Examples of the the word, restrictive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restrictive ), is the 6897 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Widely used LR and LL parsers are simpler algorithms that deal only with more, restrictive ,subsets of context-free grammars. Formal definitions A context-free grammar G
  2. Into" normal form ". The orientation equation is then solved to give a more, restrictive ,condition on the unknown powers of the orientation symbols, arriving at a
  3. Their retractable visors. The Federal Aviation Administration objected to the, restrictive ,visibility and demanded a design change before it would permit Concorde to
  4. Telecom and financial services, but need to overcome language issues. Croatia’s, restrictive ,visa policy will also be a constraint. In overall terms, however,prospects
  5. Alcohol sales at all times permissible under state law; most counties have more, restrictive ,blue laws of their own. NY State liquor authorities ban new permits for
  6. This led authorities of various countries to place diazepam under a more, restrictive ,legal status. Some countries banned the drug outright (i.e., Sweden ).
  7. Could increase wealth through specialization in production. He also opposed, restrictive ,trade preferences, state grants of monopolies, and employers' organizations
  8. By Eddie Crandall, the manager for Marty Robbins. However, Holly chafed under a, restrictive ,atmosphere that allowed him little input. (This initial version of the song
  9. S Republic. ) However, methods of eugenics were applied to reformulate more, restrictive ,definitions of white racial purity in existing state laws banning interracial
  10. Taboo food and drink Orthodox Jews, unlike most Christians, still practice a, restrictive ,diet that has many rules. Most Christians believe that the kosher food laws do
  11. Subsequent versions of FreeBSD use BWK AWK in order to avoid the GPL, a more, restrictive ,license than the BSD license. *mark is a very fast AWK implementation by Mike
  12. Checking. Some other programming languages address these problems by using more, restrictive ,reference types. Arrays Array types in C are traditionally of a fixed, static
  13. With the defeat of the revolution in mid-1907 and the adoption of a new, highly, restrictive , election law, the Bolsheviks began debating whether to boycott the new
  14. Differences about the optimal extent of regulation can be a hindrance; more, restrictive ,regulations seem appealing on an intuitive level, but critics decry the
  15. To this norm, L (V, W ) is a Banach space. This is also true under the less, restrictive ,condition that V be a normed space. When V W, the space L (V) L (V, V )
  16. And genocide. Most of these policies were later regarded as coercive and/or, restrictive , and now few jurisdictions implement policies that are explicitly labeled as
  17. Slaves were then imported to work the plantations as field labor. However, restrictive ,Spanish trade laws made it difficult for Cubans to keep up with the 17th and
  18. More traditional spring break places such as Daytona Beach, Florida have become, restrictive ,on drinking and other behaviors. This has pushed spring break visitation to
  19. Written in a programming language, which is an artificial language often more, restrictive ,or demanding than natural languages, but easily translated by the computer. The
  20. All continents, but there is no documented evidence for many countries (due to, restrictive ,laws and censorship motivated by politics or religion) except their presence
  21. Liberalization of the PRC has resulted in the administrative climate being less, restrictive ,than before. The PRC is far different from liberal democracy or social
  22. And the conditions for freedom of the press through the gradual relaxation of, restrictive ,censorship laws. See also intellectual property, public domain, copyright. In
  23. Such an environment is dehumanizing. Others point to the low rates of pay and, restrictive ,working practices of some employers. There has been much controversy over such
  24. With the US Navy was primarily as a deterrent, as its use was hampered by, restrictive ,Rules of Engagement in such conflicts as Operations Desert Storm, Southern
  25. Limits the size of the shell code to the size of the buffer, which may be overly, restrictive , Dolls are located in high memory (above 0x01000000) and so have addresses
  26. While declaring 14 articles unconstitutional in whole or in part and imposing a, restrictive ,interpretation on 27 others. The court accepted the specific provision that
  27. Workers and" turn back the clock" on court rulings which Congress deemed too, restrictive , The ADANA includes a list of" major life activities. " Titles of the ADA
  28. Small enough to be carried aboard another vessel (a ship). Another less, restrictive ,definition is a vessel that can be lifted out of the water. Strictly speaking
  29. Other hand by the continuation of deafness. A further difference is the more, restrictive ,boundary-line rules of American croquet. In the American game, roqueting a ball
  30. To various restrictions long before that (see Shimmy). However, despite its, restrictive ,nature, dhimmi status also afforded the" People of the Book" relative
  31. Misappropriation and misuse. Copyright and economic development The view that a, restrictive ,copyright benefits anybody has been challenged. According to the historian
  32. Which helped liberate women from corsets and ankle-length skirts and other, restrictive ,garments, substituting the then-shocking bloomers. Economic implications
  33. Of the peaceful 2nd century. His successors Nerve and Trajan were less, restrictive , but in reality their policies differed little from Domitian's. Much more than
  34. Program. Policies and/or legislation are often seen as being coercive and, restrictive , Another is promotional voluntary eugenics, in which eugenics is voluntarily
  35. Ordered from most restrictive (in this case, after an alveolar stop) to least, restrictive , then the first matching case usually" wins ". Thus, the above conditions
  36. Not sufficient to influence evolution. Instead, inheriting phobias would have, restrictive ,and debilitating effects upon survival, rather than being an aid. For some
  37. And then Fund I, the British choices for their Protectorate, issued a series of, restrictive ,orders to strip Abbas of property in Egypt and Sudan and forbade contributions
  38. County, where three of the four major malls are located in, has even more, restrictive ,blue laws than the county itself, banning all type of work on Sundays except in
  39. The 3rd Edition rules were designed to be internally consistent and less, restrictive ,than previous editions of the game, allowing players more flexibility to create
  40. Regular function on An, in the sense we defined above. It may seem unnaturally, restrictive ,to require that a regular function always extend to the ambient space, but it
  41. If there be any party which is more pledged than another to resist a policy of, restrictive ,legislation, having for its object social coercion, that party is the Liberal
  42. More elaborate methods of controlling aircraft safely in these high, restrictive ,airspace have been invented. Main categories Aircraft avionics The cockpit of
  43. Of school systems to implement merit pay and other reforms. Contracts were more, restrictive ,in districts with high concentrations of poor and minority students. The
  44. Such as Malaysia, a primarily Muslim country where the government was becoming, restrictive ,regarding non-halal meat. By changing Boris to a non-meat base, Unilever hoped
  45. The 1/8-mile format). One reason for this (among others) is the IRA is less, restrictive ,in its rules, such as rules on nitrous oxide (legal in Pro Modified) and
  46. Pogroms were common throughout Christian Europe, including organized violence, restrictive ,land ownership and professional lives, forcible relocation and ghettoization
  47. And non-human animals as personal beings are examples of animism in its more, restrictive ,sense. However, many mythologies focus largely on corporeal beings rather than
  48. Fact about allomorphy: if the allomorphy conditions are ordered from most, restrictive ,(in this case, after an alveolar stop) to least restrictive , then the first
  49. Treatment or punishment, in the recipient state. Initially the Court took a, restrictive ,view on what consisted of torture, preferring to find that states had inflicted
  50. Awkwardly hurting his groin. He then went about designing a smaller, less, restrictive , guitar that allowed him to keep jumping around on stage while still playing his

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