Examples of the the word, angler , in a Sentence Context

The word ( angler ), is the 12765 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then the use of traps or clod-fishing and is a good alternative for the, angler ,when game fish such as trout will not rise. Postmodernity (also spelled
  2. To ban the hunting of foxes with hounds. The Prince has also been a keen salmon, angler ,since youth, and a supporter of Orris Vigfússon's efforts to protect the North
  3. Angling game fish in Gatun Lake of the Panama Canal. The aggressive fish is an, angler ,'s dream come true. They hit top water lures, subsurface lures imitating
  4. The development of specific angling tools for bass significantly increased, angler ,bass catches and helped stimulate the development of the sport. Some of these
  5. The rod in the event of a strike. This is a" downstream technique ", where the, angler ,moves in a downstream direction. More advanced techniques make use of a highly
  6. Such" barbless hooks" are much easier to remove from the fish (and from the, angler , in the event of mishap). Many rivers with special regulations mandate that
  7. Lines are more visible to fish). Factors that may determine what line an, angler ,chooses for a given fishing environment include breaking strength, knot
  8. And avoids obstacles on the shore by keeping most of the line in front of the, angler , Fly-fishing for trout Fly fishing for trout is a very popular sport, which can
  9. Line to make another presentation. On the other hand, if a fish strikes,the, angler ,pulls in line while raising the rod tip. This" sets" the hook in the fish's
  10. Locate prey or attract mates in the pitch black of the deep ocean. The deep sea, angler ,fish in particular has a long fishing-rod-like adaptation protruding from its
  11. The natural drift of the fly. Learning to mend is often much easier if the, angler ,can see the fly. Once a fish has been caught and landed, the fly may no longer
  12. The Commission has been the focus of considerable recrimination, primarily from, angler ,and charter fishing groups in the U. S. which have had a historical antipathy
  13. Headed hare's ear nymph or bead headed pheasant tail nymph. Alternatively,the, angler ,can use an attractor pattern such as a Prince Nymph. Weights can be added to
  14. Have grown to twenty-one, and a second part was added by his friend and brother, angler ,Charles Cotton, who took up Senator where Walton had left him and completed his
  15. Of slack line in the event a hooked fish makes a sudden run towards the, angler , At one time, multiplier fly reels were widely available. These reels had a
  16. Wary trout, or to reach deep runs where he/she believes salmon lie, the fly, angler ,often needs to wade to the right casting position. He/she therefore requires
  17. Which were unsuccessful. Late in 2009,reports of Northern Pike showing up in, angler ,catches began again, indicating another failed attempt. Media The primary local
  18. Body height (range,3.2–4.8 times). The largest recorded carp, caught by an, angler ,in January 2010 at Lac de cartons (Rainbow Lake) near Bordeaux, France
  19. Requires different tactics. A canoe, pontoon boat or a float tube allows an, angler ,to cover a lot more water than waders. Trout may congregate in cooler water
  20. Cast into the weeds just before the drop-off. When fishing with a float,the, angler ,will want to have a disgorge; Perch are notorious for swallowing the hook, and
  21. The current with a" perfect drift" as if not connected to the fly line. The, angler ,must remain vigilant for the" take" in order to be ready to raise the rod tip
  22. Is 3 to 5 meters long, thus nearly invisible where the fly is knotted, and the, angler ,can replace the last meter of nylon as required. Unlike sinking fly (nymph)
  23. Boxes along the river. In the Reinvested Hills a number of small lakes offer the, angler ,to fish in sheltered solitude. Although the pursuit of the large trout draws a
  24. Rocky seafloor and shallow marsh creeks can be dangerous for the uninformed, angler ,or pleasure boater. In the Spring of 2008,Hernando County and the Southwest
  25. fly-fishing on small, clear-water streams can be especially productive if the, angler ,stays as low to the ground and as far from the bank as possible, moving
  26. Countries such as Japan, Australia and South Africa. Akihito More, a Japanese, angler ,living in Texas, won the 2004 Bass master Classic title. Australian tournaments
  27. A great number of special casts meant to evade problems like trees behind the, angler ,(roll cast),the pulling of the line on the fly by the action of the stream
  28. Is also used in saltwater surf casting. All of these situations require the, angler ,to cast larger flies long distances. The two-handed Spa technique allows more
  29. The average lure is long, but longer lures of are not uncommon in the musky, angler ,'s arsenal. Anglers are strongly encouraged to practice catch and release when
  30. A" fast" fiberglass rod. Action is also subjectively used by angler s, as an, angler ,might compare a given rod as" faster" or" slower" than a different rod. A
  31. On the drag setting, line may also pay out, as with a running fish, while the, angler ,reels in. Bait casting reels and many modern saltwater fly reels are examples
  32. As a 'parasite '. They will both be consumed into the body of the larger female, angler , Once fused to a female, the males will reach sexual maturity, developing large
  33. Much energy. Casting upstream to the" edge" of the slower water,the, angler ,can see the fly land and drift slowly back downstream. The challenge in stream
  34. Fish and seafood: Anchovies of Santana, Colindres, Laredo and Castro Articles, angler , hake, Sea bass, sole,mackerel, sardine,European anchovies, bonito of the
  35. The hook in the fish's mouth. The fish is played either by hand, where the, angler ,continues to hold the fly line in one hand to control the tension applied to
  36. Game fishing is especially referenced, as Jason Monk is an avid big game, angler , * The episode" Turks and Pieces" of House Hunters International features a
  37. Reel from overrunning when line was pulled from the spool. To slow a fish,the, angler ,simply applied hand pressure to the rim of the revolving spool (known as "
  38. To the conditions. The most common cast is the forward cast, where the, angler ,whisks the fly into the air, back over the shoulder until the line is nearly
  39. And all the Seven Summits * Grand Slam (Fly-Fishing Caribbean),when an, angler ,is able to catch a bone fish, tarpon and permit during one day of fishing
  40. By Link to progress in the game. In The Wind Water, three spirits,the, angler ,fish-like Japan, the dragon Valor, and the DEU Tree, as well as the King of
  41. And vice-versa. With a fast-running fish, this may have consequences for the, angler ,'s knuckles. Traditional fly reels are direct-drive.; Anti-reverse reel In
  42. To retire to deeper water and/or places of better cover. This gives the boat, angler ,good fishing during the summer and winter seasons. Trolling (towing a fairy or
  43. The standing part of the other. Other names for the fisherman's knot include:, angler ,'s not, English knot, halibut knot,waterman's knot. Though the fisherman's
  44. Seem to have grown out of his devotion to angling. It was probably as an, angler ,that he made the acquaintance of Sir Henry Wotton, but it is clear that Walton
  45. On or beneath the surface is one of fly-fishing is the most difficult aspects; the, angler ,is attempting to cast in such a way that the line lands smoothly on the water
  46. Coleslaw XIII, Duke of Pomerania (d. 1606) *1593 – Izaak Walton, English, angler , ( d. 1683) *1603 – Johannes Conceits, German-born Dutch theologian (d. 1669)
  47. Not strike, depending upon the action of the fly in the wind or current,the, angler ,picks up the line to make another presentation. On the other hand, if a fish
  48. Rock and roll artist, currently resides in Lynchburg. *Bill Dance (1940-), angler , and host of" Bill Dance Outdoors," who resided in Lynchburg during the
  49. With tarpon scales. Each of the scales has the signature and hometown of the, angler ,who caught the tarpon as well as the size, weight and date of the catch. Some
  50. And forms the basis of many others including the simple noose, overhand loop, angler ,'s loop,reef not,fisherman's knot and water not. The overhand knot is very

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