Examples of the the word, caring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( caring ), is the 6514 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Took on several roles in the early years of the colony, including that of, caring ,for the sick, they were now expected to stay out of state and civil affairs.
  2. Taken on the responsibility of the Church, which included paying the clergy, caring ,for the poor, the sick and the orphaned. In December, the Assembly began to
  3. And slavery in his major writings, he is accused of hypocrisy and racism, or of, caring ,only for the liberty of English capitalists. Theory of value and property Locke
  4. And unions worldwide with over 37 million members. The BWA's goals include, caring ,for the needy, leading in world evangelism and defending human rights and
  5. Devoted only one-third to one-fourth as much time to cleaning, cooking,and, caring ,for children. Given that the bulk of family chores fell to women, and that they
  6. Results. * People by nature enjoy relating miracles they have heard without, caring ,for their veracity and thus miracles are easily transmitted even where false. *
  7. Within the colony. A new worker spends the first few days of its adult life, caring ,for the queen and young. It then graduates to digging and other nest work, and
  8. In the 1970s. His work states that three factors constitute love: attachment, caring , and intimacy. Following developments in electrical theories such as Coulomb's
  9. Wars,Mormon's leading of portions of the Nephrite army, and his retrieving and, caring ,for the records. Mormon is eventually killed in battle after having handed down
  10. Lay people also serve on the parish altar guild (preparing the altar and, caring ,for its candles, linens,flowers, etc.),in the choir and as cantors, as
  11. Just to be with each other. " And added" There were some really loving, caring ,moments between four people: a hotel room here and there – a really amazing
  12. That such a setting resembled WKRP in Cincinnati,Lee's experiences with, caring ,for an aging parent very different from the son caused the creators to
  13. And retirement homes can achieve a pleasing and welcoming atmosphere in these, caring ,institutions. In the 1980s,illusionary wall painting experienced a renaissance
  14. Foundation. On his grave was written, He could have added fortune to fame, but, caring , for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world. A
  15. Tank Demos published an influential pamphlet entitled 'It's a material world:, caring ,for the public realm ', in which they argue for integrating the public directly
  16. To falsely malign him publicly and for her own purposes ", calling himself" a, caring ,father who shares custody of Nahla ". Aubrey further stated that" he refuses to
  17. And indifference to surroundings. They may describe this as a feeling of" not, caring ,about anything anymore. " All SSRIs, SNRIs, and serotonergic TCAS can cause
  18. As bishop because Robinson was open about his sexuality and honest about his, caring ,relationship. In the past known gay clergy were ordained to the episcopate only
  19. And was ordained a presbyter by his father, who wanted him to assist with, caring ,for local Christians. Leaving home after a few days, he met his friend Basil at
  20. And a yellow gnomelike cap, Brâncuşi today hobbles about his studio tenderly, caring ,for and communing with the silent host of fish birds, heads,and endless
  21. Adhering to the Ten Commandments, with being proper church members and good, caring ,neighbors. The apparent contradiction between harming or murdering a neighbor
  22. Friends who inhabit the mighty town by tawny Acragas which crowns the citadel, caring ,for good deeds, greetings; I, an immortal God, no longer mortal, wander among
  23. Border near Mexicali. During the 1970s,Marvin resided off and on in Woodstock, caring ,for his dying father, and would make regular trips to Cairns, Australia to
  24. Terms of the direct costs of raising a child or the loss of income while she is, caring ,for the child, lack of support from the father, inability to afford additional
  25. The ADA examples of" major life activities" including, but not limited to,", caring ,for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing,hearing, eating,sleeping
  26. Love, an experience felt by a person for another person. Love often involves, caring ,for or identifying with a person or thing (cf. vulnerability and care theory
  27. Character, a flawless represent ant of the faith and an administrator, caring ,for the governed ones. However, his reign was far from perfect for everyone; he
  28. Women, once opining that the female sex is not naturally prone to crime, being, caring , and non-violent. He was also never shy of showing his liking for attractive
  29. He reiterated his view that while people must not suffer from hunger and cold, caring ,for them must be primarily a local and voluntary responsibility. Even so, New
  30. By his ALP predecessor, Arthur Caldwell, and he displayed a more flexible and, caring ,attitude than Caldwell, who was a strong advocate of the White Australia policy.
  31. Recognized corporate officer entrusted with the fiduciary responsibility of, caring ,for company funds. Often this title is held concurrently with that of Secretary
  32. Human had died just the previous week, and that his brother MRI, who had been, caring ,for Ethan's family and farm, had died in the spring following his capture. The
  33. England. Midwives are at all times responsible for the woman for whom they are, caring , to know when to refer complications to medical staff, to act as the woman's
  34. Around his death. Not that he was murdered, but that there was just a lack of, caring ,for him. I just think that Courtney had moved on, and he was expendable. "
  35. Disagree, particularly since Jesus is portrayed throughout Luke and Matthew as, caring ,for everyday needs for his followers, particularly in the bread-related
  36. Being an altogether is that she can gain experience or receive assistance when, caring ,for her own calf. According to Cynthia Moss, a well known researcher, these
  37. Or alleviate tension that could exacerbate a preexisting condition. This, caring ,engagement can prove particularly effective when conventional physicians have
  38. After the death of Lincoln's mother, his older sister, Sarah,took charge of, caring ,for him until their father remarried in 1819. Thomas Lincoln's new wife was
  39. In their mother tongue. Japanese In Japanese Buddhism, ai (愛) is passionate, caring ,love, and a fundamental desire. It can develop towards either selfishness or
  40. It was politically unwise to do so. His zeal for his faith may have led to his, caring ,for Charles Hermite during his illness and leading Hermite to become a faithful
  41. Gunfighter" Emerson. Powell said he regarded Emerson as one of the most, caring ,officers he ever met. Emerson was reputedly eccentric; he insisted his troops
  42. Incidentalomas, which may or may not represent disease. Endocrinology involves, caring ,for the person biology as well as the nucleus the enzymes as well as the
  43. In Haywood, California,to Linda Strain, an unwed 16-year-old,who was already, caring ,for an 18-month-old. Linda Strain put her infant daughter Dana up for adoption.
  44. Way reporters write up their notes about fires—mechanically, half-consciously, caring , nothing about either the reader or me. " The admission may have done
  45. Timeline of Titans Tomorrow, in which Conner still exists, Luthor acts as a, caring , fatherly figure to him. After the events of The Blackest Night, Luthor went on to
  46. Train staff to carry it out. * Every institution must assign responsibility for, caring ,for collections to members of its staff. * Individuals at all levels of
  47. First manifested when she saw her childhood friend being hit by a car. She is a, caring , nurturing figure, but she also must deal with being an Omega-level mutant and
  48. Of his running, his sister Jennie upbraids him and accuses him of no longer, caring ,about God. Eric tells her that though he intends to eventually return to the
  49. At her survival and success. Finally, Aphrodite claimed that the stress of, caring ,for her son, depressed and ill as a result of Psyche's unfaithfulness, had
  50. Was a beautiful woman, renowned for her wisdom. She spent her whole life, caring ,for the poor and assisting the most disadvantaged Romans. Faustino bore

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