Examples of the the word, tick , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tick ), is the 6515 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Respect to one another. Moreover, an observer will measure a moving clock to, tick ,more slowly than one that is stationary with respect to them; and objects are
  2. Easy to miss a spot where the fleas can hide. Owners should check anti-flea and, tick ,preparations carefully with a veterinary surgeon as the Komodo can be
  3. Grid, observers will find the population constantly changing as the generations, tick ,by. The patterns that emerge from the simple rules may be considered a form of
  4. Are gagging for squad dies" ( with the fine print on the reply coupon having a, tick ,box where the interested recruit indicates that spending years ducking for
  5. To the specification. Examples of these include the API’s donut logo or the NSF, tick ,mark. The most widely perceived is SAE viscosity specification, like SAE 10W-40
  6. Tick = 122 µM Image:20090328 2225 Spirogyras. JPG|Spirograph. Each numbered, tick ,= 20 µM Image: SpirogyraConjugation100x5. JPG|Microscopic view of Spirograph
  7. Moles were, the theory went, you had the inside track on what made the person, tick , For instance, if a man had a mole on the bridge of his nose, he supposedly had
  8. Of the next instruction into the PC. # This gives the memory system a clock, tick ,to finish the fetch started on the # previous microinstruction. # The sequencer
  9. And appends the associated semantics to the current definition. The word' (, tick ,) takes the name of a word as a parameter and returns the execution token
  10. Article published by BBC News. * Tickcapucapitiphobia - fear of having a, tick ,head stuck in your body. Half rational, since tick heads do carry diseases.
  11. Have artificial joints or metal components in the joint. Lyme disease Lyme is a, tick ,borne disease that can cause a skin rash, fever,chills, body aches, and joint
  12. Unit may be applied to any periodic event—for example, a clock might be said to, tick ,at 1 Hz, or a human heart might be said to beat at 1.2 Hz. The" frequency" (
  13. The day, such as 1/20 or 1/40 day, have also been proposed, with names such as, tick , deck, chi,Charon, moment,etc., and multiple and submultiple units formed with
  14. One or more parasite taxa. An example of a biographic relationship would be a, tick ,feeding on the blood of its host. Amensalism is the type of
  15. Fear of having a tick head stuck in your body. Half rational, since, tick , heads do carry diseases. Miscellaneous * Homophobia – hatred of dance, a book
  16. Sides are used to denote sides of equal lengths-- the equilateral triangle has, tick ,marks on all 3 sides, the isosceles on 2 sides. The scalene has single, double
  17. To RANDOM-WORD. Parsing words and comments The words: (colon),POSTPONE,' (, tick ,) and: NONAGE are examples of parsing words that take their arguments from the
  18. Relief from skin irritation due to biting insects; reduction of ectoparasite (, tick ,and lice) load; and thermoregulation. Predation In some areas, wolves are a
  19. Archibald Campbell, a doctor in British India. * Names of places. The lone star, tick , Amblyopia American is widespread in the United States. * Other sources. Some
  20. To have ended. He started to refer to her in the diary as" Auntie ", and the, tick ,marks indicating sexual activity were no longer there, although similar
  21. Bodily fluids or drinking contaminated water or being bitten by the deer, tick , Direct contact infections can also result from inhalation of infectious
  22. One second for a swing back, enabling the long case clock incorporating it to, tick ,seconds. From this time, a second hand that rotated once per minute in a small
  23. At precisely equally spaced intervals to give a sound of," tick ... took ..., tick ,... took "; if they are not, and have the sound" tick tock ... tick tock ... "
  24. Spirograph cell Image:20090906_022641_Algae. JPG|Cinema. Each numbered, tick ,= 122 µM Image:20100417_005205_Cinema. JPG|Cinema. Each numbered tick = 20 µM
  25. Gallery Image:20090328 2222 Spirogyras. JPG|Spirograph. Each numbered, tick ,= 122 µM Image:20090328 2225 Spirogyras. JPG|Spirograph. Each numbered tick = 20
  26. On their honeymoon, Austin mourns at first, then joyously exclaims," Wait a, tick ,... that means I'm single again! Oh, behave! " And hilariously proceeds to
  27. The CPU, for example in the case above the ALU is not required during the first, tick ,so it could potentially be used to complete an earlier arithmetic instruction.
  28. By some 85-90 %, to around 90 animals, as a result of mange caused by an ear, tick ,introduced by dogs in the 1970s. The population is currently under treatment
  29. The goalkeeper must keep a distance of three meters which is marked by a short, tick ,on the floor. All other players must remain behind the free-throw line until
  30. In diagrams representing triangles (and other geometric figures),", tick ," marks along the sides are used to denote sides of equal lengths-- the
  31. Guard Zone (Kevin Martin from Alberta is one of the best examples) is the ", tick ," game, where a shot is made attempting to knock ( tick ) the guard to the side
  32. The Middle Ages ", in particular the verge escapement that provides us with the, tick ,and took of a mechanical clock. " The accurate automatic machine" led
  33. 3 sides, the isosceles on 2 sides. The scalene has single, double,and triple, tick ,marks, indicating that no sides are equal. Similarly, arcs on the inside of the
  34. Gravitational field fills the universe. In a weak field approximation, clocks, tick , at a rate of t' t (1 + \Phi / c^2) where \Phi is the difference in
  35. S altitude: they will match on the gelid, and clocks at higher altitude, tick ,slightly faster. The Tatra T600,named the Catalan, was a large car from the
  36. From the black hole. To a distant observer, clocks near a black hole appear to, tick ,more slowly than those further away from the black hole. Due to this effect
  37. One such game, for two players who each interact with the" game" once per, tick , is based directly upon Conway's Game of Life. Live cells have one of two
  38. Beats' should be at precisely equally spaced intervals to give a sound of,", tick ,... took ... tick ... took "; if they are not, and have the sound" tick tock
  39. Stations to be placed closer together while preserving clarity, because the, tick ,was only on the side of the line nearer the station name (ideally centrally
  40. Of the regular plural morpheme, which is written as either -‹s › (as in, tick , tick s and mite, mites ) or -‹BS › (as in box, boxes ). Here the spelling -‹s
  41. Examples) is the" tick " game, where a shot is made attempting to knock (, tick ,) the guard to the side, far enough that it is difficult or impossible to use
  42. Connections, Beck differentiated between ordinary stations (marked just with, tick ,marks) and interchange stations (marked with diamonds). London Underground
  43. And careless lions may be maimed when hunting prey. Various species of, tick ,commonly infest the ears, neck and groin regions of most lions. Adult forms of
  44. As: U = λ'/ (λ'+μ' ) where λ' is the critical failure rate (λ without the, tick ,is the total failure rate) and μ' is the critical repair rate (rate at which
  45. Stroke regained much of its leadership of the field. In 2008,we saw another ", tick ,", Intel introduced the Henry microarchitecture, undergoing a shrink from 65
  46. Time values (e.g.,15:51:36). The granularity of the time value is usually a, tick ,(100 nanoseconds). * TIME WITH TIME ZONE or TIMESTAMP — the same as TIME, but
  47. And the discrete moment at which this happens is sometimes called a, tick ,(in other words, each generation is a pure function of the preceding one).
  48. Control store; it is not uncommon for each word to be 56 bits or more. On each, tick ,of a sequencer clock a microcode word is read, decoded,and used to control the
  49. Instruction, those CPUs have a family of related jump instructions. For each, tick ,it is common to find that only some portions of the CPU are used, with the
  50. Just so he could kinda crawl inside my head and see what actually made a kid, tick , " The final thing he realized of Bill's real-life father's death in 1971

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