Examples of the the word, ambition , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ambition ), is the 5427 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Regents, the Am bans allowed themselves to be dominated. It was the, ambition ,and greed for power of Tibetans that led to five successive Dalai Lamas being
  2. The small family. Vernon moved from one odd job to the next, evidencing little, ambition , The family often relied on help from neighbors and government food assistance.
  3. Religious conversions & Assassination of the Sikh Guru Aurangzeb cherished the, ambition ,of converting India into a land of Islam. This philosophy was also pleaded by
  4. His classwork remained uninspired, and his teachers accused him of affecting, ambition ,and originality negatively. Budding mathematician In 1828,he attempted
  5. Leave for the outside a day of the year. He attempted to raise the professional, ambition ,of the common man by building universities for study, and water transit and
  6. The other communities of the empire like the Maratha's. Aurangzeb cherished the, ambition ,of converting India into a land of Islam. For this, he encouraged forced
  7. Crown. Since her adulteress mother was his own sister, Afonso V had not only, ambition , but the family honor to protect. He proclaimed himself King of Castile and
  8. Of the Arab world, sought the establishment of an independent state. Ethiopian, ambition ,in the Horn was apparent in the expansionist ambition of its monarch when Hail
  9. Music to a wider audience, saw in Presley the means to realize his, ambition , Accompanied by guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black, Presley was one
  10. Region. He was the third son of a great Indian king of the Pal lava Dynasty. His, ambition ,lay in the Mahayana path, and so he put aside his white layman's robe for the
  11. The universe that we may have opportunities to satisfy our greed, envy and, ambition , " *"The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of
  12. What Child Is This? " At her kindergarten graduation. She said about her, ambition ,as a child," I was in my own world, ... I found out what I'm supposed to do
  13. Mistress, and forces her into an operatic career for which she has no talent or, ambition , Kane finally allows her to abandon her singing career after she attempts
  14. Their National Governing Body was a major factor in the abandonment of this, ambition ,a few years later. Since FINA refused to rescind recognition of the ASA as the
  15. Which was beginning construction. Although he had for many years" harbored an, ambition ,to create work for a public square ", he " had never set foot in New York, and
  16. Broadly opposed to the Liberal government. This, together with her personal, ambition ,for a role in government, led her to defect to the ALP in 1997. In the 1998
  17. Attempts could rally around the pair, and Agrippina was already showing such, ambition , It has been suggested in recent times that the Senate may have pushed for the
  18. The Holy Roman Empire, although these claims were rejected by the Poles, whose, ambition , had been to conquer Prussia all along. The Teutonic Order's strategy was to
  19. And Cyrus actually knew about them and was“ seized by a strong desire and, ambition ,to do what had been written. ” Texts and manuscripts The oldest surviving
  20. Had at first written stories only for financial gain, but as his artistic, ambition ,grew, he made formal innovations which have influenced the evolution of the
  21. Which they embraced as their own. These are the grand sepulchers built by, ambition ,; but by the ambition of an insatiable benevolence, which,not contented with
  22. Alexander the Great routed Darius III for supremacy in Asia Minor is vast in, ambition , sweeping in scope, vivid in imagery, rich in symbols, and obviously heroic—the
  23. Of re-evaluating the existing curriculum and raising money for greater academic, ambition , The money will be used for academic programs, research,new facilities
  24. Man’s foundation ". This allowed him to visit Rome on the way, a long time, ambition ,of his. The letter to the Romans, in part, prepares them and gives reasons for
  25. Real (see Unionism). The artistic challenge was resurrected with increasing, ambition ,as art became more and more realistic with the invention of photography, film (
  26. And more than six hundred monks. Peter, however,cannot be accused of, ambition ,or the lust of power when a monastic superior, any more than when he insisted
  27. He hoped that he might be regarded by them as their champion against the, ambition ,of Octavian, who he presumed would not be willing to abandon his position in a
  28. Prospered under his rule, but not peacefully, as his laws interfered with the, ambition ,of powerful nobles. The count of Barcelona, a personal enemy of the Duke of
  29. As their own. These are the grand sepulchers built by ambition ; but by the, ambition ,of an insatiable benevolence, which,not contented with reigning in the
  30. Regime. Nor did the vague statements of those who insisted upon his" powerful, ambition ,... and unusual energy of will” actually account for his revolutionary
  31. Hand, classical liberals believed that men of higher rank were motivated by, ambition , Seeing society as atomistic, they believed that society was no more than the
  32. Own ethically driven case for women’s emancipation. Wollstonecraft’s leading, ambition ,for women was that they should attain virtue, and it was to this end that she
  33. Of the Reformers: You declaim bitterly against the luxury of priests,the, ambition ,of bishops, the tyranny of the Roman Pontiff, and the babbling of the sophists;
  34. York Magazine piece on women in rock music, it was noted that Love" had the, ambition ,most people would associate with a male rock star ... one thing you have to
  35. Comments on his character:" His vanity, though child-like, was monstrous, his, ambition , unbridled. The truth, in his hands, was swiftly converted from what it was, too
  36. Press gallery. Lack of clear direction other than, possibly,senators' common, ambition ,to play a more productive role in government manifested itself in tensions over
  37. Of the Classical style set it apart from its contemporary works: in length, ambition , and harmonic resources as well. Classical influence on later composers Musical
  38. Revising. Grigorovich's advice nevertheless inspired a more serious, artistic, ambition , in the twenty-six-year-old. In 1887,with a little string-pulling by
  39. The field of mathematics. Plutarch wrote:" He placed his whole affection and, ambition ,in those purer speculations where there can be no reference to the vulgar needs
  40. Nonetheless, the Balkans remained a site of political unrest, teeming, ambition , for independence and great power rivalries. At the Congress of Berlin in 1878
  41. Down in writing, for truly I fear lest someone forward a claim or form some, ambition , and Allah and the believers refuse anyone other than Abu Bakr. " From Sahib
  42. According to Plutarch, Philip,overjoyed at this display of courage and, ambition , kissed him tearfully, declaring:" My boy, you must find a kingdom big enough
  43. His return to America, Lugosi was interviewed for television, and revealed his, ambition ,to play more comedy, though wistfully noting," Now I am the boogie man. "
  44. Like people to remember us as we were. Young, exuberant,full of energy and, ambition , I remember Robert Plant saying Led Zeppelin were a cover band now because they
  45. Cars, and romance. By the mid-1960s,leader Brian Wilson's growing creative, ambition ,and songwriting ability would dominate the group's musical direction. The
  46. What do you want? " In contrast to the Orlons, they place personal desire and, ambition ,first, using it to shape identity, The representation of order and chaos was
  47. State. Ethiopian ambition in the Horn was apparent in the expansionist, ambition ,of its monarch when Hail Selassie claimed Italian Somaliland and Eritrea. He
  48. Of Disraeli, states that his Jewishness was" both the greatest obstacle to his, ambition ,and its greatest engine. " Much of the criticism of his policies was couched in
  49. Colour. Throughout his life he continued to paint seriously. He had a lifelong, ambition ,to illustrate Tennyson's poems; near the end of his life a volume with a small
  50. Blind, bald,crippled, toothless,querulous ADAMS" of nepotism and monarchical, ambition , The Adams administration did not wait for the passage of the Sedition Act but

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