Examples of the the word, rumor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rumor ), is the 5415 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Third wife, and Tiberius Claudius Nero. During his reign, Claudius revived the, rumor ,that his father Dress was actually the illegitimate son of Augustus, to give
  2. Early packaging of SimCity 2000 Special Edition. The interview also addresses a, rumor ,stating that Maxis is named after" six AM" in reverse, typically the time of
  3. And her two sons. The historians According to Suetonius, Caligula nursed a, rumor ,that Augustus and Julia the Elder had an incestuous union from which Agrippina
  4. All mixed together ", and that his shotgun was" straight out of the game ". A, rumor ,spread afterwards that Harris had designed Doom levels that looked like the
  5. Acclamation as emperor by the famed Third Gallic Legion. It was the, rumor ,of Alexander's death that triggered the assassination of Elagabalus. As
  6. The 9th in that reckoning). Savonarola visited Lorenzo on his deathbed. The, rumor ,that Savonarola damned Lorenzo on his deathbed has been refuted by Roberto
  7. A 1996 interview, ex-Howard Hughes communicator Robert Mahé said" There is a, rumor ,that there is still some Banana Ripple ice cream left in the freezer. It is
  8. Fiddled while Rome burned ", although this is now considered an inaccurate, rumor , and as an early persecutor of Christians. He was known for having captured
  9. As his sister. In both versions, he leaves Millville" under a cloud of, rumor ,and suspicion ", after having his father mysteriously killed without anyone
  10. Christian God. Upon Paul's arrival in Jerusalem, he was confronted with the, rumor ,of teaching against the Law of Moses (). Perhaps to show that he was" living
  11. Was given added circulation by the Philip Kaufman film Henry & June. This, rumor ,is dashed by at least two encounters NIN writes about in her third unexpurgated
  12. On the movie, indicated that casting hadn't begun. When asked about the, rumor ,during the launch of her endorsement of FLIRT! Cosmetics, Morris told Access
  13. Refused to print the story, and no notable McCarthy biographer has accepted the, rumor ,as probable. In 1953 McCarthy married Jean Kerr, a researcher in his office. He
  14. Result of a running joke from the original Diablo that spawned from an Internet, rumor ,about a cow that appears in the game, seemingly without purpose. Supposedly, if
  15. The rights to the Dean play and began production in 1930. A persistent, rumor ,asserts that director Tod Browning's long-time collaborator, Lon Chaney, was
  16. Telling her it will" excite the love of her husband ". Several years later, rumor ,tells Dania that she has a rival for the love of Heracles. Dania
  17. Behalf such as Operation Bulldozer Leak, intended " to effectively spread the, rumor ,that will lead Government, media,and individual Suppressive Persons to
  18. To Borg's autobiography My Life and Game, Eugene Scott relates that this, rumor ,arose from a medical exam the 18-year-old Borg once took for military service
  19. Also said that Nero playing his lyre and singing while the city burned was only, rumor , To find the necessary funds for the reconstruction, tributes were imposed on
  20. To be rebroadcast once MST3Ks rights ran out. However, this may in fact be a, rumor , as other rumor s indicate that the Camera films distribution rights prices were
  21. S The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat, the protagonists spread the, rumor ,that a Parish Council meeting had voted in favor of a flat Earth. The 1980 film
  22. To look after his family, but the hypocrites of the time begun to spread the, rumor ,that the prophet found Ali a burden and was relieved to be rid of his presence.
  23. OS 9 on top of Leopard. Apple–Intel transition In April 2002,week announced a, rumor ,that Apple had a version of Mac OS X code-named Marker, which ran on Intel x86
  24. In, Bullshit Out, although Parry himself has repeatedly denied this. Another, rumor ,has it being short for King Body, a pseudonym he very briefly used on computer
  25. On a double-date with Heather McNamara, the oafish Kurt and Ram spread a false, rumor ,about Veronica's giving oral sex to them at the same time, ruining her
  26. Haley, with production tentatively scheduled to begin in 2006. However, this, rumor ,was quickly debunked by Hanks. Discography Prior to the formation of Bill Haley
  27. Despite the largely positive view of Presley held by African Americans,a, rumor ,spread in mid-1957 that he had at some point announced," The only thing
  28. Named for his family's patron deity) as the true successor to Caracalla. The, rumor ,was spread, with the assistance of the Several women, that Elagabalus was
  29. Love the place as well. After being inundated by movie fans, Cagney sent out a, rumor ,that he had hired a gunman for security. The ruse proved so successful that
  30. Was anything but racist. Blues singer Ivory Joe Hunter, who had heard the, rumor ,before he visited Graceland one evening, reported of Presley," He showed me
  31. Like fucking Doom" and that his shotgun was" straight out of the game ". A, rumor ,spread afterwards that Harris had designed Doom levels that looked like the
  32. Missiles. However, Lockheed Martin consultant Loren B. Thompson said that this, rumor ,is merely a result of the usual tensions between the US Navy and Marine Corps
  33. With the Surrealist artist Bridget Bate Titchener in her diaries. The, rumor ,that NIN was bisexual was given added circulation by the Philip Kaufman film
  34. Clicked a certain number of times, a portal to a secret level would open. The, rumor ,turned out to be a hoax, but the legend was born, and player after player asked
  35. Then Abby May and her daughters, only one other woman joined, Ann Page. One, rumor ,is that Page was asked to leave after eating a fishtail with a neighbor. Lane
  36. Critical information with his interrogators. Apparently, the source of the, rumor ,that Abu Zubaydah was unbalanced was his personal diary, in which he adopted
  37. Republicans, which created a rift between him and Hemingway, who spread a, rumor ,that Dos Passes was a coward for leaving Spain. Martha Bullhorn went on to join
  38. The distributors had used Amway's Amos voice messaging service to send the, rumor ,to their downline distributors in April 1995. After more than a decade of
  39. Café au lait spot).; claque: a copied term/thing.; canard: (1) unfounded, rumor ,or anecdote. (2) a leading airfoil attached to an aircraft forward of the
  40. Politicians who found the former President to be a convenient scapegoat. One, rumor ,had it that he had attempted to flee the country in a yacht with $5 million in
  41. I brought it on again. In the first Act I pleased; when in the meantime a, rumor ,spread that gladiators were about to be exhibited; the populace flock together
  42. Out here from the large landowners and bankers is pretty bad. The latest is a, rumor ,started by them that the Skies hate me and have threatened to kill me for lying
  43. Biographer, his grandniece Marguerite Allotted de la FM e, formulated the, rumor ,that Verne was so fascinated with adventure at an early age that he stowed away
  44. Perry's spokeswoman added that" nothing is happening in this regard, so the, rumor ,is false. " Burrow and Cox told the Associated Press in January 2010 that they
  45. August 16, 1956,while lying on a couch in his Los Angeles home. He was 73. The, rumor ,that Lugosi was clutching the script for The Final Curtain, a planned Ed Wood
  46. In his bed, near his pillow. In 47,Crispus died, and at his funeral,the, rumor ,spread around that Agrippina poisoned Crispus to gain his estate. After being
  47. Political issues also have caused major deployment problems - one urban, rumor ,has it that the Disneyland monorail was originally intended by Walt Disney to
  48. To kill him by dropping a heavy light onto his head. On hearing about the, rumor ,of the hit, George Raft made a call, and the hit was supposedly canceled.
  49. On July 22, 2008,IF Magazine published an article on its website regarding a, rumor ,of a live-action Cowboy Bebop movie in development by 20th Century Fox.
  50. To the public at 26th Street and Madison Avenue. *1883 – In New York City,a, rumor ,that the Brooklyn Bridge is going to collapse causes a stampede that crushes

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