Examples of the the word, wetland , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wetland ), is the 5430 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. proximity to a" dingle ", a tree-lined steep sided sandy ravine with a, wetland ,at the bottom that provides a privacy barrier between yards. Long meadow has a
  2. Migrate across the Himalayas during the winter, attracted in large numbers to, wetland ,areas. A similar situation is found in the lower Genetic Plain, which includes
  3. Wildflowers, and Fortbyte Alive, a park encompassing prairie, lake,forest and, wetland ,habitats, home to a large herd of bison. The Canadian Fossil Discovery Center
  4. The Oriental plane, the Euphrates poplar, the tamarisk, the ash and various, wetland ,plants. Among the fish species in the Tigris–Euphrates basin, the family of the
  5. Under the international ambit are the nine Biosphere Reserves,20 Ramsay, wetland ,sites, four Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance and two
  6. Rainforests can be found in the lowland and coastal areas as well as very large, wetland ,areas surrounding the Sepia and Fly rivers. This terrain has made it difficult
  7. Example of a study in community ecology might measure primary production in a, wetland ,in relation to decomposition and consumption rates. This requires an
  8. Established as an early habitation area for primitive man; This large seasonal, wetland ,is composed of several large component pans, the largest being Were Pan, Sua
  9. Ecosystems, compost is useful for erosion control, land and stream reclamation, wetland ,construction, and as landfill cover (see compost uses). Organic ingredients
  10. Meaning Sand Island. On 21 October 2002 the nature reserve was recognized as a, wetland ,of international importance when it was designated Ramsay Site 1220 under the
  11. 10. Marshes divided into three different types: Cattail (Type domingensis), wetland , and mixed species. Cattail marshes contained almost entirely cattails. These
  12. Down to a navigable channel provides fill to build up another part of the, wetland ,above the flood level for houses. Land is built up in a finger pattern that
  13. In this fashion have been found to have caused certain congenital disorders in, wetland ,birds. Deficiency Selenium deficiency is rare in healthy, well-nourished
  14. From industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, siltation, and loss of, wetland ,and lakes, which exacerbates seasonal flooding. Some sections of the river are
  15. Which is part of the Northern Branch of the Kalamazoo River. The area is also, wetland , forest, and the village of Horton. *Sharpeville State Game Area: a wilderness
  16. Have caused huge declines in fisheries and of biodiversity. Most riverine, wetland ,in Korea is now threatened by the proposed Grand Korean Waterway project. There
  17. Australis, both of which are considered to be a threat to native hydrophyte, wetland ,plants. The Emerald ash borer has been reported in the U. P., and is considered
  18. Try to build over a wetland , they will be responsible for creating another, wetland ,near Was hoe Lake. The Truckee River serves as Reno's primary source of
  19. Pacific Beach before emptying into Mission Bay, provides open space and a rich, wetland ,area. Organizations The nonprofit Pacific Beach Town Council promotes the area
  20. Ecosystems: Mitigation. In the future, when developers try to build over a, wetland , they will be responsible for creating another wetland near Was hoe Lake. The
  21. Part of the Alto Chico are the highest parts in the Gran Chico. One prominent, wetland ,of the Banjo Chico is the Ester Latino, which at is the largest swamp in the
  22. Have larger tides. ) Alaska has more than three million lakes. Marshlands and, wetland ,permafrost cover (mostly in northern, western and southwest flatlands).
  23. Break National Park is one of three National Parks in Indonesia listed as a, wetland ,of international importance under the Ramsay Convention. Demographics Sumatra
  24. Humans, eliminated it from those regions. In some areas, the draining of, wetland ,breeding grounds and better sanitation were adequate. Malaria was eliminated
  25. Programs in education, business administration (MBA) and coastal marine and, wetland ,studies. Universities and Colleges ranked by endowment Health care For overall
  26. Land claims. The college's grounds include contiguous, including a wooded, wetland ,known as Reed Canyon. Portland architect A. E. Doyle developed a plan, never
  27. Material produced from the pith of the papyrus plant, Cyperus papyrus,a, wetland ,sedge that was once abundant in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Papyrus usually grow
  28. County Forest Preserves, a network of open spaces containing forest, prairie, wetland , streams, and lakes that are set aside as natural areas which lie along the
  29. Fossa. Additionally, tourism is drawn to Central Africa is largest protected, wetland ,Manager National Park, with its populations of hippopotamus, cape buffalo
  30. S Eagle Marsh contains of protected wetland s, making it one of the largest, wetland ,restorations in the state of Indiana. Nearby Arrowhead Marsh is also in the
  31. 13th- and 16th-century church records, he believes" Remote" was an area of, wetland ,that lay between Albion Hill and the village of Darlington, and was close to
  32. Zone in the south. Lake Chad, after which the country is named, is the largest, wetland ,in Chad and the second largest in Africa. Chad's highest peak is the EMI
  33. Footprint from this species. The track was made in what was once a vegetated, wetland ,mud flat. It measures long by wide. A second footprint that may have been made
  34. Well. There are many practical applications of ecology in conservation biology, wetland ,management, natural resource management (agriculture, forestry,fisheries)
  35. The narrow-headed ant),can be found. Hale Kim bro Pool is an important, wetland ,and is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Portrayal in
  36. In or near water, or under some protection (e.g., moist ground),often in a, wetland , Some salamander species are fully aquatic throughout life, some take to the
  37. Cultivated land (agriculture) and human settlements. Savannah, scrubland and, wetland ,constitute the remainder of Belize's land cover. Important mangrove ecosystems
  38. Instance, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers must restore 12 times the area of, wetland ,damaged by the project. Work on the project began in 2005 and is expected to
  39. In the Holocene at least, and thus it might have once harbored highly distinct, wetland ,birds. The limited overall habitat diversity on Christmas Island nonetheless
  40. Uganda's main leather producing companies directly dumped its waste water in a, wetland ,adjacent to Lake Victoria. Role of enzymes in leather production Enzymes like
  41. To protect important areas of flora and fauna as well as thirty-seven Ramsay, wetland ,sites. Environment In the period of rapid economic growth after World War II
  42. A water quality expert in 2008 to write water quality standards and create, wetland ,protection rules,5) In 2007 the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources appoints
  43. Slopes of the Travails and emptying southwest into the great Ran of Dutch, wetland ,in neighboring Gujarat. This river is saline in the lower reaches and remains
  44. Area is an internationally important bird sanctuary, ranked among the top 30, wetland , sites in the UK. Other important nature reserves lie at Less Country Park, east
  45. Of the Chad Basin 7,000 years ago. The lake is Africa's second largest, wetland , The EMI Poussin, a dormant volcano in the Tibet Mountains that reaches above
  46. Considerably smaller than those found in open areas (the Pant anal is an open, wetland ,basin),possibly due to the smaller numbers of large herbivorous prey in
  47. Of these overlapping types: **Flood plain, adjacent to a stream, river,lake or, wetland ,that experiences occasional or periodic flooding. **Alluvial plain, formed over
  48. Park, which is also a World Heritage site and the Weiser National Park, a RAMSAY, wetland ,of international importance. Ecological threats include logging-induced
  49. Difficult areas upon which to build housing estates, so dredging part of the, wetland ,down to a navigable channel provides fill to build up another part of the
  50. Park. The Danube Delta Reserve Biosphere is the largest and least damaged, wetland ,complex in Europe, covering a total area of. The significance of the

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