Examples of the the word, imitation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imitation ), is the 9235 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Widespread racism that non-white German citizens faced. This change from simple, imitation ,to political commentary was the start of German identification with rap. The
  2. Reference to his love poetry in a passage by Cicero. Horace, who often wrote in, imitation ,of Antaeus, sketches in verse one of the Lesbian poet's favorite subjects -
  3. The imitation of Christ and his theory of" recapitulation ". For Grenades the, imitation ,of Christ is based on God's plan of salvation, which involved Christ as the
  4. For example, representations of alien peoples in Egyptian frescoes;, imitation ,of Aegean fabrics and style in non-Aegean lands; allusions to Mediterranean
  5. By Christ restoring humanity to the image of God, and he saw the Christian, imitation ,of Christ as a key component on the path to salvation. For Grenades Christ
  6. He is reputed to have retorted" Any ass can see that! ", which suggests the, imitation ,was intentional. Brahms's first symphony was, at times, both praised and
  7. Was laid down have vanished long since, and the rule simply persists from blind, imitation ,of the past. " Justice Holmes noted that study of maxims might be sufficient
  8. Her into a spider. The fable suggests that the origin of weaving lay in, imitation ,of spiders and that it was considered to have been perfected first in Asia
  9. Of individuals with ASD, delay in the activation in the core circuit for, imitation ,in individuals with Asperger syndrome, and a correlation between reduced MNS
  10. Is also meant to represent a human figure, and is called an inunguak (", imitation ,of a person" ). In Italy, especially the Italian Alps, a cairn is an metro
  11. The termination of its relationship with BA, Saatchi & Saatchi made an, imitation ,of this advert for rival airline Silver jet in 2007. As of February 2007,BA's
  12. Where he carried off several prizes. But he relied far more on the study and, imitation ,of nature. A large portion of his time was also devoted to anatomy, which
  13. 75 % copper and 25 % zinc. Due to its beautiful yellow color, it is used as an, imitation ,of gold. The alloy was named after Prince Rupert of the Rhine. *Alpha-beta
  14. Program designed to help him form social attachments and to induce speech via, imitation , The New Latin word autism us (English translation autism) was coined by the
  15. To anaerobic respiration. Learning Many animals can learn behaviors by, imitation ,but ants may be the only group apart from mammals where interactive teaching
  16. Was higher becomes lower. See Inversion in counterpoint; it is not a kind of, imitation , but a rearrangement of the parts. ) *Retrograde: whereby notes in an imitative
  17. Gambling, betting on more than one outcome *Dutch metal or Dutch gold, a cheap, imitation ,of gold *Dutch uncle, a person who criticizes harshly rather than avuncularly
  18. Change or no change, and through drama or no drama. Aristotle believed that, imitation ,is natural to mankind and constitutes one of mankind's advantages over animals
  19. From the Surrealist group, while the intention of his sculpting was usually, imitation , the end products were an expression of his emotional response to the subject.
  20. Origin attributed to chili is the onomatopoeic cheele-cheele—the Apache, imitation ,of the warble of a bird locally known as tribe. The Spanish conquistadors heard
  21. The MNS theory does not explain the normal performance of autistic children on, imitation ,tasks that involve a goal or object. ASD-related patterns of low function and
  22. Or" here be dragons ", to denote dangerous or unexplored territories, in, imitation , of the infrequent medieval practice of putting sea serpents and other
  23. Father Saint Grenades expressed his views of salvation as in terms of the, imitation ,of Christ and his theory of" recapitulation ". For Grenades the imitation of
  24. And the plot, not the characters, is the chief focus of tragedy. Tragedy is the, imitation ,of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to effect the catharsis of those
  25. Velvet cushions. The Louis XIV type. That's what creeps me out. I can spot the, imitation ,antiques a mile off. They have a different vibe. Not as much dust. " Other A
  26. Alone, and poetry with language. The forms also differ in their object of, imitation , Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average;
  27. Is that signs are iconically self-explanatory, that they are a transparent, imitation ,of what they mean, or even that they are pantomime. While it is true that sign
  28. Purple Tentacle's exposure to the sludge. However, since Dr. Fred only used an, imitation ,diamond as a power source, the Chron-o-Johns break down in operation. Laverne
  29. Of cyclical time, through the ritual commemoration of Christ's life and the, imitation ,of Christ's actions; Elide calls this sense of cyclical time a" mythical
  30. European Battle Axe culture used stone axes modeled on copper axes, even with, imitation ," mold marks" carved in the stone. Ötzi the Iceman, who was found in the
  31. Most celebrated work of his novitiate. The terseness of style and the faithful, imitation ,of nature which characterized them called forth the warmest admiration. His
  32. By being heated in various commentary solutions. In this way a very misleading, imitation ,of coral that is called alabaster coral is produced. Ahab or ACH'av or Ahab in
  33. Virginity is better than marriage, however good .... Celibacy is ... an, imitation ,of the angels. Therefore, virginity is as much more honorable than marriage, as
  34. By their origins in the British Empire, by contact with and sometimes, imitation ,of U. S. academia, and even by modern American pop culture, the rest of the
  35. The composer does not make use of a real peasant melody but invents his own, imitation ,of such melodies. There is no true difference between this method and the one
  36. Creates persons of overpowering stature and depth and goes far beyond any, imitation ,of the patterns of earlier masters and who, in turn, cannot really be imitated.
  37. Artificial gemstones, cleaning and fabricating pearls, and the manufacture of, imitation ,gold and silver. These writings lack the mystical, philosophical elements of
  38. Palmyra Empire. The Rashid state was a completely new state and not a mere, imitation ,of the earlier Arab kingdoms such as the Hematite, Lakhmids or Ghassanids
  39. Identified both as Platonism's assimilation into God and the biblical, imitation ,of God. Life Because Early Alexandrian Church fathers wrote their works in
  40. Tragedy, comedy,dithyrambic poetry and music to be imitative, each varying in, imitation ,by medium, object,and manner. For example, music imitates with the media of
  41. Poet, Percy Shelley, wrote a comic, lyrical drama (Swell foot the Tyrant) in, imitation ,of Aristophanes' play The Frogs after he was reminded of the Chorus in that
  42. And maintain high approval ratings led to a nickname of" Teflon Bill ", in, imitation , of Ronald Reagan's nickname" Teflon Ron ". Post-presidential career Bill
  43. Philosophical treatises, all the voices of antiquity are full of examples for, imitation , which would all lie unseen in darkness without the light of literature ”.
  44. Ingram Bergman called his own film The Virgin Spring" touristic, a lousy, imitation ,of Kurosawa," and added," At that time my admiration for the Japanese cinema
  45. And Poisonous. Plato's account of Atlantis may have also inspired parodic, imitation ,: writing only a few decades after the Times and Critics, the historian
  46. Has argued that these and other details of Silents' story are meant as, imitation ,and exaggeration of the Atlantis story, for the purpose of exposing Plato's
  47. Men slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their manner of, imitation ,– through narrative or character, through change or no change, and through
  48. Also differ in their object of imitation . Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic, imitation ,of men worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates men slightly better than
  49. Of a nude prostitute, provoked a scandal for its blatant realism mixed with an, imitation ,of Renaissance motifs, Baudelaire worked privately to support his friend
  50. Bismi l–LAH). Some speakers velarize other occurrences of /l/ in MSA, in, imitation , of their spoken dialects. # The emphatic consonant was actually pronounced, or

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