Examples of the the word, detention , in a Sentence Context

The word ( detention ), is the 5426 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Abuses in prisons, including torture, beatings,unexplained deaths and illegal, detention , Under President Obi ang, the basic infrastructure of Equatorial Guinea has also
  2. Access to judicial proceedings to determine the legality of one's arrest or, detention ,and to trial within a reasonable time or release pending trial, and the right
  3. Prize while imprisoned. More recently, there has been growing criticism of her, detention ,by Burma's neighbors in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  4. Been an honorary board member of International IDEA and ARTICLE 19 since her, detention , and has received support from these organizations. * The Voice Universities
  5. Explicitly limited in order to bring a suspect before a judge. To use pre-trial, detention ,as a means of intimidation of a person under a false pretext is therefore a
  6. Abuses in prisons, including torture, beatings,unexplained deaths and illegal, detention , According to a March 2004 BBC profile, politics within the country are
  7. Approach that sometimes involves abduction and typically involves forced, detention , The actual deprogramming takes place when it is deemed possible to" pick up "
  8. To clear his name, but in the aftermath of Osborn declaring Utopia as a mutant, detention ,area, Cyclops refused to let him leave, stating that it would be a tactical
  9. Law, but rather of the civil law. Compare tortfeasance. Booking-arrests require, detention ,for a time-frame ranging 1 to 24 hours. Causes and correlates of crime Many
  10. And Austria. During this time, thousands of Germans were held in prisons and, detention ,camps or used as forced labor. In the summer of 1945,there were several
  11. Would later testify before Congress that the opinion was sought after the, detention ,of Abu Zubaydah. Questions by CIA officers over which tactics could be used on
  12. To national parliamentarians, and in other states they have immunity from, detention ,and legal proceedings. However, immunity cannot be claimed when a member is
  13. He vigorously exercised unprecedented war powers, including the arrest and, detention ,without trial of thousands of suspected secessionists. He prevented British
  14. While under house arrest. It was the first meeting since she had been placed in, detention , Sub FYI continued to be imprisoned under the 1975 State Protection Act (
  15. Not proceed in the future. The Howard Government built a temporary immigration, detention ,center on the island in 2001 and planned to replace it with a larger, modern
  16. Some out to sea for a time before being swept back in. Refugee and immigration, detention ,From the late 1980s and early 1990s,boats carrying asylum seekers and mainly
  17. Apart from torture, to cases of severe police violence and poor conditions in, detention , The Court have emphasized the fundamental nature of Article 3 in holding that
  18. Community peace and stability" of the country. She has appealed against her, detention , Many nations and figures have continued to call for her release and that of
  19. Power to set up a Committee of Inquiry, for example over mad cow disease or CIA, detention ,flights—the former led to the creation of the European veterinary agency. The
  20. Use of the CIA's harsher interrogation techniques as well as Abu Zubaydah’s, detention ,in secret CIA prisons around the world. In a speech in 2006,President Bush
  21. Article 5 provides the right to liberty, subject only to lawful arrest or, detention ,under certain other circumstances, such as arrest on suspicion of a crime or
  22. 2010,Sung San Sub FYI was released from house arrest. This was the date her, detention ,had been set to expire according to a court ruling in August 2009 and came six
  23. Being raped repeatedly. Serb soldiers or policemen would come to these, detention ,centers, select one or more women, take them out and rape them. In June 1992
  24. And enhance the troops' morale. While there, the cheerleaders toured the, detention ,camps' hospital, and Camp IV, Camp V, & Camp VI. (from Icelandic for" Æsir
  25. To one unconfirmed report, the junta was planning to, once again, place her in, detention , this time in a military base outside the city. In a separate trial, Yettaw
  26. Detention and deportation center After 1924,Ellis Island became primarily a, detention ,and deportation processing center. During and immediately following World War
  27. Falcons Cheerleaders, on January 26, 2009 traveled to the Guantánamo Bay, detention ,camps, in Cuba, to sign autographs, and enhance the troops' morale. While
  28. Had been held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantánamo Bay, detention ,camp, in Cuba were deported to Bermuda. The four men were among 22 Uyghurs who
  29. A variety of reasons, such as prisoner transport, officer transport, temporary, detention , facilities and as command and control vehicles. Some fire departments also use
  30. Widespread civil rights violations, including systematic use of lengthy, detention ,without trial, forced confessions, torture,mistreatment of prisoners, and
  31. Approval of the interrogation methods used on prisoners at the Guantánamo Bay, detention ,camp. On December 18, 2006,Donald Vance filed suit against the US government
  32. A space had been left on the roll of signatures to symbolize her continued, detention , * In November 2005 the human rights group Equality Now proposed Sung Sun Sub
  33. Group of eminent global leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela. Her ongoing, detention ,means that she is unable to take an active role in the group, so The Elders
  34. 2005 Torture Memo surfaced, Government officials familiar with Abu Zubaydah's, detention ,questioned this account of events. In January 2010,Kyriakos, in a memoir, said
  35. Andrei Sakharov Place" as a form of protest against his 1980 arrest and, detention , * In Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, Sakharov Square, located in the heart of
  36. That they have missed a very important opportunity. " Periods under, detention ,* 20 July 1989: Placed under house arrest in Rangoon under martial law that
  37. Malaysia warned Burma that it faced expulsion from ASEAN as a result of the, detention ,of Sub FYI. Other nations including South Africa, Bangladesh and the Maldives
  38. With many of the men detained in the camps. The women were kept in various, detention ,centers where they had to live in intolerably unhygienic conditions, where they
  39. Trial by jury, the right to silence without prejudicial inference, permissible, detention , before a charge is made extended from 24 hours to 42 days, and the right not to
  40. Russian drama film The Chemist. * In Spain, during the Spanish Civil War,the, detention ,and torture centers operated by the Communists were named checks after the
  41. Of mental illness, was convicted of murder and executed. Throughout her, detention ,and after her release, Goldman steadfastly refused to condemn Czolgosz's
  42. Henceforward all arrests had to be first presented to a judge to determine the, detention ,measure; and fiscal innovation, such as negotiating extraordinary taxes with
  43. 1989: Placed under house arrest in Rangoon under martial law that allows for, detention ,without charge or trial for three years. * 25 May 2007: House arrest extended
  44. From this war which occurred in the Maritime was the British capture and, detention ,of the American frigate USS Chesapeake in Halifax. 19th century In 1820,the
  45. Sub Kyi's first appearance in state media in the four years since her current, detention ,began. The United Nations Working Group for Arbitrary Detention rendered an
  46. Goldman to the attack, and she was eventually released after two weeks of, detention , Before McKinley died, Goldman offered to provide nursing care, referring to
  47. York Times on January 8,2004. Later in 2004,Lamp was sentenced to six months, detention ,at his parents' home plus two years probation, and was ordered to pay roughly
  48. Detainees On 11 June 2009,four Uyghurs who had been held in extrajudicial, detention ,in the United States Guantánamo Bay detention camp, in Cuba were deported to
  49. Release pending trial, and the right to compensation in the case of arrest or, detention ,in violation of this article. Article 6 - fair trial Article 6 provides a
  50. And undesirable activities. They were held for 3½ months in a military, detention ,camp at the Depot de Triage, in La Ferté-Macé, Orne, Normandy. Cummings

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