Examples of the the word, hoax , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hoax ), is the 9233 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chess-playing automaton called The Turk became famous before being exposed as a, hoax , Serious trials based on automatons, such as El Ajedrecista, were too complex
  2. Is" dice have no memory ". Parity hedge system The parity hedge system is a, hoax ,promulgated by Quatrains. Despite the fact that no such system exists (indeed
  3. In the last 50 years, half that of Bill Clinton. When caught repeating the, hoax , Trudeau apologized" with a trademark barb - he said he deeply apologized for
  4. Often passed around via e-mail or disguised in posts to discussion sites as a, hoax ,in an attempt to trick users into following the link to the website (a bait
  5. Is opened for traffic. *1912 – The Meltdown Man, later discovered to be a, hoax , is found in the Meltdown Gravel Pit, by Charles Dawson. *1915 – U. S.
  6. Game Area 51 is set in the base, and mentions the Roswell and moon landing, hoax ,conspiracy theories. Audio signal processing, sometimes referred to as audio
  7. 1970s when his" authorized autobiography" of Howard Hughes was exposed as a, hoax , * Iron Man, directed by Jon Favre is an adaptation of a comic book about a
  8. Picked up by US Republican senator James Income. He called global warming a ", hoax ," in a Senate speech, and this became a focus of political debate. The
  9. And the feet were rubber. Dyer and Whit ton subsequently admitted it was a, hoax ,after being confronted by Steve Kills, executive director of Squatchdetective.
  10. Program. The Tidings Report labeled McCarthy's charges a" fraud and a, hoax ," and said that the result of McCarthy's actions was to" confuse and divide
  11. Compromise of a privately funded psychic research experiment. The, hoax ,became a scandal and demonstrated the shortcomings of many paranormal research
  12. Of the Sahara" is generally recognized in academic circles to be a literary, hoax ,", but it gave impetus to a story which had been circulating since the early
  13. Gene Lees in the late 1950s took on a life of its own and became a long-running, hoax ,when one of his correspondents included a reference to blues legend" Blind
  14. Ape-like creature. The evidence that does exist points more towards a, hoax ,or delusion than to sightings of a genuine creature. In addition to the lack of
  15. Of times, a portal to a secret level would open. The rumor turned out to be a, hoax , but the legend was born, and player after player asked Blizzard about how to
  16. York brothel whose madam was known as Eve. This was subsequently exposed as a, hoax ,and has been replaced on the source website with more accurate information.
  17. Camp was a teetotaler). Later, it was revealed to be a collaborative, hoax ,that Camp and his longtime pal Saunders had cooked up together. The
  18. To check Carlos's credentials and history, which were all fabricated. The, hoax ,was exposed on 60 Minutes; Carlos and Randi explained how they pulled it off.
  19. Creation of the footprints to him. Has stated that her husband was in on the, hoax ,with Wallace. 1958 was a watershed year for not just the Bigfoot story itself
  20. Indicating that he was a terrorist. * In June 2007,an anonymous user posted, hoax ,information that, by coincidence, foreshadowed the Chris Benoit murder-suicide
  21. In the 1960s. Corpora said the claim that the tradition began in 1949 was a, hoax ,in order to raise money and enhance the profile of the church. His story has
  22. His career, the mixture of fact and fantasy crossed the line into the realm of, hoax ,or literary forgery. " The Garden of Forking Paths" ( 1941) presents the idea
  23. Problems and express them in obscure language (e.g., the Skoal affair,a, hoax ,by physicist Alan Skoal attempting to show that American humanities professors
  24. A“ Gold” account, one could not view certain content. This turned out to be a, hoax ,designed to fool board members, especially newcomers. It was copied and became
  25. Incidental music to a chivalric esoteric play (two),had his first, hoax ,published (announcing the premiere of {{ Lang|for |, an anti-Wagnerian opera
  26. And, in the sense that it was presented as all Kosinski's true experience,a, hoax , He is also the recipient of The International Center in New York's Award of
  27. It's painful now. " Wilkerson said that he inadvertently participated in a, hoax ,on the American people in preparing Powell's erroneous testimony before the
  28. Radio play, all of which are to be adapted into a non-existent film. The, hoax ,has been generally accepted in a number of reviews of the title. * Philip K.
  29. Bigfoot and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and, hoax , rather than a living animal, in part because of the large numbers thought
  30. Could be outright hoax es on the part of the author, as in the case of the Tail, hoax , These hoax es and exposés have often become the basis for criticism of Masonry
  31. Account, was discovered in Marin County, California,but was later declared a, hoax , The generally accepted location of Drake's New Albion is Drakes Bay
  32. Parliament with honest intentions ". The Good times Virus was a computer virus, hoax ,that spread during the early years of the Internet's popularity. Warnings
  33. Continue with their plans, as it appeared that it" was clearly thought to be a, hoax ,". Fawkes checked the under croft on 30 October, and reported that nothing had
  34. Content, but he provides no evidence of its existence, and it is most likely a, hoax ,or fan fiction. On the subject of whether more episodes would be produced
  35. Or the Brotherhood, and it seems likely that Rosicrucianism was formed as a, hoax , 18th and 19th centuries The 18th century saw the rise in the Enlightenment, a
  36. Form of mass hysteria, Individuals who fabricate such reports to perpetrate a, hoax ,or seek publicity, psychopathological persons, and identification of various
  37. Bombs in Northern Ireland during the final quarter of 2005,as well as several, hoax ,bomb warnings. The IMC also blamed the CIA for the killings of two former CIA
  38. Poe's only complete novel *" The Balloon-Hoax" ( 1844) – A journalistic, hoax ,printed as a true story *" The Philosophy of Composition" ( 1846) – Essay *
  39. Amsterdam) as an April Fool's joke. Other fictitious sites mentioned in the, hoax ,were Moseley and KGB. The actual origin of the email was McVan, one of the
  40. He hadn't, and it was discovered that this information had been sourced from a, hoax ,edit to Hazlehurst's Wikipedia article. * In February 2007,Barbara Bauer, a
  41. Presented in state-sponsored accounts, was an elaborate, politically motivated, hoax , It promoted instead the Laughter Report, the Ball Report and the Rudolf
  42. In the Northeastern U. S. * 1976 – The Jovian–Plutonium gravitational effect, hoax ,is first reported by British astronomer Patrick Moore. *1978 – The Philippine
  43. Of fairies painted by Elsie, and a nine-page letter from Elsie admitting to the, hoax , The glass photographic plates were bought for £6,000 by an unnamed buyer at a
  44. Work by William Shakespeare in 1796,but was soon revealed as a, hoax , The pair is commemorated in plaques placed at the Valhalla Temple in Bavaria
  45. Enosis" ) with Greece. *1957 – The BBC broadcasts the spaghetti tree, hoax ,on its current affairs program Panorama. *1959 – Taboos is enthroned as
  46. Newspapers pointed out that" Resisters rhombopteryx" anagrams into" Monster, hoax ,by Sir Peter S ". However, Robert Lines, who previously made two underwater
  47. Abuse and cocaine ”. * In September 2001,a strip perpetuated the Internet, hoax ,that claimed George W. Bush had the lowest IQ of any president in the last 50
  48. Printed rituals are authentic – Léo Taxil's exposure, for example, is a proven, hoax , while Duncan's Masonic Monitor (created, in part, by merging elements of
  49. Studies suggesting the existence of paranormal phenomena; in his Project Alpha, hoax , Randi revealed that he had been able to orchestrate a three-year-long
  50. Photo of the authors at the front of the book. No formal clarification of the, hoax ,film was provided by the subsequent release, The Hollywood Hall of Shame. That

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