Examples of the the word, crap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crap ), is the 5424 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Initials were" SCRAP" ( humorously pronounced" see- crap " or just ", crap ,") even though it, like the Bloc Québécois,didn't actually have the word
  2. Gerry Robinson with the question," Why is it that everything you fund is so, crap , " Ali G was in a series of ads for the 2005–06 NBA season, in which he used
  3. Lyrics in the end,who's not as good as me. He made millions out of it. He's, crap , but he did ask the top man first! " When AIDS first came to prominence in the
  4. Is a mildly impolite expression with a similar connotation to the English ", crap ,". The French use a term of endearment, mon Chou or Mon petite Chou, equivalent
  5. Gangster leader and the outlaw. He was antisocial because he knew society was, crap ,; he was a hero to youth because he was strong enough not to take the crap ...
  6. Which the dealer will take and then place chips in front of the player. Some, crap ,table layouts state" No Call Bets. " A call bet is made when a player is
  7. That you’re going to see something a little different from your usual studio, crap , ” Sierpinski was praised for slowly revealing the plot while keeping the
  8. That it was wrong to" desecrate the main memorial to Wallace with a lump of, crap , " In 1998 the face on the statue was vandalized by someone wielding a hammer.
  9. AAA rating to Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) that were chock-full-of, crap ,mortgages, thereby helping to precipitate the 2008 financial collapse" ). Ezra
  10. Or The Oregon Trail is the shit. Again, other slang words of the same meaning, crap ,for example, are not used in such locutions. Shortening of bullshit The
  11. Although it had been well received, Noether later described her thesis as ", crap ,". For the next seven years (1908–1915) she taught at the University of
  12. Rolling Stones review gave 3 out of 5 stars, Playlouder called it 'fucking, crap ,', and Yahoo! Launch labeled it 'a frightening insight into the vacuous state
  13. PETA, he also claimed his change due to" touring and its variety of edible, crap ," and also he felt it was" instinctive somewhat. " Furthermore, he also feels
  14. For years of torment, with a plank of wood, screaming " I've been taking your, crap ,all my life! ". After knocking them unconscious, Martin exclaims that 'this
  15. In 1995 an anonymous British diplomat said Chiral" cuts through the, crap ,and comes straight to the point ... It's refreshing, although you have to put
  16. Were needling the musicians asking:" How can you possibly participate in such, crap , " (" We point ICR blog so and Scheme Aachen! "). At one point someone
  17. Been claimed in popular culture that the slang term for human bodily waste,", crap ,", originated with Thomas Crapper because of his association with lavatories.
  18. And attractive," he told Hugh Ainsworth. " Too many people have bought this, crap ,that all the girls were similar ... but almost everything was dissimilar ...
  19. Two" during the come out roll because the pass line bet is lost on a come out, crap ,roll and/or because a bet on any crap s would win. " Aces; DOUBLE the Field "
  20. Leary sings" He says what the hell is Lisa Marie thinking with Michael Jackson, crap , she should have married Jane or Latoya or Tito or even Malaria Jackson ". *In
  21. In" The Beast With a Billion Backs" (" This place makes Outlet look like, crap , ") and in" Into the Wild Green Yonder" (" Beats Outlet on a Saturday night
  22. Comeout roll to encourage Field Better to place subsequent bets and/or when no, crap ,bets have been placed. Another name for the two is" Loose Deuce. " Three is
  23. In the ass, suggests a mischievous or contemptuous person. Euphemisms such as, crap ,are not used in this context. The term piece of shit is generally used to
  24. In eight games, a banner declaring" Three years of excuses, and it's still, crap ,... Tamra Fertile. " Was displayed at Old Trafford, and many journalists and
  25. A job, a way to earn a living by" churning out reams and reams of sellable, crap ,", never dreaming how his series would catch on. Comics historian Jim Sterno
  26. Airport, protesting me, spitting,calling me baby-killer and all kinds of vile, crap , " George Tiller was first discussed on The O'Reilly Factor on February 25
  27. Getting some attention,they'd stick six issues of whatever worthless piece of, crap ,they happened to be publishing lately under a glossy cover and call it The
  28. band's latest, self-titled release as" more of the same 27th-rate heavy metal, crap , " In a review of Sir Lord Baltimore's Kingdom Come in the May 1971 Creek
  29. TV Show Creator Gerry Anderson has said that it was" the biggest load of, crap ,I have ever seen in my life. " Merchandising Several companies, including
  30. A place in London). Lesser taboo terms include" pony and trap" for ", crap ," (as in defecate, but often used to denote nonsense or low quality); "
  31. Version ", stating that the developers" couldn't stand that kind of, crap , " It has remained as such in each subsequent release. From the first version
  32. Is the type of director I don’t like to work with ... the picture is a crock of, crap , I got sick and tired of who gets Sabrina. " Wilder said," We parted as
  33. Enterprise and entrepreneurship. In a 2008 interview, he said: Britain is, crap ,at being entrepreneurial because (a) it's a risk averse country, and (b)
  34. Whitehead. In 1999,Trevor Pride aux organized the ongoing Turnip Prize as" a, crap ,art competition ... You can enter anything you like, but it must be rubbish ";
  35. Also left at this time, later stating," A once-brilliant band was turning to, crap ,before my very eyes. " Before his death, Lynott was planning a third solo album
  36. Just play songs about how much we love Jesus, all the Christians will buy our, crap , " In the King of the Hill episode" Reborn to Be Wild ", Bobby Hill gets into
  37. After she had turned to more abstract methods, Noether called her thesis (, crap ,) and Formelngestrüpp (a jungle of equations). Galois theory
  38. Has publicly expressed her regret over the record several times, calling it" a, crap ,record ", reasoning that her drug issues at the time were to blame. In June
  39. Art establishment for so long. " Graffiti artist Banksy stencilled" Mind the, crap ," on the steps of the Tate, who called in emergency cleaners to remove it.
  40. Walter Matthew designated him as a" musical guest ... in place of the usual, crap ,", and once a Schubert lied while the titles on the screen purported to express
  41. His own shoelaces. " I was having a hard time at school, in terms of being, crap ,at everything, with no discernible talent," Radcliffe commented. In August
  42. A rage and said," For me to be at a comedy club and to flip out and say this, crap , I'm deeply, deeply, sorry. " He said he was trying to defuse heckling by being
  43. His shirt into them. Bell referred to this as" the badge of an essentially, crap ,Superman ". (Ironically, this report turned out to have been false, having
  44. Ninety percent of everything is crud" or" ninety percent of everything is, crap ,", was originally known as" Sturgeon's Revelation ", formulated as such in
  45. Was crap ; he was a hero to youth because he was strong enough not to take the, crap ,... Brando represented a contemporary version of the free American ... Brando
  46. I. However, Brian Allies was vocally displeased with the film, stating," It's, crap , Science fiction has to be logical, and it's full of lapses in logic. "
  47. Ninety percent of everything is crud" or" ninety percent of everything is, crap ,", the phrase was derived from Sturgeon's observation that while science
  48. Referring to popular culture, he wrote of being raised" on a hearty diet of, crap ,". His parents divorced when Charon was 11,and he grew up in Pittsburgh
  49. A patent for this development was awarded in 1898. Origin of the word ", crap ," It has often been claimed in popular culture that the slang term for human
  50. A noble man" ( as suggested in both Lee 's and Byrne's run) " is absolute, crap , ... A man Doom whose entire motivating force is jealousy is ridiculously petty

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