form of transport and recreation. The current cycling network continues to
  50. Water, and cable swim races around town. Austin is also the hometown of several, cycling ,groups and the seven-time Tour de France champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, as

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