Examples of the the word, hammer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hammer ), is the 5412 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Force the team with the hammer to only one point (so that they can get the, hammer ,back) or" steal" the end by scoring one or more points of their own.
  2. By darkening one of the steels more than the other. Folding and twisting while, hammer ,forging the steel controls the striped pattern, and the method used is often
  3. Using a notching tool. The seam is brazed, using a torch and smoothed using a, hammer ,or file. A draw bench or arbor press equipped with expandable lead plug is used
  4. Free so that they have access to the button area at all times. A team with the, hammer ,may throw a corner guard as their first stone of an end placed in front of the
  5. The X- and Y-axes, by a mechanism and the selected letter form was struck by a, hammer , Others used a type cylinder similarly as the Selectric typewriters used
  6. And commentator (b. 1931) *2010 – Hal Connolly, American Athlete and, hammer ,thrower (b. 1931) * 2010 – Scott Davis, American Announcer of Track and Field
  7. A team without the hammer would want to either force the team with the, hammer ,to only one point (so that they can get the hammer back) or" steal" the end
  8. Were deployed. The riders of these elephants were armed with a spike and, hammer ,to kill the elephants in case they charged toward their own army. Navy The navy
  9. Again the next end to score two or more with it. Generally, a team without the, hammer ,would want to either force the team with the hammer to only one point (so that
  10. Chariot, the hydraulic-powered artillery sphere, the hydraulic-powered trip, hammer , the mechanical chain drive, the mechanical belt drive, the raised-relief map
  11. Could be kept. *The diamond can be split by a single, well calculated blow of a, hammer ,to a pointed tool, which is quick, but risky. Alternatively, it can be cut with
  12. Girl, Hope,after her husband, John,struck his stalker Charlotte Hoyle with a, hammer ,to silence her. He later posed as Colin Fish wick,Charlotte's supposed partner
  13. All stones out, the opponents could at best score one point (if they had the, hammer ,). Alternatively, the team with the hammer could peel rock after rock, which
  14. Of it is hit. Hammer Last-rock or last-stone advantage in an end is called the, hammer , Before the game, teams typically decide who gets the hammer in the first end
  15. Search for it; but upon returning, Loki tells Freya that Thyme has hidden the, hammer ,and demanded to marry her in return. Freya is so wrathful that all the Æsir’s
  16. A good hitting team will opt to play defensively. If a team does not have the, hammer ,in an end, it will opt to try and clog up the four-foot zone in the house to
  17. Steel billet was formed from a small disk that was folded and forged by a, hammer ,into its final shape. Unlike northern European methods, the ferro-smelting
  18. Game, how many ends remain and whether the team has last-stone advantage (the, hammer ,). A team may play an end aggressively or defensively. Aggressive playing will
  19. Sold at Christie's 24 June 2008,lot 19,for £36,500,000 ($71,892,376.34) (, hammer ,price) or £40,921,250 ($80,451,178) with fees, setting a new auction record
  20. Remains with the same team. Naturally, it is easier to score points with the, hammer ,than without; in tournament play, the team with the hammer generally tries to
  21. Score one point (if they had the hammer ). Alternatively, the team with the, hammer ,could peel rock after rock, which would blank the end, keeping the last rock
  22. Rest, and we therefore call that response to the impulse (striking it with a, hammer ,)" infinite" in duration. The complexity of such a system is specified by its
  23. Performance artist named Pierre Minnelli made a crack in The Fountain with a, hammer ,in January 2006; he also urinated on it in 1993. Picabia's travels tied New
  24. Listed in the farthest column on the right in the row of the team that has the, hammer ,(last rock advantage),or on a special spot for blank ends. The following
  25. Difficulty finding well-fitting shoes because of their high arched feet and, hammer ,toes. Due to the lack of good sensory reception in the feet, CMT patients may
  26. Rita, Philip and Tami. Mike Agassi reportedly banged on the fences with a, hammer ,during Andre's matches when his son lost a point, screamed at officials and
  27. Hunter-Reay, American race car driver * 1980 – Alexandra Papageorgiou, Greek, hammer , thrower * 1980 – Eli Parser, American political blogger and activist * 1980 –
  28. Of crap. " In 1998 the face on the statue was vandalized by someone wielding a, hammer , After repairs were made, the statue was encased in a cage every night to
  29. The Lunar Rover. (3.26 MB, ogg/Theory format). Image: Apollo 15 feather and, hammer ,drop. Ogg|Hammer and Feather Drop - Scott demonstrates that Galileo was right.
  30. End of the barrel to compensate for muzzle rise under recoil. In addition,a, hammer ,retarder was added to prevent the weapon from firing out of battery (without
  31. End is called the hammer . Before the game, teams typically decide who gets the, hammer ,in the first end either by chance (such as a coin toss),by a "
  32. Which can be tapped into the house later or drawn around. If a team has the, hammer , they will try to keep this four-foot zone free so that they have access to the
  33. Tank circuit. If the pendulum has been at rest, and we were to strike it with a, hammer ,(the" impulse" ), setting it in motion, it would swing back and forth ("
  34. Gifts than the three made by the Sons of Vivaldi. In the end Mjöllnir,Thor's, hammer , won the contest for Broker and Entry. Loki used a loophole to get out of the
  35. West Crater while Aldrin collected two core tubes. He used the geological, hammer ,to pound in the tubes - the only time the hammer was used on Apollo 11. The
  36. Remove it more difficult. Ideally, the strategy in an end for a team with the, hammer ,is to score two points or more. Scoring one point is often a wasted opportunity
  37. Points with the hammer than without; in tournament play, the team with the, hammer ,generally tries to score two or more points. If only one point is possible, the
  38. Good,” for example, can mean" useful" or" functional" ( That’s a good, hammer ,)," exemplary" ( She’s a good student)," pleasing" ( This is good soup)
  39. By a comparison of each team's win-loss record. In all subsequent ends,the, hammer ,belongs to the team that did not score in the preceding end. In the event that
  40. Hand only needs to be cocked and when its trigger is pulled the flint of the, hammer ,strikes the frizzed throwing sparks into the pan and detonating the charge at
  41. Æthelbald. With civil war looming, the magnates of the realm met in council to, hammer ,out a compromise. Æthelbald would retain the western shires (i.e.
  42. It with his chisel. 4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with, hammer ,and nails, so it will not totter. 5 Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their
  43. Did not score in the preceding end. In the event that neither team scores,the, hammer ,remains with the same team. Naturally, it is easier to score points with the
  44. Two or more points may lie. This is called a blank end. Scoring without the, hammer ,is commonly referred to as stealing, or a steal, and is much more difficult.
  45. Slapped or popped, the fretting hand may cause other notes to sound by using ", hammer ,ONS "," pull offs ", or a left-hand glissando (slide). Larry Graham of Sly
  46. Daisy-wheel printers operate in much the same fashion as a typewriter. A, hammer ,strikes a wheel with petals, the " daisy wheel ", each petal containing a
  47. I was a joke in that Boston-Pittsburgh Series. What does it profit a man to, hammer ,along and make a few hits when they are not needed only to fall down when it
  48. Tubes. He used the geological hammer to pound in the tubes - the only time the, hammer ,was used on Apollo 11. The astronauts then collected rock samples using scoops
  49. Rock through the house so that no team scores any points, and the team with the, hammer ,can try again the next end to score two or more with it. Generally, a team
  50. The skip will often try to avoid scoring at all in order to retain the, hammer ,until the next end, when two or more points may lie. This is called a blank end

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