Examples of the the word, satisfactory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( satisfactory ), is the 5431 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Development of the company. Participation * If the two parties do not reach a, satisfactory ,arrangement, a set of standard principles set out in the Annex to the Directive
  2. Gear doors and the exhaust manifold combined to give performance that was, satisfactory ,to the USAAC. An unusual production feature was a special truck rig to speed
  3. Of an amplifier is the range of frequencies for which the amplifier gives ", satisfactory ,performance ". The definition of" satisfactory performance" may be different
  4. Time. A simple numbering based on periodic table position was never entirely, satisfactory , Besides iodine and tellurium, later several other pairs of elements (such as
  5. Principle, it had published a list of academic institutions which offered ", satisfactory ," chemical engineering courses. Meanwhile, promoting chemical engineering as a
  6. Hand, relations with her other neighboring states, Djibouti and Kenya, are, satisfactory , Africa Djibouti Diplomatic relations between the two countries was established
  7. Of writing the words together as in" endocrine" or" chartable" is not, satisfactory , since the word boundaries may be quite difficult to discern in the result.
  8. Likely to be absent or rare in American popular culture,e.g. " Copacetic (, satisfactory ,) ", are unlikely to be understood by most BRE speakers. Divergence Words and
  9. And, hoping that their relations with the serfs might be regulated in a more, satisfactory ,way (meaning in a way more satisfactory for the proprietors),he authorized
  10. 12th century Jewish legal scholar, Maimonides said::" It is better and more, satisfactory ,to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single innocent one to death.
  11. Map well from the under connectivity theory of autism. Neither category is, satisfactory ,on its own; social cognition theories poorly address autism's rigid and
  12. For instance, wind vanes, known as air meters are employed, and give most, satisfactory ,results. Hot-wire anemometers Hot wire anemometers use a very fine wire (on
  13. With an inert gas after the distillation is complete. However, this is a less, satisfactory ,system if one desires to collect fractions under a reduced pressure. To do this
  14. Thermal shock resistance, refractoriness under load, high melting point, and, satisfactory , porosity. There is a large refractory brick industry, especially in the United
  15. Improved the notation, and gave the multiplication theorem with a proof more, satisfactory ,than Binet's. With him begins the theory in its generality. The next important
  16. May accept with cheerfulness all the sacrifices necessary to bring the war to a, satisfactory ,conclusion ". Bridges asked Parry to supply the verse with" suitable, simple
  17. Pyrenees The destructive war led by Pepin in Aquitaine, although brought to a, satisfactory ,conclusion for the Franks, proved the Frankish power structure south of the
  18. At least three years of supervised teacher training. The result must be, satisfactory ,to qualified peers to gain membership in professional societies. A 2008
  19. Aide. It read:: Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a, satisfactory ,foothold, and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time
  20. Outset prefers no state of motion (even accelerated ones) should appear more, satisfactory , So in 1908 he published an article on acceleration under special relativity.
  21. Represent a compromise between allowing enough bandwidth for video (and hence, satisfactory ,picture resolution),and allowing enough channels to be packed into the
  22. Same macroscopic qualities (such as mass, charge,pressure, etc.). Without a, satisfactory ,theory of quantum gravity, one cannot perform such a computation for black
  23. Have been attributed to IG Carbon, Nacken, Tairus, and others, but the first, satisfactory ,commercial product was that of Johann Uncleaner of Innsbruck, Austria,which
  24. Green (2003) has argued that epiphenomenalism does not even provide a, satisfactory ,‘ out’ from the problem of interaction posed by substance dualism. According
  25. In a different sense. Running an electronic analog computer, assuming a, satisfactory ,setup, started with the computer held with some variables fixed at their
  26. With some versions of realism. The argument hinges on the idea that a, satisfactory ,naturalistic account of thought processes in terms of brain processes can be
  27. Cherished by some, according to John Crosby and Samuel Putnam, it was far from, satisfactory ,as a carrying over of Cervantes's text. The most widely read English-language
  28. Home countries after the war, and local government and self-rule seemed quite, satisfactory , Function The Army The Articles supported the Congressional direction of the
  29. Is called Lissamphibia. The phylogeny of Paleozoic amphibians is by no means, satisfactory ,understood, and lissamphibia may include extinct groups like the
  30. Has not been normalized, and denormalization should only take place after a, satisfactory ,level of normalization has taken place and that any required constraints and/or
  31. And monitors in as little as 5–6 years, although they generally are capable of, satisfactory ,performance for a much longer time. Companies are responding to this trend.
  32. All refer to one basic underlying mechanism, although there is not yet any, satisfactory ,theory for what that mechanism may be. Para psychological research
  33. Offers some solutions to Krugman's argument, but then reasons that none are, satisfactory , First Hummel points out Hayek's solution in Prices and Production to Krugman
  34. Ancestry to the ophicleide and ultimately back to the serpent. The search for a, satisfactory ,foundational wind instrument that could support masses of sound above it took
  35. Recent book:" The plain fact is that at present there exists no scientifically, satisfactory ,explanation for the differences between the IQ distributions in the black and
  36. Wireless successfully. One conclusion drawn was that flag signals were not a, satisfactory ,way to control the fleet. Experience using lamps, particularly at night when
  37. Scripts including Arabic, Hebrew,and Syriac. The omission of vowels was not a, satisfactory ,solution and some" weak" consonants were used to indicate the vowel quality
  38. Of horizontal scan lines in the image. A frame rate of 25 or 30 hertz is a, satisfactory ,compromise, while the process of interlacing two video fields of the picture
  39. After a string quartet," Martin explains," I do not think there is a, satisfactory ,sound for strings until one has at least three players on each line ... as a
  40. For which the amplifier gives" satisfactory performance ". The definition of ", satisfactory ,performance" may be different for different applications. However, a common
  41. 2) it is neither so simple as to be trivial nor too difficult for, satisfactory ,solution; (3) chess is generally considered requiring" thinking" for
  42. Electricity and magnetism. At the time of discovery, Ørsted did not suggest any, satisfactory ,explanation of the phenomenon, nor did he try to represent the phenomenon in a
  43. Group or sociological level, historic factors may make the process of assigning, satisfactory ,meanings more or less problematic. Alternatively, conspiracy theories may arise
  44. But in respect of which the available information is not adequate for making a, satisfactory ,assessment. This assessment scheme is being phased out in favor of the GHS
  45. Time of flight, this works well with prearranged scheduled fire but is less, satisfactory ,for opportunity targets because it means delaying the delivery of fire by
  46. Force; a male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most, satisfactory , " Author Robert Anton Wilson, in his 1977 The Final Secret of the Illuminati (
  47. Over 18,000 complaints from citizens and was able to negotiate a mutually, satisfactory ,solution to more than half of them. In 2005,as a pilot of the potential of
  48. Of flying rods identical to those shown in Jose Escamilla's video. Getting no, satisfactory ,answer to the phenomenon, curious scientists at the facility decided that they
  49. The serfs might be regulated in a more satisfactory way (meaning in a way more, satisfactory ,for the proprietors),he authorized the formation of committees" for
  50. Guaranteed by the dikes and marshes of Ravenna. As all attempts to conduct a, satisfactory ,negotiation with this emperor failed, Alaric,after instituting a second siege

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