Examples of the the word, buddha , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Monk named Dharmapur (" Dharma Storehouse" ). Under the guidance of the, buddha , Lokeśvararāja (" World Sovereign King" ), innumerable buddha -lands throughout
  2. King who, having come into contact with the Buddhist teachings through the, buddha , Lokesvararaja, renounced his throne. He then resolved to become a Buddha and so
  3. Of Saints - FM Xi Second period # The Teachings of Buddhas – Shakyamuni, buddha , # The Teachings of Sages – Nazi # The Teachings of Saints – Confucius and
  4. After bodily dissolution, a sheer ball spontaneously co-emergent to a, buddha , 's enlightened intention. According to Shin ran, the founder of the Pure Land
  5. But full liberation from delusion as well. One thus attains bod hi and becomes a, buddha , In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being
  6. Of revelation and salvation First period # The Teachings of Buddhas – Ankara, buddha , # The Teachings of Sages - # The Teachings of Saints - FM Xi Second period #
  7. The Buddha begins by describing to his attendant Amanda a past life of the, buddha , Amitābha. He states that in a past life, Amitābha was once king who renounced
  8. Buddhahood. They are: # king-like Bodhisattva - one who aspires to become, buddha , as soon as possible and then help sentient beings in full fledge; #
  9. Become endowed with the path, this is the difference between an adamant and a, buddha , Evolution of the concept In early Buddhism, bodhi carried a meaning synonymous
  10. Of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara *22.8 — Birthday of Dīpaṃkara Buddha (an ancient, buddha , ) *19.9 — Renunciation Day of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara *30.9 — Birthday of
  11. In the primordial universe outside of ordinary space-time, produced by a, buddha , 's merit) possessed of many perfections. These resolutions were expressed in
  12. Amitabh (Sanskrit: अमिताभ, Amitābha (word stem),) is a celestial, buddha , described in the scriptures of the Mahayana school of Buddhism. Amitabh is the
  13. Control Lord Thane and another by Gold Shone Pal as a basis for studying, buddha , nature,and the Third Karma pa Ranging Dorje's Profound Inner Reality (TiB.
  14. People asked who he was and when he replied that he was a self-appeared, buddha , they did not believe but instead defamed him. Seeing the many reasons to have a
  15. A grandiose scale but was never finished. An inscription on the pedestal of the, buddha , 's image mentions that it was a gift from a person named Mature and
  16. Whatever you meet up with, just kill it! If you meet a Buddha, kill the, buddha , If you meet a patriarch, kill the patriarch. If you meet an that, kill the
  17. Human on up are: Than (angel),Thanh (saint),Then (sage),and Phat (, buddha , ). Angels, saints and sages may have, accordingly,extremely long lives in the
  18. Fully aligned with this already-existing primordial nature. Descriptions of a, buddha , as omniscient and omnipresent refer to their ultimate nature as this awareness.
  19. Being rotund, laughing,and carrying a bag. In Nepali, he is also called haste, buddha , ( " laughing Buddha" ). PRA Sankara/ PRA Sangkachai In Thailand, Budai is
  20. In 1585. Mahavairocana (Jap. Danish NORAD 大日如來) as the central primordial, buddha , in Esoteric Buddhist doctrine is the true nature of all things and phenomena
  21. The shore of liberation. In Mahayana Buddhism, there are many Buddhas, and each, buddha , has a pure land. Amitābha's pure land of Sukhāvatī is understood to be in the
  22. Rebirth, liberation from samsara, and the true and complete enlightenment of a, buddha , ( samyaksambodhi). Ignorance is defined as the root of all evil. Hindu
  23. And a series of unfinished cells. The sanctum houses a colossal image of Lord, buddha , in preaching pose flanked by Bodhisattva's and celestial nymphs hovering above.
  24. Combined into a single realm. In some representations of the wheel, there is a, buddha , or Bodhisattva depicted within each realm, trying to help sentient beings find
  25. Or facing outward, whatever you meet up with, just kill it! If you meet a, buddha , kill the Buddha. If you meet a patriarch, kill the patriarch. If you meet an
  26. A beginner would take 3–22 countless eons (mahāsaṃkhyeya kappas) to become a, buddha , Pure Land Buddhism suggests Buddhists go to the pure lands to practice.
  27. As rare, early Mahayana surreys on topics such as Sarah, and meditation on the, buddha , Akṣobhya. These translations from Lokakṣema continue to give insight into the
  28. Only the flowing draperies have softened their contours. The aureole on the, buddha , 's head and the closed eyes show a dreamy calm. SHY AMA JATAKA: The
  29. In the scriptures of the Mahayana school of Buddhism. Amitabh is the principal, buddha , in the Pure Land sect, a branch of Buddhism practiced mainly in East Asia
  30. That works with different styles of neurosis using principles of the five, buddha , families. Conducts the Malaria Film Workshop, a program which analyzes the
  31. Name, to enable the practitioner to bring all his or her attention upon that, buddha , ( See: Sarah). This may be done vocally or mentally, and with or without the
  32. For Thin West Lake. Wu xi is known for being the home of the world's tallest, buddha , statue. In the north, Xuzhou is designated as one of China's" eminent
  33. Of reality (see bod hi). One who possesses or abides in bod hi is called a, buddha , or adamant. The Buddha explains the unique character of the enlightened mind as
  34. Without that name. There is no mention of types of Buddhas, though the word, buddha , does sometimes appear to be used in a broad sense covering all the above.
  35. Circumumbulation) starting from the east, the Madras of the Borobudur, buddha , statues are: Gallery of reliefs Files: Borobudur ship. JPG|Relief panel of a
  36. It is popularly known in English. The practice is described as calling the, buddha , to mind by repeating his name, to enable the practitioner to bring all his or
  37. The Buddha Lokesvararaja, renounced his throne. He then resolved to become a, buddha , and so to come into possession of a (" buddha -field ", a realm existing in the
  38. Meat-shaped Stone length File: National palace museum-ming dynasty-sitting, buddha , JPG|A Ming Dynasty statue of Buddhist deity, Guanyin. Footnotes The Vinland
  39. But now only 492 cave temples remain. Each temple has a large statue of a, buddha , or Bodhisattva and paintings of religious scenes. In 336 AD, a monk named Le
  40. It was impossible, or even impractical to strive to become a fully enlightened, buddha , ( Set. ), and therefore they admitted the path of a Bodhisattva as a valid one.
  41. Buddha in the path of a Bodhisattva seeking to become a fully enlightened, buddha , There is also no evidence that Mahayana ever referred to a separate formal
  42. Buddhahood (; or) is the state of perfect enlightenment (;) attained by a, buddha , ( or;; Pale/Sanskrit for" awakened one" ). In Buddhism, the term Buddha
  43. The Three Teachings represent hierarchical levels of spiritual attainment, with,Buddha, as the highest. Caodaiism's various stages of spiritual development from human
  44. Future becoming and rebirth are exhausted. After biological death an that, or,Buddha, enters into parinirvana, an everlasting state of transcendental happiness.
  45. All times I think, how can I cause all living beings, to achieve the body of a, buddha , without distinction ". SGI members view IKEA and his life as an example of
  46. Of liberation from six realms. In most drawings, this is represented by the, buddha , pointing toward the moon (as shown in painting from This monastery, at right
  47. Far as to say:" A 'position ', Vaccha, is something that a tathagatha i.e.,a, buddha , has done away with. " On another occasion, he outlines four types of
  48. In general) as both are portrayed as possessing all the attributes of a, buddha , but no distinguishing marks. Amitabh can, however,often be distinguished by
  49. By a Buddha (or;; Pale/Sanskrit for" awakened one" ). In Buddhism, the term, buddha , usually refers to one who has become enlightened (i.e., awakened to the truth
  50. Story of Sam is based partly on the myths that surround the Buddha, the future, buddha , Maitreya,and Kali, the coming tenth Avatar of Vishnu. Each chapter begins

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