Examples of the the word, trap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trap ), is the 5421 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gene function by creating an iatrogenic gene fusion. When an APAF-1 gene, trap ,is introduced into cells, many morphological changes occur, such as spin
  2. To be stored in a variable representing horizontal bias caused a processor, trap ,(operand error) because the floating point value was too large to be
  3. Momenta, and thus larger kinetic energy. Thus, the binding energy to contain or, trap ,a particle in a smaller region of space, increases without bound, as the region
  4. Avoiding a decisive battle while gathering reinforcements. Cornwallis could not, trap ,Lafayette, and upon his arrival at Williamsburg in June, received orders from
  5. Army that had started advancing from the south on 19 December and in doing so, trap ,the Germans. However, Montgomery refused to commit infantry he considered
  6. Most useful ATP analogs cannot be hydrolyzed as ATP would be; instead they, trap ,the enzyme in a structure closely related to the ATP-bound state. Adenosine 5'-
  7. Pig weed can be a beneficial weed, as well as a companion plant, serving as a, trap ,for leaf miners and some other pests, as well as sheltering ground beetles (
  8. Just left hibernation dens. When they hunted bear in summer, they used a spring, trap ,loaded with an arrow, called an" Aleppo ". The Ainu usually used arrows to
  9. To put it out of the raiders' reach. His actions were designed both to ", trap ," looters into relying upon his worthless ventures in order to disrupt their
  10. Apoptosis. Since a -/- mutation in the APAF-1 gene is embryonic lethal, a gene, trap ,strategy was used in order to generate an APAF-1 -/- mouse. This assay is used
  11. However,Robert's father has conspired with the other nobles to set a, trap , and Wallace is caught and handed over to the English. Learning of his father
  12. it'd be dangerous and short-sighted for me to construct the story without, trap ,doors for every single character. ... That was one of the big risks going into
  13. Energies less than 100 MeV. While the antiprotons are being cooled in the first, trap , a small cloud of positrons is captured from radioactive sodium in a
  14. Soffit – Soft landscape materials – Sondergotik – Sony Building – Sound, trap ,– South African Council for the Architectural Profession – Span – Span –
  15. Through a thin sheet of foil, and finally capturing them in a Penning-Malmberg, trap , The overall cooling process is workable, but highly inefficient; approximately
  16. The Antiproton Decelerator and roughly 25,000 make it to the Penning-Malmberg, trap , which is about or 0.1 % of the original amount. The antiprotons are still hot
  17. Short for Tanya Irenic Tanya Kerensky Alison),lures Bruce Wayne into a, trap ,as part of a plot to destroy Batman, little suspecting that Wayne is Batman's
  18. Position, just as Bellicose had intended. Realizing he was heading into a death, trap , Sheer ordered his fleet to turn and flee at 18:33. Under a pall of smoke and
  19. A Surko-style positron accumulator. This cloud is then recaptured in a second, trap ,near the antiprotons. Manipulations of the trap electrodes then tip the
  20. By Admiral Sir John Bellicose. The German fleet's intention was to lure out, trap , and destroy a portion of the Grand Fleet, as they believed that their smaller
  21. Over the deeply sunken main road and then routed. The sunken lane acted as a, trap ,which funneled the flight of the French cavalry to their own right, away from
  22. He planted for food, as well as the fruit in the trees. One day, he was able to, trap ,the monkey in a cave and blocked the entrance of the cave with rocks, hoping to
  23. Had cast him off Olympus; deeming him ugly and deformed. His revenge was to, trap ,her in a magic throne, and then to demand Aphrodite's hand in return for Hera
  24. By a combination of electric and magnetic fields in a device known as a Penning, trap , This device cannot, however,contain antimatter that consists of uncharged
  25. And antiprotons, and within a few microseconds the antihydrogen hits the, trap ,walls, where it annihilates. Some hundreds of millions of antihydrogen atoms
  26. Slightly off-resonant laser radiation using a magneto-optical trap or magnetic, trap , Small particles can also be suspended with optical tweezers, using a highly
  27. Experiment that the condensate could be stabilized by the quantum pressure from, trap ,confinement for up to about 1000 atoms. The Bose–Einstein condensation also
  28. Of a pick-up truck. It can be convenient to use the cistern as a heat sink or, trap ,for a heat pump or air conditioning system; however this can make cold drinking
  29. Fields. Antihydrogen can be trap ped in such a magnetic minimum (minimum-B), trap , ; in November 2010,the ALPHA collaboration announced that they had so trap ped
  30. External influences. Each of the characters in the series was written with a ", trap ,door" into their background so that, in the event of an actor's unexpected
  31. Example, by 'stirring' the condensate with lasers, or rotating the confining, trap , The vortex created will be a quantum vortex. These phenomena are allowed for
  32. Of uncharged particles, for which atomic trap s are used. In particular, such a, trap ,may use the dipole moment (electric or magnetic) of the trap ped particles. At
  33. Small fish from Málaga, is now banned because the techniques used to catch them, trap ,too many immature fish of other species. The mountainous regions of the Sierra
  34. Neutral antihydrogen is unaffected by the electric and magnetic fields used to, trap ,the charged positrons and antiprotons, and within a few microseconds the
  35. Steven Chu shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for developing methods to cool and, trap ,atoms with laser light. * 1998: Horst Stormed, Robert Loughlin, and Daniel Sui
  36. And kill his wife. Later, though,he tells Poirot to draw back and escape the, trap , The two are an airtight team until Hastings meets and marries Julie Queen, a
  37. This animal from large portions of its original range. However, through, trap , and transfer and habitat conservation it made a nearly complete recovery by the
  38. Vowel, is used in words like car, bath,ask, father and pass. So the words like, trap ,and bath wouldn't have the same vowel (see Trap–bath split). **However
  39. The speaker and pity the Irish. Swift’s specific strategy is twofold, using a ", trap ," to create sympathy for the Irish and a dislike of the narrator who, in the
  40. And raise their hands, deliberately mimicking the Arsenal defence's offside, trap , in an attempt to co-ordinate their striptease routine. Another film reference
  41. A glass of water, but is refused even this as Moses gives the signal for the, trap ,to be sprung. Scene 20 A caption advises that, after Jim’s death, increasing
  42. Be assassinated, but Wallace is informed of this by Isabella, and he evades the, trap , He then visits Isabella in a shack. He asks her why she helps him, and she
  43. By making this transition imparts a velocity sufficient for them to leave the, trap ,without being detected. Current research Compared to more commonly encountered
  44. Mirella phosphor (Chrysobalanaceae),and a sticky fungus which is used to, trap ,their insect prey. Lemon ants make devil's gardens by killing surrounding
  45. And cooled with slightly off-resonant laser radiation using a magneto-optical, trap ,or magnetic trap . Small particles can also be suspended with optical tweezers
  46. Is then recaptured in a second trap near the antiprotons. Manipulations of the, trap ,electrodes then tip the antiprotons into the positron plasma, where some
  47. Of mass analyzers: magnetic-sector, quadrupole mass analyzer, quadrupole ion, trap , time-of-flight, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, and so on.
  48. Moray and Lachlan for their betrayals, Wallace brutally murders both men. A, trap ,is set for Wallace to be assassinated, but Wallace is informed of this by
  49. And are thus categorized as decorative, ritual or symbolic, are aware of the, trap ,posed by the term 'art '. " -Silva Tomaskova Motivated functions of art
  50. In the crust after astatine. Which are then isolated by the magneto-optical, trap ,(MOT). Eka-francium Ununpentium has not been produced yet as of. Or 25

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