Examples of the the word, heck , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heck ), is the 6944 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two communities. But there is only one community in South Armand, so what the, heck ,are they doing here? " During the Troubles, at least 58 police officers and 124
  2. Audience. #*Some versions of the punchline contain the set-up line" What the, heck ,do you call an act like that? " Followed by the punchline" I call it 'The
  3. Then in the springtime In the merry month of May And if you asked her why the, heck ,she laid them She laid them for her soldier who was far far away, far
  4. Role," He's sort of the one character in the film who doesn't know what the, heck ,'s going on. I think he's the one guy the audience says,'I'm kind of like
  5. Nine tales has had generally positive reception. IGN called Nine tales" one, heck ,of a Pokémon that too many people tend to overlook" and a surprise "
  6. Conservative Randy White told filmmakers" To, heck ,with the courts, eh " in protest to recent court decisions in Canada, angering
  7. As the original. (An English language example of this would be to say mad as, heck ,instead of mad as hell. ) Many of the euphemistic forms are only
  8. And coffee for 5 cents. Some popular free bumper stickers read" Where the, heck ,is Wall Drug? "," How many miles to Wall Drug? ", and " Where in the world is
  9. In the world is this? " The other construction worker replies" well it sure as, heck ,ain't DWP. " * The 1996 science fiction movie Independence Day shows the LAD WP
  10. Slammed into Ashburn. After getting up, Thomas asked Ashburn" What the, heck ,is a Yellow Tango? " In his last five seasons, Ashburn played for the 8th-place
  11. As," You can't trust him,he's got weak morals and ethics, and he's done a, heck ,of a good job. " Clinton's 66 % Gallup Poll approval rating was also the
  12. Only in the title (at one point a character quite noticeably says" what the, heck ,is going on here? "),and the insults that fly before a showdown are no worse
  13. Rene Os win" works for the department. White commented," I'm like, who the, heck ,is that? " The fictitious Os win also announced that the big oil companies would
  14. From Latin Anna meaning" reed. "; Kerala.; caramel: from Spanish, meaning ", heck ,"; expression of dread, displeasure,or disapproval, euphemism for cargo
  15. So with much help and support from nice volunteers. The Basso parade was one, heck ,of a parade it had over 75 entrées. And tons of candy for the kids. After the
  16. The more refined Saxony wheel which drove a differential spindle and flyer with, heck , in a continuous process. But neither of these wheels could produce enough
  17. With him keeping the ball. Lombardi told Starr to 'Run it! And let's get the, heck ,out of here. ' Lombardi was asked by Pat Pepper what play Starr would call, too
  18. Believe his parents and angrily (albeit pathetically) tells them to go to ", heck ,". He then offers to stay with Lexus and even wants to live with her, but Lexus
  19. Because his lack of involvement prevented him from understanding" what the, heck ,was going on, which can be a problem for a dramatic television series. " TV
  20. He later explained" I don't consider politicians who smile to be worth a, heck ,of a lot ... all things considered, it doesn't make a dime's worth of
  21. Avoid outfield collisions. After getting up, Thomas asked Ashburn," What the, heck ,is a Yellow Tango? ". They placed an advertisement to recruit other musicians
  22. Joke, in which the pitchman misunderstands the meaning of the phrase" What the, heck ,do you call that? " As a request for information, when it is in fact meant to
  23. Agency (FEMA). Bush lauded Brown with the phrase" Brownie,you're doing a, heck ,of a job" in front of Brown, the media, and assembled politicians and cabinet
  24. Is never a scarcity of idiots. " (Use of Weapons) *: IMB:" Good grief yes, heck , yeah, oh it's my secular heaven … Yes, I would, absolutely … I haven't done
  25. Wore it in the springtime In the merry month of May And if you ask her why the, heck ,she wore it She wore it for her soldier who was far far away, far away
  26. Series. The Lakers proved to be more than we could handle. Again, we had a (, heck ,) of a run at it. We had opportunities to win games and make it a different
  27. Like" eh, chook? "," nowt" (, rhymes without, means nothing),and" by, heck , " Became widely heard on British television for the first time. Early episodes
  28. And in directive speech" get the hell out" is sometimes replaced by" get the, heck ,out ". In times past, profanity relating to Jesus' body were sometimes used
  29. Is a slang for 'hair' to flee, to run away. It equates to" let's get the, heck ,out of here! " - * As BS el mambo or As see Bailey el mambo-Literally means
  30. That we had never won that game with Kentucky because life would have been a, heck ,of a lot easier for me, my school and my players. " Texas Western's 1966
  31. In its time. In questions," what the hell" may be replaced by" what the, heck ,", and in directive speech" get the hell out" is sometimes replaced by" get
  32. As the town's namesake, the Waterfront Bar and Grill, and other than that a, heck ,of a lot of trees. Participants receive a t-shirt depicting a fireman using a
  33. Nobody was satisfied with that offhanded non-explanation, and it didn’t make a, heck ,of a lot of sense by itself even as a throwaway ". The Collective In House of M
  34. For example," Holy mother of Jesus! " Is a circumlocution of" Mary! ", but ", heck ,", while still euphemistic, is not a circumlocution of" hell ". Elizabeth de
  35. It in the springtime In the Merry month of May And if you ask her why the, heck ,she pushed it She pushed it for her soldier who was far far away, far
  36. Cricket life well," He (Tin) already feels like part of the furniture, heck , he can almost eat as many Yorkshire puddings as me! ". Best was dismissed by
  37. Him to play bass guitar with Big Black. Pizza recalled that Albino" knew a, heck ,of a lot about, right from the start, how to release a record and get the word
  38. Citing it as support for his activist strategy. " What you do is crank the, heck ,out of your base, get them really excited and crank up the base turnout and you
  39. About Earnhardt's condition. " I don't know. I'm not a doctor, but I got the, heck ,out of the way as soon as they got there," Schrader said solemnly. Earnhardt
  40. This is passionate filmmaking at its best. One of the best foreign films, heck , one of the best films I have seen ", while Jonathan Rosenbaum of The Chicago
  41. Just before Joe Walsh joined up with the Eagles full-time ... you've got one, heck ,of a Joe Walsh concert souvenir. " Track listing #"Walk Away
  42. Part of the Kongo Jungle stage, in which the word" hell" was replaced with ", heck ,". This version was also one of the selectable songs in Donkey Kong, but only
  43. Said (of the 2nd edition game) " It's based on a fun concept--blowing the, heck ,out of each other's cars'--the box design is appealing, and there's a matching
  44. Who is choked in a park (" Steve squeezed his neck/He figured what the, heck ,") and who may or may not have suffered brain damage as a result (" Now he
  45. Kept it in the springtime In the merry month of May And if you ask him why the, heck ,he kept it He kept it for her soldier who was far far away, far away
  46. Of FEMA's perceived shortcomings in its response to Katrina. The phrase ", heck ,of a job" then became synonymous with an utter mess. The mistral () is a
  47. Characteristics. Examples include darn or dang instead of damn; hey or, heck ,instead of hell; goodness, golly or gosh instead of God; gee, geez, geeze, or
  48. Outfit and June's sweater (and hair color),his obsession seems to annoy the, heck ,out of the two. He is a parody of many hardcore fans of pop culture. Ryan is
  49. Name from an incident in which the tribe became lost, exclaiming " Where the, heck ,are we? ", which then became" We're the Head" The original name for the
  50. For this little Christian boy. That's not true. I'm an atheist, but what the, heck , " In 2007,Fonda made a notable return to the big screen in the. Fonda was

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