Examples of the the word, restraint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restraint ), is the 5425 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A small community that set a premium on study, vegetarianism,and sexual, restraint ,or abstinence. Later philosophers believed that celibacy would be conducive to
  2. Baroque style featured" exaggerated lighting, intense emotions, release from, restraint , and even a kind of artistic sensationalism ". Baroque art did not really
  3. And" called on the teachers and religious leaders to spread the message of, restraint ,among young boys ". Children's Magazine Al-Fatiha (" the conqueror" ) is the
  4. Culture of endless money that has taken hold must be replaced by a culture of, restraint , " Focusing his attention on the troubled VTOL F-35B Gates ordered" a two-year
  5. I didn't want to be a full metal album, so I tried to address the issue of, restraint , " Music and lyrics The Downward Spiral features elements of industrial rock
  6. Was directed towards the audience. This went against the trend towards film, restraint ,already visible in what were called“ polite” comedies from other film
  7. May have to be suspended, but again, the counter-insurgent regime must exercise, restraint , and cleave to orderly procedures. In the counter-insurgency context," boots
  8. Amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective, restraint ,by a legislative assembly. The term" dictator" is comparable to, but not
  9. And composer, but his dry style of playing (Fay comments on his" emotional, restraint ," and" riveting rhythmic drive" ) was often unappreciated. He nevertheless
  10. Radical Waterside Workers Federation and he gained a reputation for tolerance, restraint ,and a willingness to compromise, although his controversial decision to use
  11. Control frequency on the one hand, and the continuity in judicial, restraint ,and political revision on the other hand, have created a unique defender of the
  12. Saturnalia, a great winter festival, where people celebrated completely free of, restraint ,and inhibition. The Vikings celebrated Yule, which later contributed to the
  13. To Besançon to await further orders. Taking advantage of the absence of, restraint , he speedily returned to his monastery. On hearing this, Thierry and Bruneau
  14. An account, why the liberty of his subjects is restrained, wherever that, restraint ,may be inflicted. " The procedure for issuing a writ of habeas corpus was first
  15. 143); * (a) absolute, as the common denization, without any limitation or, restraint ,; * (b) limited, as when the Sovereign grants letter of denization to an
  16. Good and evil: good being associated with other-worldliness, charity,piety, restraint , meekness, and submission; evil seen as worldly, cruel,selfish, wealthy,and
  17. Will v. AMA, in which the court found that the AMA had engaged in unreasonable, restraint ,of trade and conspiracy, and which ended the AMA's de facto boycott of
  18. Spiritual aspirant a life of strict celibacy is preferable to married life, if, restraint , comes to him easily without undue sense of self-repression. Such restraint is
  19. For mechanical and electromechanical aircraft indicators *BSEN12195-2-2001 Load, restraint ,assemblies on road vehicles. Safety. Web lashing made from man-made fibers *BS
  20. Approach towards prioritizing price stability (low inflation) and fiscal, restraint ,(low budget deficits) was unnecessarily restrictive and has prevented
  21. The government backed down from its policies they had claimed were only about, restraint ,and not about recrimination against the NDP and the left. Just as a strike at
  22. Heavy leather gloves and wrist wraps to protect their hands, a certain amount of, restraint ,was required when striking the head. London Prize Ring rules (1838) In 1838
  23. Of the Hannah and the Jewish Agency. This belief strengthened the policy of, restraint ,and led to the position that there was no room for defense institutions in the
  24. To pass with us according to our desire; and we shall be as little subject to, restraint ,as Zeus himself. Every individual is connected with the rest of the world, and
  25. Failures in the amount of weapons, readiness of the movement and its policy of, restraint ,and not fighting back. On April 10, 1931,commanders and equipment managers
  26. Are horror stories – promoted most vehemently by the cults themselves – about, restraint , beatings, and even rape. And we have to admit that we have met former members
  27. The human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and, restraint ,of government. Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping
  28. From the Throne the Soc reds instituted a program of fiscal cutbacks dubbed ", restraint ,", which had been a buzzword for moderation during the campaign. The program
  29. Individuals should be free to pursue their self-interest without control or, restraint ,by society. Individuals should be free to obtain work from the highest-paying
  30. In Russia and police brutality burst back in full force after experiencing some, restraint ,under the reign of Alexander II. Alexander II's murder and subsequent death
  31. Take things from them as though they were their own — with, nonetheless,this, restraint ,observed that the necessary subsidies of life in no way be taken from them ...
  32. Has existed since the 8th century, from the Proto-Indo-European root *angle-,", restraint ," from which Old High German August developed. It is pre-cognate with the Latin
  33. Celibacy" Baba also asserted that" The value of celibacy lies in the habit of, restraint ,and the sense of detachment and independence which it gives" and that" The
  34. Influence is realized when her speech accords value to chastity, virtue,and, restraint , She proved that rhetoric is a powerful tool that women could employ to settle
  35. Constitutional restraint s in the American system. He said" A majority held in, restraint ,by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with
  36. Management, the source for ISO 9000 *BS 5759 Specification for webbing load, restraint ,assemblies for use in surface transport *BS 5837 for protection of trees during
  37. That the highly restrictive terms of the contract constituted an unreasonable, restraint ,of trade. The result of the court case, which also effectively freed the
  38. Turns, high capacity roundabouts, and slip roads. Others may apply traffic, restraint ,measures to limit the impact of motorized transport. In the former cases
  39. If restraint comes to him easily without undue sense of self-repression. Such, restraint ,is difficult for most persons and sometimes impossible, and for them married
  40. And performance in which they lived. Renewed interest in the formal balance and, restraint ,of 18th century classical music led in the early 20th century to the
  41. A play on words: Boil means" woman of the Boil ", also " convicted criminal's, restraint ,collar ". Livy In volume 21 of his work Ab Urge Conduit, Livy (59 BC - 17 AD)
  42. Questions to the European Commission which asks whether ICANN is engaging in, restraint ,of European free trade laws by imposing restrictions on who can operate a TLD
  43. And erotic imagery was extremely offensive in the context of neoclassical, restraint , However, Bernini was a devout Catholic and was not attempting to satirize the
  44. Compensatory damages, such as in the event of malice or intent. Great judicial, restraint ,is expected to be exercised in their application. In the United States punitive
  45. My property! ". His concept of" egoistic property" not only a lack of moral, restraint ,on how own obtains and uses things, but includes other people as well. His
  46. Adopts the tone of an impartial observer. Room is like a witness who exercises, restraint ,when called to testify about a crime; he describes what the characters said and
  47. In the beginning, the Ir gun and the Hannah generally maintained a policy of, restraint , apart from a few instances. Some expressed resentment at this policy, leading
  48. Mass every day, although he also" is said to have absconded himself without, restraint ,to the sins of the flesh and to have seduced married women … " Despite his
  49. A continuum of erotic practice and expression involving the consensual use of, restraint , intense sensory stimulation, and fantasy power role-play. The compound acronym
  50. A tooth on it engaged a pawl that kept it from reversing. Together with the, restraint ,at the other end of the spring created by the trip pawl and sleeve tooth, this

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