Examples of the the word, bitter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bitter ), is the 5417 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As snacks on street markets; they are called Chagall LADOM. *In Italy,the, bitter ,almonds from apricots are the base for amaretto (almond macaroons),a common
  2. Of edibility and may be rich in protein. Although they are reported to have a, bitter ,and unpleasant taste, they are more useful for survival purposes. The wood of
  3. And making use of their creations. He sticks it out with the railway to the, bitter ,end, even when the old world is obviously collapsing and Deign has shifted her
  4. Bitter almonds may yield from 4 to 9 mg of hydrogen cyanide per almond. Extract of, bitter ,almond was once used medicinally, but even in small doses, effects are severe
  5. Analyses of solutions containing aspartame report a sweet aftertaste as well as, bitter ,and off-flavour aftertastes. Discovery and approval Aspartame was discovered in
  6. According to tradition, the rod of Aaron bore sweet almonds on one side and, bitter ,on the other; if the Israelites followed the Lord, the sweet almonds would be
  7. To three parts of bitter almonds "; however, due to the cyanide found in, bitter ,almonds, modern syrups generally consist of only sweet almonds. Oils Almonds
  8. Their bitter taste (commercially, apricot kernels are used as a substitute for, bitter ,almonds). Almonds are also a common choice as the nuts to include in throne.
  9. Remains was that San Pietro was shared by two Augustinian religious orders in, bitter ,rivalry. The Augustinians were expelled from Pa via in 1700,taking refuge in
  10. With sugar, or flavored with aromatic herbs or dried orange peel to hide its, bitter ,flavor. Hot water is poured into the gourd at near-boiling point to not
  11. Nation through a policy of generous reconciliation in the face of lingering and, bitter ,divisiveness. However, just six days after the surrender of Confederate
  12. Sin-shar-ishkun. Ashur-etil-ilani was deposed in 620 BC, after four years of, bitter ,fighting by Sin-shumu-lishir, an Assyrian general also briefly occupied and
  13. He blamed subversive activities of the" Groupers" for the defeat. After, bitter ,public dispute many Groupers were expelled from the ALP and formed the
  14. A compromise sentence was reached" after two days' discussion and some rather, bitter ,horse-trading ". The court's judgment stated that: ... in the closing stages
  15. By 407,the estrangement between the eastern and western courts had become so, bitter ,that it threatened civil war. Silicon actually proposed using Alaric's troops
  16. Turrón. Almond syrup Historically, almond syrup was an emulsion of sweet and, bitter ,almonds, usually made with barley syrup (orgeat syrup) or in a syrup of
  17. The rival of the Hebrew even in prayer (Yer. Sot ah, vii.21b). In spite of the, bitter ,protest of Simon b. Abbey, he also taught his daughters Greek (Yer. Shaw. vi.7d
  18. By acid hydrolysis. The drawback of this technique is that a byproduct,the, bitter ,tasting form, is produced when the wrong carboxyl group from aspartic acid
  19. Back into the union, and his vetoes of civil rights bills embroiled him in a, bitter ,dispute with Radical Republicans. The Radicals in the House of Representatives
  20. Would be ripe and edible, but if they were to forsake the path of the Lord,the, bitter ,almonds would predominate. The almond blossom supplied a model for the menorah
  21. From above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away, bitter ,cowardice from my head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul.
  22. Almonds (10-20 %) is added to the ingredients, which gives the cookies their, bitter ,taste (commercially, apricot kernels are used as a substitute for bitter
  23. Appear: first Elmer wheat and adorn wheat, then hulled barley, peas,lentils, bitter ,vetch, chick peas and flax. By 7000 BC, small-scale agriculture reached Egypt.
  24. First adopted by Fernando Derrida del Marmot in 1889 in response to the ", bitter ,debates" of anarchist theory at the time. In abandoning the hyphenated
  25. Jackson attempted to face down Calhoun over the issue, which developed into a, bitter ,rivalry between the two men. Particularly notable was an incident at the April
  26. On insect pollination. The fruits from Prunes ducks var. Amara are always, bitter ,as are the kernels from other Prunes species like apricot, peach and cherry (
  27. The Scythians and Commercials, attacked Assyria in 616 BC. After four years of, bitter ,fighting, Nineveh was finally sacked in 612 BC, after a prolonged siege
  28. Of Portugal as nothing but a rebel. Conflict between the two was constant and, bitter ,in the following years. Alfonso became involved in a war, taking the side of the
  29. Vs. Manualism After being strongly established in the United States there was a, bitter ,fight between those who supported oralism over manualism in the late 19th
  30. Believers in a form of Christianity known as Gnosticism, who are engaged in a, bitter ,war with the" Spanish" in Mexico. (The chief scientist at the laboratory
  31. Its ultimate source, alumen, in turn is a Latin word that literally means ", bitter ,salt ". The earliest citation given in the Oxford English Dictionary for any
  32. Involvement with the U. S. government, in particular, has caused, bitter ,controversy within the discipline. Franz Boas publicly objected to US
  33. As plot devices to contrast or reinforce a character's drama. For example, bitter ,divorce litigation of a client might provide a backdrop for Ally's decision to
  34. To appease the Egyptians, the Ptolemies were challenged by native rebellion, bitter ,family rivalries, and the powerful mob of Alexandria that formed after the
  35. In the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in the longstanding and very, bitter ,separatist conflict against the Azerbaijani Government; Nagorno-Karabakh is a
  36. Even before the fascist victory in 1939,the anarchists were losing ground in a, bitter ,struggle with the Stalinists, who controlled the distribution of military aid
  37. Meg Lees replaced as leader by Natasha Stott Despot after a very public and, bitter ,leadership battle. Despite criticism of Stott Despoja's youth and lack of
  38. That" Ten parts of sweet almonds are generally employed to three parts of, bitter ,almonds "; however, due to the cyanide found in bitter almonds, modern syrups
  39. In the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in the longstanding and very, bitter ,separatist conflict against the Azerbaijani Government. Nagorno-Karabakh is a
  40. Other Prunes species like apricot, peach and cherry (to a lesser extent). The, bitter ,almond is slightly broader and shorter than the sweet almond, and contains
  41. High above the city, and the port of Alicante. The latter was the subject of, bitter ,controversy in 2006-2007 as residents battled to keep it from being changed
  42. Are seldom unconditional or permanent. The AWU and the NEW, for example, are, bitter , rivals and the NEW sometimes aligns itself with the left. Moreover, in some
  43. Threat is stronger than the execution ". Nimzowitsch had lengthy and somewhat, bitter ,dogmatic conflicts with Carrasco over whose ideas constituted 'proper' chess.
  44. Glucoside, amygdalin, yielding glucose, cyanide and the essential oil of, bitter ,almonds, which is nearly pure benzaldehyde. Bitter almonds may yield from 4 to 9
  45. Ies. JPG|The stem of the dandelion (Tarapacá, Cichorioideae) contains a, bitter ,latex. File:22031. Asteraceae - Unicycles officinarum. JPG | (Unicycles
  46. Metabolic systems in humans and other animals, they almost uniformly invoke a, bitter ,taste. The boundary between alkaloids and other nitrogen-containing natural
  47. Leading up to the proofs, as well as publication disagreements, led to a, bitter ,dispute between the two mathematicians. For his fundamental accomplishments
  48. Benvolio family. He was also appointed Sarmatia Human. This appointment caused, bitter ,resentment among the hereditary Whom nobles and commanders and the resistance
  49. Almond macaroons),a common dessert. Traditionally, a low percentage of, bitter ,almonds (10-20 %) is added to the ingredients, which gives the cookies their
  50. Deprived of responsibility for construction, and Speer promptly sent Hitler a, bitter ,letter, concluding with an offer of his resignation. Judging Speer

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