Examples of the the word, jong , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jong ), is the 12764 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And Vila Nova de Famalicão. Programs The Manner were in origin Made Sancho, jong , kende fall soldiers who invaded the western coast of Africa from the east
- Restaurants, public spaces, office meeting and break out areas. Objects ROOD:, jong , in de SP (Dutch: RED: Socialist Party youth) is a Dutch youth wing linked to
- The Tradition of Dissent of Indian Poetry" ); scholarship ** Key Samoa, jong , ka Layer (" The Season of the Wind" ), Shillong: Author ** I Massing key
- Province (seasonally available dependent on species) are Chinese pear (MAK, jong , ),passion fruit (MAK Nat),peach (MAK Kai),and plum (MAK mun). While
- And episodes 33-42 respectively. Episode list Me ... Myself () or Khan HAI ran, jong , jaroen) is a 2007 Thai romantic drama film directed by Pong pat Wachirabun jong .
- Hand while hitting the other side with their open left hand. In the past,the, jong , ( 종, bell ) was also referred to as" sebum" ( 쇠북, metal drum) and included
- Of Bengali artists and poets. Types: Sampan, Balam, Teddy balm, Jali: Ghazi, jong , Zachary, dorakha, kathami, mallar, paloani, patam, panshi and bed.: Bhūmi
- Own musical career was shaped in 1987,when he recorded his first single Ben JE, jong , ( Are you young) under the supervision of producers Ring Schreijenberg and
- Fit the needs of living in an apartment. The Wing Chen version of the UK an, jong , has three arms and one leg, which represents an opponent's body in various
- Club to win the CONCACAF Champions' Cup in 1967,when they defeated, jong , Colombia over three leg series despite losing the first leg, Alianza was able
- Hitting the other side of the BUK with their bare left hand. A while ago, even,long, ( 종, bell ) was referred to as" sebum" ( 쇠북, metal drum) and included in
- e.g. dare > March, suil > Salah). Mu men Huang (Cantonese: UK an, jong , ) is a wooden dummy used in Chinese martial arts training. It is associated
- Gemeente in Humansdorp he twee keep per maand ‘ n Engels Canadians had en, jong , Bennie was took friend met die“ Engels president” see seen en it the middle
- For federal parliament in 1979. His victory surprised everyone including DE, jong , himself. He would go on to serve five terms, retiring undefeated in 1997. As a
- In Asian martial arts include the Okinawan marinara and the Chinese took, jong , which may have padded striking surfaces attached to them. Construction
- Always express an uncertainty or doubt. *Also: He leek also his op noon, jong , geworden 'ware '. In contemporary Dutch, uncertainty is expressed by the modal
- Person, multiple person, weapon,and training apparatus forms,e.g. the Ching, jong , the Sui SAU Long, and the Ma Long. Because Chan Hung was a student of three
- In these albums 1999 대한민국 (daehanminkook) - Girlfriends 1집 - 간종욱 (Kan, jong , wook) 1집 - BAE Sell I 1집 - KM 4집 - All stars 겨울바다 Steve Kim Discography Spin
- D-FL),provides an exemption to UI GEA for games of skill, including poker, mah, jong , bridge, and other games. As of December 15, 2007,HR 2610 has 20 cosponsors.
- For ¥275 million plus incentives. Wada's hobbies are fishing, pachinko and my, jong , Sources *This is a shortened version of the Baseball-Reference. Com Bullpen
- The unknown as might have been supposed. By about the 1540s the Manner Sancho, jong , kende fall were advancing westwards parallel to the coastline of modern
- The lines of force the body can give out. The wooden slats on which the UK an, jong , is mounted has a springiness that is similar to a human opponent's involuntary
- Javanese *junco= junk (ship): from Portuguese junco, from Javanese or Malay, jong ," boat,"" ship. " Malay *cactus=," from kayak" older sister" + TUA" old.
- And art, which is now the weekly De Greene Amsterdam. Works * Then in not, jong , was (1901) about Jacob Frederik Muller and the Amsterdam neighborhood Fort
- Van Spiegelman (Spiegelman II) (1963) * Spiegelman: dagoes van been, jong , meisje (novel) Tail: Cannot,1964. * Gesprekken met Gelbvieh en ongelovigen
- With Tibetan King Throng Then Tempo, managed to get Bhatia tribes of Tampa, jong , to assist him and planned on attacking Libyan from the north. King Mawrong
- Only once for every ten or eleven 'satires '. File: Fillet satire de, jong , wiki. JPG | a fillet satire (or a satire fillet)—Azure, a began; a chief
- To the rank of emperors. Jose on monarchs had temple names ending in Jo or, jong , Jo was given to the first kings/emperors of new lines within the dynasty, with
- King ". Previous rulers had received temple names with the suffix Jo (祖) or, jong , ( 宗),meaning" revered ancestor" and a title typically reserved for emperors
- Tổ in Vietnamese #* Long (" ancestor" ) is used in all other rulers. It is, jong , ( 종) in Korean, and tong in Vietnamese. The" temple" in" temple name "
- Yi Chung (李淸 이청 i Cheng) (born 23 April 1936) and Yi Long (李淙 이종 i, jong , ) (born 9 November 1940 - 1966). Prince Wu was served in the Japanese Army
- De Kat van hews is, Naar bed, Treuzeltechniek, Trammelant, Daar Ben Jim feel the, jong , voor, Sneu, Hartstikke out, Vakantie in Italic, Ouders the loop, Vierkante open
- 1999 (also adapted as part of both works entitled Income) *Ma, daar km die, jong , soldaat (Afrikaans traditional),female chorus,2001 *Three African Songs
- Edge. Chapter 5 The Girl in the Garden Carson is in the house of Minted, king (, jong , ) of Repair. Duran, father of Other and Ballot, is of the house of ZAR. Zero
- The nearby bell pavilion. (The name of the station comes from this pavilion, jong , meaning bell and gas pavilion. ) At those times the area is so crowded with
- Vakantie! Album from 2000 (means: Finally, holidays! ). Singles # We Zion ZO, jong , ( We're so young) (promo) # Geld en lie (Money and oil) (promo) # XTC
- For hand and finger conditioning, similar to marinara. Sui SAU Long The sew SAU, jong , ( breaking hand dummy) features a swinging arm around the shoulder level
- Jangwon) in the literary examination was given a post of the 6th junior (, jong , ) rank. If the jargon was already employed in a position of rank, he was
- Still operate within the SP. Linked organizations The youth wing is called ROOD, jong , in de SP (English: RED, Youth within the SP; the word rood is officially
- Mountains, carabaos, and food. Both peoples enjoyed cockfighting, playing my, jong , data and Carey y Cruz, and eating lech on. Many older Filipinos and Cubans have
- Which came from the Malay/Indonesian word Lanka.; Junk (type of boat): from, jong , ; Kapok: from kapok,'a fine fibrous substance which grows around the seeds of a
- 2009 - Current manager of the Dutch National team (KNVB) under age of 21 (, jong , Oranje) Personal life Besides his native Dutch, Cor Pot speaks English, German
- Daughters. Yamamoto was an avid gambler, enjoying shogi, billiards,bridge, mah, jong , poker, and other games that tested his wits and sharpened his mind. He
- Leesboek ABC (1974 (poems for children) * Groot verzenboek poor all we, jong , van hart is (1978,anthology) * Was he Mar big Dee wooden eleven (1983
- Township. A post office opened in his store on February 25, 1879,with Are de, jong , as the first postmaster. The office was discontinued on May 31, 1914. * The
- Gets slapped, but he declares his love. Carson is summoned before Minted,the, jong , He was suspected as a Theorist spy, but now he is to be trained to collect
- Her struggle to find acceptance and true love. Me ... Myself (or Law HAI ran, jong , jaroen) is a 2007 Thai romantic drama film written and directed by
- The supreme holder of the Stages of the Path (Lam rim) and Mind Training (Lo, jong , ) traditions" and" was a highly realized being ", that nevertheless '"with
- Kings (until Yo- jong ) are also referred to by a temple name, ending in, jong , With the Mongol conquest, however,the title of the ruler was demoted to a
- Pass, Poteng, and Seiko mountain. Sinkiang is derived from Hakka, San khew, jong , which refers to a town in hills nearby a sea and estuary. Population According
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