Examples of the the word, shows , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shows ), is the 9234 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To be regarded as a commodity ". Swift presents the dire state of Ireland and, shows ,that mere population itself, in Ireland’s case, did not always mean greater
  2. And two sold-out concerts at London's Royal Albert Hall. Tickets for these two, shows ,were available only by mail application, and it was later revealed that the
  3. He labors hard to make an anti-plague serum, but as the epidemic continues, he, shows , increasing signs of wear and tear. *Cottar: Cottar lives in the same building
  4. Person/number/gender affixes but changes the vowels of the stem. The following, shows ,a paradigm of a regular Arabic verb," to write ". Note that in Modern Standard
  5. Arms, munitions and supplies, as well as finances and transportation. The table, shows ,the relative advantage of the Union over the Confederate States of America (
  6. To in a variety of media. References to her have appeared on television, shows ,including animated sitcoms, live-action comedies, dramas,and game shows . She
  7. The group to another department. Nora Tennessee comments in her blog (which, shows ,one example) that“ the wipe technique makes the sequence funnier—images of
  8. Deposits in Afghanistan. Another US geological survey estimate from 2011, shows , that the Shanahan carbonates in the Helm and Province of the country have an
  9. Who agrees with this criticism argue it is a refutation of socialism and that it, shows ,that a socialist planned economy could never work in the long term for the vast
  10. In response to infection from the virus. Epidemiological evidence from Chile, shows ,a dose-dependent connection between chronic arsenic exposure and various forms
  11. Contest gave ABBA the chance to tour Europe and perform on major television, shows ,; thus the band saw the" Waterloo" single chart in many European countries. "
  12. Determining its structure. In fact the Deaconess–Goodman–My hill theorem, shows ,how to derive the constructively unacceptable law of the excluded middle, or a
  13. Of the axiom of choice is the large number of places in mathematics that it, shows ,up. Here are some statements that require the axiom of choice in the sense that
  14. Of fans. The group played eleven concerts to full houses, including six, shows ,at Tokyo's Broken. This tour was the last" on the road" adventure of their
  15. Shifting process. Einstein noted in 1911 that the same adiabatic principle, shows ,that the quantity which is quantized in any mechanical motion must be an
  16. Berlin, Cologne,Amsterdam, Antwerp,Essen, Hanover,Hamburg, and ended it with, shows ,in the United Kingdom in Manchester, Birmingham,Glasgow and two sold-out
  17. And more than 50 cable TV stations. Last year's Albania has organized several, shows ,as a part of worldwide series like Dancing with the Stars, Big Brother Albania
  18. The national dances. Most dances have a very fast rhythm. The national dance, shows ,the characteristics of the Azerbaijani nation. Architecture Azerbaijani
  19. Some islands, Carnival may celebrate the coming of Lent. Its festive pageants, shows , contests and other activities are a major tourist attraction. Calypso and soca
  20. Famous" fifteen minutes of fame" quotation) for MTV in 1986. Besides his own, shows ,he regularly made guest appearances on other programs, including The Love Boat
  21. Out source. Features include access to the iTunes Store to rent movies and TV, shows ,(purchasing has been discontinued),streaming from internet video sources
  22. By a more professional exhibition space incorporating laser, video,slide, shows , audio commentaries, and some interactive elements. The museum building is
  23. Descending scale of height with other figures sitting or kneeling. The pediment, shows ,the story of Herakles stealing Apollo's tripod that was strongly associated
  24. In large part to the widespread distribution of Egyptian films and television, shows ,throughout the Arabic-speaking world. Closely related varieties are also spoken
  25. Not sell out. Due to a lack of demand, they were even forced to cancel a few, shows , including a sole concert scheduled in Switzerland. The second leg of the tour
  26. Films. A famous, virtually wordless sequence, lasting over eight minutes, shows ,the detective, disguised as an impoverished veteran, wandering the streets in
  27. In commercials, and made frequent celebrity guest appearances on television, shows ,and in films (he appeared in everything from Love Boat to Saturday Night Live
  28. The geographer and astronomer from Alexandria who drafted a map in 150 AD that, shows ,the city of Albanopolis (located northeast of Durrës). The name may have a
  29. Subject: Nothing. Later in his career he did create two cable television, shows , Andy Warhol's TV in 1982 and Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes (based on his
  30. A = a_1 + i am_2 \, and: b = b_1 + i b_2 \, are complex numbers, then: The above, shows ,that the" absolute value" distance for the real numbers or the complex
  31. 1971 and praised by critics. Gangsta also played in several revues and cabaret, shows ,in Stockholm between 1969 and 1973. After ABBA formed, she recorded another
  32. The European Apple Expo and the San Francisco Mac world Conference & Expo trade, shows ,where Apple traditionally introduced new products each year to the industry and
  33. Set in Barrow, Alaska,but was filmed in New Zealand. Most films and television, shows ,set in Alaska are not filmed there; for example, Northern Exposure, set in the
  34. They are often used in informal spoken media, such as soap operas and talk, shows , as well as occasionally in certain forms of written media, such as poetry and
  35. The local channel ABS TV 10 is available (it is the only station which, shows ,exclusively local programs). There are also several local and regional radio
  36. Patriarchy and inheritance patterns favored egalitarianism. McDonnell, ( 2006), shows , a grave complication in Virginia's mobilization of troops was the conflicting
  37. People find this number machine a very useful tool throughout life. The abacus, shows ,how numbers, letters,and signs can be stored in a binary system on a computer
  38. But they did gain territory. However, in the long run, as the case of Florida, shows , the new territory was of little or no value. Historical assessment Advantages
  39. Formats including newspapers, magazines,e-books, textbooks,photos, movies,TV, shows ,videos, music,word processing documents, spreadsheets,video games, and most
  40. In the treasury. There never will be money in the treasury till the Confederacy, shows ,its teeth. The states must see the rod. ” Also, the Jay-Gardoqui Treaty with
  41. Still living in Pakistan and Iran are included or not. A 2009 UN estimate, shows ,that the Afghan population was 28,150,000 but a 2009–2010 nationwide
  42. Shape of the insignia symbolizes the shape of the Apollo command module. It, shows ,a red figure 8 looping around the earth and moon representing the mission
  43. As the flaw in revolution (and not the act of revolution itself),it also, shows ,how potential ignorance and indifference to problems within a revolution could
  44. Have to write" code" with such a limited instruction set. But Minsky, shows ,(as do Melba and Lambed) that his machine is Turing complete with only four
  45. Displacement versus lateral separation for a constant current. The calculation, shows ,the extent to which scanning-tunneling-microscope images of an individual atom
  46. As the group was composed of multinational and multi-racial members. The video, shows ,several members brandishing their German passports as a demonstration of their
  47. NaCl (a) Neutralization is the basis of titration, where a pH indicator, shows ,equivalence point when the equivalent number of moles of a base have been added
  48. Objects of large cardinality. The proof of the independence result also, shows ,that a wide class of mathematical statements, including all statements that can
  49. Shows including animated sitcoms, live-action comedies, dramas,and game, shows , She, or characters based on her, figure prominently (in positive and negative
  50. Algorithm is the binary search algorithm. * Dynamic programming. When a problem, shows ,optimal substructure, meaning the optimal solution to a problem can be

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