Examples of the the word, bronze , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Led to the conviction of art dealer Guy Main. To deal with the complexity of, bronze ,reproduction, France has promulgated several laws since 1956 which limit
  2. Were now made from solid wood with a bronze buckle, spears were tipped with a, bronze ,point, and the Hopes was adopted from Asiatic soldiers. The pharaoh was
  3. To introduce the" eight-ray star" or" eight-spoked wheel" symbol, in his, bronze ," Widow's mite" coins, in combination with the widespread Seleucid numismatic
  4. After the adoption of bronze : shields were now made from solid wood with a, bronze ,buckle, spears were tipped with a bronze point, and the Hopes was adopted
  5. In 1889,The Burghers of Calais was first displayed to general acclaim. It is a, bronze ,sculpture weighing two tons (1,814 kg),and its figures are 6.6 ft (2 m)
  6. Severity contrasts with Bernini's more vivacious expression. A large hieratic, bronze ,of Innocent X by Asgard is now to be found in the Capitoline Museums. Asgard
  7. Century BC were both in the sanctuary. Behind the Propylaea, Phidias ' gigantic, bronze ,statue of Athena Promos (" she who fights in the front line" ), built
  8. And churches under his authority, He added a pulpit" in German style" of, bronze , gold and silver, surmounted by an arch with a rood cross in the same materials
  9. Newton's theory of gravitation, and the means of Turing's own death. The cast, bronze ,bench carries in relief the text 'Alan Matheson Turing 1912–1954 ', and the
  10. In Nubia, cementing loyalties and opening access to critical imports such as, bronze ,and wood. The New Kingdom pharaohs began a large-scale building campaign to
  11. Later superseded by metals and alloys with better properties. In later times, bronze ,has been used for ornaments, bells,statues, and bearings. Brass is an alloy
  12. Dynasty, and the Emperor Renting of Song, in 1023,ordered the production of a, bronze ,statuette depicting the meridians and acupuncture points then in use. However
  13. And growth ". Michael Debate and nine other scientists received the prize,a, bronze ,statuette created for the event by the Italian artist C. Zola and named "
  14. Mar College in Pennsylvania a statue of Athena (a replica of the original, bronze ,one in the arts and archaeology library) resides in the Great Hall. It is
  15. Her feet allude. The dolphin would not have been a necessary support for the, bronze ,original. Venus' modest pose is similar to pose held by the Venus in The Birth
  16. The Burghers of Calais, for example, is found in fourteen cities. And Rodin's, bronze ,Eve, grand model—version sans richer sold for $18.9 million at a 2008 Christie
  17. To Archimedes. It has been suggested that a large array of highly polished, bronze ,or copper shields acting as mirrors could have been employed to focus sunlight
  18. Golden-helmed, doughty in heart, shield-bearer,Savior of cities, harnessed in, bronze , strong of arm, unwearying, mighty with the spear, O defender of Olympus
  19. Standing statues were usually marble, but also the form rendered in limestone, bronze , ivory and terracotta. The earliest examples of life-sized statues of Apollo
  20. Hyksos' invaders. Weapons and armor continued to improve after the adoption of, bronze ,: shields were now made from solid wood with a bronze buckle, spears were tipped
  21. Carved on each side, representing the eight principal winds. In antiquity a, bronze ,figure of Triton on the summit, with a rod in his hand, turned round by the
  22. By Alexander Stoddard was unveiled on 4 July 2008 in Edinburgh. It is a -tall, bronze ,sculpture, and it stands above The Royal Mile outside St Giles' Cathedral in
  23. In making an object, image video, or event. The decision to cast a sculpture in, bronze , for instance, inevitably effects its meaning; the work becomes something
  24. Supplies of copper, both metals being necessary for the manufacture of, bronze , The ancient Egyptians prized the blue stone laps Pauli, which had to be
  25. Of interruptions in the trade routes for tin, the metal is much softer than, bronze , However, very small amounts of steel, ( an alloy of iron and around 1 % carbon
  26. Two skulls - one in Prague, a second in Gino (stolen in 1923). The massive, bronze ,Gino Doors of Gino Cathedral, of about 1175,are decorated with 18
  27. And the King of Poisons. During the Bronze Age, arsenic was often included in, bronze , which made the alloy harder (so-called" arsenal bronze " ). Albert us
  28. Writs, tallies,and registers. The first examples were stones, jade pieces, bronze ,vessels and weapons, but came to include talismans and magic diagrams. From
  29. 1937: Alan Turing's theory of digital computing ". On 28 October 2004,a, bronze ,statue of Alan Turing sculpted by John W Mills was unveiled at the University
  30. No right breasts ... for while they are yet babies their mothers make red-hot a, bronze ,instrument constructed for this very purpose and apply it to the right breast
  31. And tin from ore, and,around 2500 BC, began alloying the two metals to form, bronze , which is much harder than its ingredients. Tin was rare, however,being found
  32. The Cloacae, named Outs and Euphrates, threw Ares into chains and put him in a, bronze ,urn, where he remained for thirteen months, a lunar year. " And that would have
  33. Idu of the gods ". Akkadian artists also discovered the" lost wax" method of, bronze ,casting, previously believed to have been discovered much later, at the time of
  34. Monuments such as the Thinker),to cast the clay compositions into plaster or, bronze , and to carve his marbles. Rodin's major innovation was to capitalize on such
  35. Often included in bronze , which made the alloy harder (so-called" arsenal, bronze ,"). Albert us Magnus (Albert the Great,1193–1280) is believed to have been
  36. On 11 December 1885,after a speech by Lord Aberdeen, Lady Aberdeen unveiled a, bronze ,statue and plaque of Alexander Selkirk outside a house on the site of Selkirk
  37. S most well-known and acclaimed works. The 1897 plaster model was not cast in, bronze ,until 1964. The Society DES Gens DES Letters, a Parisian organization of
  38. Propylaea. To the south of the entrance is the tiny Temple of Athena Nike. A, bronze ,statue of Athena, sculpted by Phidias, originally stood at its center. At the
  39. P. Kansas Funeral Home and was an open-coffin ceremony. The coffin was a solid, bronze ,casket with gold-plated rails and white upholstery. Warhol was dressed in a
  40. In 2010 UEFA Futsal Championship, while domestic club Arab Naxçivan clinched, bronze ,medals at 2009–10 UEFA Futsal Cup. Backgammon plays a major role in Azerbaijani
  41. Sphere (or" esp era" ), king Manuel's badge, on the other. Gold, silver and, bronze ,coins were issued, respectively gold Cruzado or manual, esperas and
  42. The subject was an elderly neighborhood street porter. The unconventional, bronze ,piece was not a traditional bust, but instead the head was" broken off" at
  43. Was the first alloy discovered, during the prehistoric period now known as the, bronze ,age; it was harder than pure copper and originally used to make tools and
  44. His army wielding a huge shield made of seven cow-hides with a layer of, bronze , Most notably, Ajax is not wounded in any of the battles described in the Iliad
  45. Complete another public commission. Only in 1939 was Monument to Balzac cast in, bronze , Other works The popularity of Rodin's the most famous sculptures tends to obscure
  46. The thermally critical throat region. Another alloy of some value is Aluminum, bronze ,(CuAl5). History Ancient Greeks and Romans used aluminum salts as dyeing
  47. Through the 19th century. The marble is a Hellenistic or Roman copy of a, bronze ,original by the Greek sculptor Lechers, made between 350 and 325 BCE. The
  48. Whole. Ranking from the very few bronze s survived to us is the masterpiece, bronze ,Piraeus Apollo. It was found in Piraeus, the harbor of Athens. In the archaic
  49. At unlocking the American market, Rodin eventually presented Hallowell with a, bronze , a marble and a terracotta. When Hallowell moved to Paris in 1893,she and
  50. Rome, when the streets were at their busiest, to the Mausoleum of Augustus. A, bronze ,medal on display in the British Museum shows Agrippina’s ashes being brought

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