Examples of the the word, genitals , in a Sentence Context

The word ( genitals ), is the 12059 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Corresponding to the astrological sign of Scorpio. (Scorpio rules the, genitals ,and sex organs. ) Her head is that of a lion, she has ANZUS bird feet like
  2. Pressure on the urogenital area of cyclists, restricting blood flow to the, genitals , NOSH is investigating whether saddles developed without protruding noses (
  3. A box at the back of the statue. It was there to be placed over the statue's, genitals ,so that they would not upset visiting female royalty. In 1546,Michelangelo was
  4. Word vagina is quite often used colloquially to refer to the vulva or female, genitals ,generally; technically speaking, the vagina is a specific internal structure.
  5. In the July 2011 Journal of Sexual Medicine was the first to map the female, genitals ,onto the sensory portion of the brain, and concluded that sensation from the
  6. Of the Counter-Reformation, aiming to cover all representations of human, genitals ,in paintings and sculptures, started with Michelangelo's works. To give two
  7. Of Michelangelo, was commissioned to cover with periods (briefs) the, genitals , leaving unaltered the complex of bodies. When the work was restored in 1993
  8. The Pope resisted. After Michelangelo's death, it was decided to obscure the, genitals ,(" Picture in Capella App. ca coopriantur" ). So Daniele the Monterrey, an
  9. Would sometimes undergo" pelvic massage" — manual stimulation of the, genitals ,by the doctor until the woman experienced" hysterical paroxysm" ( i.e., orgasm
  10. To a larger region of the body, but are euphemistic when used to refer to the, genitals , The word masturbate is derived from Latin, the word minus meaning hand and the
  11. Papilloma viruses. HPV infects the squamous epithelium, usually of the skin or, genitals , but each HPV type is typically only able to infect only a few specific areas
  12. Greek οὐρήθρα - urethra) is a tube that connects the urinary bladder to the, genitals ,for the removal of fluids out of the body. In males, the urethra travels
  13. As too unclean to handle food and water, and there is a belief that a woman's, genitals ,might continue to grow without FGM, until they dangle between her legs. Some
  14. Myth, her birth was the consequence of a castration: Cronus severed Uranus ', genitals ,and threw them behind him into the sea. The foam from his genitals gave rise to
  15. Hot water then having the hottest possible muscle liniment applied to his, genitals ,during his rub-down. Accusations of steroid use In José Canseco's book, | date
  16. Equipment, various protections are used to protect knees, elbows, genitals , and throat. The pants and gloves may contain padding. Field The size of a bandy
  17. In contrast to some other infectious diseases affecting the female, genitals , according to some sources, treatment of the sexual partners is not necessarily
  18. Themselves often like fields and Riverside, and their way of licking their, genitals ,is very cat-like (sitting on the lower back, legs spread with one leg pointing
  19. Has testes, and if the testes produce testosterone, and if the cells of the, genitals ,respond to the testosterone, the outer urogenital folds swell and fuse in the
  20. Of this are the removal of the parts of Greek sculpture representing male, genitals ,(in the Vatican collection),and the addition of a fig leaf to a plaster cast
  21. Sex The Latin term pudendum and the Greek term αιδοίον (Audion) for the, genitals ,literally mean" shameful thing ". Groin, crotch,and loins refer to a larger
  22. Slight genital stimulation, like rubbing of the seat of the bicycle against, genitals ,during riding, exercising,when pelvic muscles are tightened. It was also
  23. As he would sit naked in his bedroom with a pink hotel napkin placed over his, genitals , watching movies. In one year, he spent an estimated $11 million at the hotel.
  24. Know your sex partners, ask sex partners to practice basic hygiene of their, genitals , Use artificial lubrication during the intercourse if the amount naturally
  25. Considered sexual behavior to the Western world: they kiss, sleep together, rub, genitals , participate in cunnilingus, and maintain their relationships with other
  26. That a female is in estrous include underground consorting,self-licking of, genitals , dust bathing and late entrances into the burrow at night. Multiple paternity
  27. On his large pedals, from which he transfers sperm to the female's, genitals , Females can store sperm indefinitely. Many animals which live in the water use
  28. According to Hesiod's Theology, she was born when Cronus cut off Uranus ', genitals ,and threw them into the sea, and from the sea foam (Afros) arose Aphrodite.
  29. Uranus' genitals and threw them behind him into the sea. The foam from his, genitals ,gave rise to Aphrodite (for which reason she is called" foam-arisen" )
  30. Vagina, clitoris and cervix. " Four major nerves bring signals from women's, genitals ,to their brains," said researcher Barry Komisaruk of Rutgers University. " The
  31. Next to a forest, or away from homesteads and fed there as they await their, genitals ,to heal. During this period, they undergo three main traditional ceremonies:
  32. The Erin yes (furies) emerged from the drops of blood. Hesiod states that the, genitals ," were carried over the sea a long time, and white foam arose from the immortal
  33. Independent of their sexual orientations. The study found that women's, genitals ,become aroused to both human and nonhuman stimuli from movies showing humans of
  34. After the bodies had been dumped. This included the injuries to Byers ', genitals , On September 10, 2008 Circuit Court Judge David Burnett denied the request for
  35. FGM involved trying to change women's consciousness:" By allowing your, genitals ,to be removed it is perceived that you are heightened to another level of pure
  36. Sometimes involved the application of electric shock to the hands and/or, genitals , or nausea-inducing drugs, administered simultaneously with the presentation of
  37. They described a cycle that begins with excitement as blood rushes into the, genitals , then reaches a plateau during which they are fully aroused, which leads to
  38. Malaise, anxiety,depression, akathisia, priapism, extra sensitivity of the, genitals ,in females, general feeling of heaviness, cramp-like pains in the limbs
  39. person's biological and physical characteristics at birth (including gonads, genitals ,and chromosomes); the person's life experiences, including the sex in which
  40. In the USA, due to their different laws. Japanese law discourages showing of, genitals ,in hentai, while the United States is more concerned about forbidding the
  41. In Indonesia—to stretching the clitoris or labia, burning or scarring the, genitals , or introducing harmful substances into the vagina to tighten it. Affluent
  42. After wandering the streets of Tokyo for days with her dead lover's severed, genitals ,in her hand. Her story soon becomes one of Japan's the most notorious scandals.
  43. Terms of sexual arousal patterns and that this is also reflected in how their, genitals ,react to sexual stimuli of both genders or even to non-human stimuli. It must
  44. Paraphilias: *Exhibitionism: the recurrent urge or behavior to expose one's, genitals ,to an unsuspecting person, or to perform sexual acts that can be watched by
  45. Some disease transmission may occur even with a condom. Infectious areas of the, genitals , especially when symptoms are present, may not be covered by a condom, and as a
  46. Be" put to death halfway between heaven and earth as unworthy of both ". Their, genitals ,would be cut off and burnt before their eyes, and their bowels and hearts
  47. Parts of their personal information from wider society - a fig leaf over the, genitals ,being an ancient example. The word" privacy" is sometimes regarded as
  48. Offer one's own blood; by cutting his ears, arms,tongue, thighs,chest or, genitals , and often a human life; either warrior, slave,or even self-sacrifice. The
  49. Which leads to orgasm, and finally resolution, in which the blood leaves the, genitals , In the 1970s,Helen Singer Kaplan added desire to the cycle, which she claimed
  50. Associated with vaginal or anal sex. If the receiving partner has wounds on his, genitals , or if the giving partner has wounds or open sores on or in his or her mouth

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