Examples of the the word, sustainability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sustainability ), is the 5422 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The government relies on formal international economic assistance for fiscal, sustainability , In 2006,Haiti held a successful donors' conference in which the total aid
  2. Their knowledge and time to improve productivity, performance,potential, and, sustainability , The basic characteristic of this sector is the production of services instead
  3. Reform includes questions of a right to health care, access,fairness, sustainability , quality and amounts spent by government. The mixed public-private health care
  4. Economies of scale (critical mass) (greater professional and financial, sustainability ,) and big item discounts and to offer a wider array of services closer to the
  5. That have reached their own end of life. Community impact IKEA's goals of, sustainability ,and environmental design in their merchandise have sometimes been at odds with
  6. World or globally coordinated efforts and initiatives result in a new, sustainability ,paradigm. Author Derrick Jensen argues that modern civilization is
  7. Long term and strategic concerns of the RFMF, including welfare, legal issues, sustainability ,issues etc. **Land Force Command - Land Force Command is the operational
  8. Advantage that would benefit the entire university community and ensure its, sustainability , Some recommendations coming from the Acadia Advantage Renewal Report
  9. GMO practices such as terminator seeds. While there has been some research on, sustainability ,using GMO crops, at least one prominent multi-year attempt by Monsanto Company
  10. Of cross-pollination with local land races Therefore, GMOs pose a threat to the, sustainability ,of land races and the ethnic heritage of cultures. Once seed contains
  11. Of Bonn has developed a concept of international co-operation and maintains, sustainability ,oriented project partnerships in addition to traditional city twinning, among
  12. B+" by the 2011 College Sustainability Report Card for its environmental and, sustainability ,initiatives. Academics Undergraduate admissions and financial aid Columbia
  13. And International Food Information Council. They address issues such as, sustainability , biological diversity, climate change, nutritional economics, population growth
  14. To realize the full economic potential of the added capacity. Diversity and, sustainability ,Ecuadorians often describe the country as a series of" micro-environments "
  15. Is changing to that of a college town with a strong interest in technology and, sustainability ,issues. Albion College is a private liberal arts college with a student
  16. 18 pleasure craft ports as being in a good state of conservation in terms of, sustainability , accessibility, and quality. Nonetheless, the level of tourism on the
  17. College has issued a statement affirming its commitment to environmental, sustainability , a major part of which is the goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by
  18. Cooperation focuses on three main topics: internal market and economic union, sustainability , justice and internal affairs. The number of structures in the renewed Treaty
  19. TDI documents have focused on and emphasized the need for transparency and, sustainability ,of charity works managed by TDI members. A study of how TDI channels funds
  20. Is no energy crisis, only a crisis of ignorance. " Fuller was concerned about, sustainability ,and about human survival under the existing socio-economic system, yet remained
  21. Including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed, sustainability , A practitioner of hydrology is a hydrologist, working within the fields of
  22. Conservation issues in Ballarat and surrounds. Another large lobby group for, sustainability ,in the city is the Ballarat Renewable Energy And Zero Emissions – BREEZE formed
  23. Building. However, autonomous buildings also usually include some degree of, sustainability ,through the use of renewable energy and other renewable resources, producing no
  24. Average Americans, and controversially chose to lead Walmart is effort to take, sustainability ,mainstream. These" post-environmental movement" thinkers argue that the
  25. Example, shellfish ) aquaculture to create balanced systems for environmental, sustainability ,(biomitigation),economic stability (product diversification and risk
  26. Impact of market changes. Such industries also raise important questions of, sustainability , Despite many decades as a leading producer, there is little risk of depletion.
  27. Among the BRIC economies. Important steps taken since the 1990s toward fiscal, sustainability , as well as measures taken to liberalize and open the economy, have
  28. Hussein, inventor of the Son arsenic filter, for which he received the 2007, sustainability , prize awarded by the National Academy of Engineering *Ernst Volga, chairman
  29. Made a step towards the Millennium Development Goal to ensure environmental, sustainability , which in part aims to" halve, by 2015,the proportion of the population
  30. CSL),voted The Skeptical Environmentalist among its list of the top 50, sustainability , books. Continued debate and criticism The rulings of the Danish authorities in
  31. By the unique participatory method promoted environmental awareness and, sustainability , opposition to the primacy of economic rationalism (Australian neoliberalism)
  32. With modern architecture to create a dense, maze-like quarter with a focus on, sustainability ,and an active urban life. A third major area of urban development also with a
  33. Buys" by Forbes magazine. For its efforts to be a national leader in campus, sustainability , ASU was named one of the top 20" cool schools" by the Sierra Club, was named
  34. Day but also innovative and far-sighted policies for environmental and economic, sustainability , water and energy conservation, e. g., through development of alternative
  35. Other considerations include cost, constructability,safety, aesthetics and, sustainability , Surveying is the process by which a surveyor measures certain
  36. Step, to address its board of directors. Robert's system conditions for, sustainability ,provided a strategic approach to improving the company's environmental
  37. Even Euro tunnel would have to increase fares, traffic and market share for, sustainability , A cost benefit analysis of the Channel Tunnel indicated that there were few
  38. Office of Sustainability, which was formed in 2008,is charged with incorporate, sustainability ,concepts and criteria into all major planning, assessment,policy, reporting
  39. Time as they benefit from dramatic market growth, countries in Asia face huge, sustainability ,challenges: environmental degradation, resource constraints and climate change
  40. Business processes to determine their relevance, effectiveness,efficiency, and, sustainability , following prescribed methods and guidelines, It also validates
  41. http://www.circularproductions.com/texas_teams.html To prove the year-round, sustainability ,of the sport, annual winter tournaments known as Ice Bowls are held at courses
  42. After several improvements, it now ranks 84th in the world for ecological, sustainability , National parks cover about five percent of the country. In the last decade
  43. 2000). His most recent publication called The Agrarian Vision focuses on, sustainability ,and what agrarian philosophy can offer when we conceptualize what
  44. Years, environmental issues have broadened to include key concepts such as ", sustainability ," and also new emerging concerns such as ozone depletion, global warming, acid
  45. And what agrarian philosophy can offer when we conceptualize what, sustainability ,actually means. Russian agrarianism In Russia the intellectuals of the "
  46. The world are in the areas of human, social,economic, and environmental, sustainability ,; new materials and processes for biomedical as well as industrial applications;
  47. Colleges and universities. To compile the list, Sierra sent questionnaires to, sustainability ,experts at schools across the country. The survey featured categories such as
  48. Including ecology, conservation,stewardship, responsibility and, sustainability , Pollution control laws generally are intended (often with varying degrees of
  49. Education, and sponsoring environmental forums. Barnard earned a" C-" for its, sustainability ,efforts on the College Sustainability Report Card 2009 published by the
  50. Reduction *Joost Helms (VVD): traffic and transportation, Eindhoven Airport, sustainability ,and environment, waste management policy, tourism and events, coordination of

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