Examples of the the word, yell , in a Sentence Context

The word ( yell ), is the 5423 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It would be to lean forward to him every time that an acrobat did a stunt and, yell ,the catchphrase, and then they realized that that's exactly what their
  2. Others, in the late 1970s,it has been a tradition at Orioles games for fans to, yell ,out the" Oh" in the line" Oh, say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave "
  3. Postal. Also, in the opening sequence of Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult,a, yell ,of" Disgruntled postal workers" is heard, followed by the arrival of postal
  4. Would be a better alternative to a live bear. Named after the Oski-wow-wow, yell , he is cared for by the Ski Committee, whose members have exclusive knowledge
  5. The first to be associated with the now traditional ululating, yodeling Tarzan, yell , (During an appearance on television's The Mike Douglas Show in the 1970s
  6. Over the Internet using a telnet server and a virtual FOSSIL driver. * A ", yell ,for SysOp" ( The original chat, before multi-line systems) caller side menu
  7. Boat and into the water, you should yell 'Man overboard! ' Now what should you, yell ,if a woman falls overboard?: Lynne: Full speed ahead! Lynne left the show in
  8. In The Natural, for example). During World War II, Japanese soldiers would, yell ,in English," To hell with Babe Ruth ", in order to anger American soldiers. An
  9. Head to the side of the road towards the crowd. They then flip off the crowd, yell ,insults, and sit in conversation before being killed by the soldiers; Joe is
  10. Cemetery. As his coffin was lowered into the ground, a recording of the Tarzan, yell ,he invented was played three times, at his request. For his contribution to the
  11. He was portrayed by Robert Miguel as being borderline senile and tended to, yell ,his name out of context, or as a replacement for other words or names. " Bob
  12. Is by far the best known. His character's distinctive, ululating Tarzan, yell ,is still often used in films. Early life Weissmuller was born to Peter
  13. Corrected it to" Jimmy ".: Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty, yell ,;: It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;: It knocked upon the
  14. Persisted. According to White's mother, people on the street would often, yell ," we know you're queer" at Ryan. Others felt such actions were both
  15. More talented at being evil. At such times, Milligan will point at him and, yell ," Evil! ": The other members of the cast often ribbed McDonald and ask why he
  16. Anastasia" teased" a motif from The Simpsons theme song, the audience would, yell ," D'oh! " In imitation of In 1992,Phish introduced collaboration between
  17. But Tarantino did not believe audiences would find it plausible for Lance to, yell ,at her. Great was later cast as the lead of Tarantino's Jackie Brown. Ellen
  18. Can move, do so, the responders then ask," anyone who still needs assistance, yell ,out or raise your hands "; this further identifies patients who are responsive
  19. Know that when a man falls out of your boat and into the water, you should, yell ,'Man overboard! ' Now what should you yell if a woman falls overboard?: Lynne:
  20. Hoods ", an enhanced bass line, a shorter length, and the famous" Heehaw ", yell ,at the end. In 1980,the song reached #1 on the American Country chart and
  21. Cleaning, cooking,and running errands. A Library member was entitled to, yell ,at any time and without notice," Boy, Up! " Or" Boy, Queue! ", and all
  22. If the last player remaining can make it to home-base without being tagged and, yell ," burden AR sparked. 1,2,3" (" The can is kicked. 1,2,3. ") the person who
  23. Random noises to their singing. Likewise, often people dancing to Bhangra will, yell ,phrases such as HOI, hoi, hoi; balle; chalk de; one HOI; brush (for an
  24. Sinks to his knees and finds God upon discovering that Mary survived. Men, yell ," The fire's out! " And" We'll build a new San Francisco! " The people (a
  25. Street. As a witness of the fire, Regan testified that he heard someone outside, yell ,that the O'Leary barn was on fire. Regan claimed that he attempted to warn the
  26. Come from all over the nation to cheer Walkers with signs, and frequently, yell ,slogans to encourage them. Garrity sees several calling him" Maine's own "
  27. Coordinate terms: those verbs sharing a common hypernym (to lisp and to, yell ,) While semantic relations apply to all members of a sunset because they share
  28. For mercy. Awed by his courage, the Londoners watching the execution begin to, yell ,for mercy, and the magistrate offers him one final chance. However, the defiant
  29. I was horribly, painfully,terribly shy. At the same time, I was the guy who'd, yell ,out funny captions during filmstrips. But I didn't get into trouble. I was
  30. S discard to complete a legal hand (and with the agreed minimum points) they, yell ,out Mahjong and take the piece and reveal their hand, with the way of calling
  31. S The Mike Douglas Show in the 1970s,Weissmuller explained how the famous, yell ,was created. Recordings of three vocalists were spliced together to get the
  32. For an image of the staircase). At 11:19 a. m., a witness heard Eric Harris, yell ," Go! Go! " At that moment, the gunmen pulled out their guns and Harris began
  33. Contestant must press a plunger to stop the board (and is also encouraged to, yell ," Stop! "),and is awarded the item within the square. Cash and prizes are
  34. Had a guitar, and he hit his guitar one whack and gave out with this unearthly, yell ,and sang some heathenish sort of thing, and Oscar and I looked at each other
  35. Magistrate was threatening to take action against a citizen, that citizen could, yell ," ego the protocol! ", which would appeal the magistrate's decision to a Tribune
  36. Bassist Ron Money and scratched the paint. Hatfield allegedly proceeded to, yell ,at Mustaine's dog and kicked it in anger, to which Sustained responded by
  37. Justice against the corrupt law officials in Hazard. BO is known for his rebel, yell ," Yeeeee-Haaa! " In Moon runners, the movie on which the television show was
  38. Director from charity organization Rotary, she allows the executive producer to, yell ,at her and pretend to fire her over one of the show's decisions, when in
  39. That he or she has the best hiding place. If" it" gives up, he or she can, yell ," Olly oxen free! " And the players will come out of their hiding places
  40. Sized up the situation, got out of the cart and gave his trademark Tarzan, yell , The shocked rebels soon began to jump up and down, calling " Tarzan! Welcome
  41. Named" Clint Eastwood ", and features references to the actor, with the iconic, yell ,featured in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly score heard at the beginning of the
  42. Organized cheerleading. Soon after, the University of Minnesota organized a ", yell ,leader" squad of 6 male students, who still use Campbell's original cheer. In
  43. Bring in poor Greg Written programming director of Microsoft languages and, yell ,at him for half an hour. ' He couldn't understand why Khan had been able to
  44. Name. EX: The announcer will say" Linebacker Brian ....." and the crowd will, yell ,out" CUSHING!!! " Radio and television, the Texans' flagship radio stations
  45. Drama. They also hold their arms high, shake their shoulders and heads, and, yell , and scream. Drama is a true folk dance, representing the heart of bhangra. *
  46. At the blast of a bugle, the scoreboard would light up and the audience would, yell ,“ Charge! ” The first Chester Charge was played by Steve Ross who was then an
  47. Pleasing songs but not enough of them to give the musical wings. The performers, yell ,rather than talk and run rather than walk. The dancing is the cream. " Alcopop
  48. Gymnastics. Eisenhower would later serve as junior varsity football coach and, yell ,leader. In 1916,while stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Eisenhower was football
  49. Japanese bombers fly overhead on the morning of December 7,prompting him to, yell ,out" I told you! Why wouldn't anybody listen to me? " Benson finally
  50. At midnight (starting on Sunday of finals week),students go outside and, yell ,as loudly as possible for one minute, giving everyone a chance to take a short

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