Examples of the the word, weave , in a Sentence Context

The word ( weave ), is the 5418 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The techniques of bead weaving, which can be further divided into right angle, weave ,and peyote stitch. Most 3D beading patterns are done in right angle weave , but
  2. UK, Australia and New Zealand: *Calico—simple, cheap equal weft and warp plain, weave ,fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton. *Muslin—a very fine, light plain
  3. To it and headbands and foot bands are applied. Next a crash lining (an open, weave ,cloth somewhat like a stronger cheesecloth) is usually applied, overlapping
  4. Past. Muhammed Ali was famous for extremely fast and close slips. *Bob and, weave ,- bobbing moves the head laterally and beneath an incoming punch. As the
  5. A small, all-over floral print *Muslin—simple, cheap equal weft and warp plain, weave ,fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton and/or a very fine, light plain
  6. Tie for men) preferably without any underlying pinstripes or patterns in the, weave , But failing that charcoal gray or dark navy blue may be worn. Wearing short
  7. Straight so that a punch aimed at the head glances or misses entirely. *Bob and, weave ,– Bobbing moves the head laterally and beneath an incoming punch. As the
  8. Then all the rest of the world put together. The Japanese used many, weave ,methods including: a square 4-in-1 pattern (so guard),a hexagonal 6-in-1
  9. Richard B. Wright's Clara Allan (2001) uses letters and journal entries to, weave ,the story of a middle-aged woman in the 1930s. * The Boy Next Door (2002) by
  10. Sometimes called muslin gauze). *Muslin gauze—the very lightest, most open, weave ,of muslin. *Gauze—any very light fabric, generally with a plain weave
  11. Are the only members of the Masai community to wear long hair, which they, weave ,in thinly braided strands. Upon reaching the age of 3" moons ", the child is
  12. Is spent.: To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams;: In the dance I, weave ,my shadow tangles and breaks.: While we were sober, three shared the fun;: Now
  13. S works went beyond the standard published forms of the time by including ", weave ," mazes in which illustrated pathways can cross over and under each other.
  14. Word Kenton which means a basket. The first Kent weave rs used raffia fibers to, weave ,cloths that looked like Kenton (a basket); and thus were referred to as
  15. Establishing Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid as friends, and attempted to, weave ,an epic tragedy from the historical legend. Filmed on location in the Mexican
  16. Textile industry continued to develop, among other ways by devising a way to, weave ,cows' hair. In the 19th century a substantial textile and tapestry industry
  17. Two in the middle facing out. Dancers pass right shoulders on either end and, weave ,to the end opposite. If the last pass at the end is by the right. The dancer
  18. Riveted, butted,or welded),material used (iron versus bronze or steel), weave , density (a tighter weave needs a thinner weapon to surpass),and ring
  19. Angle weave and peyote stitch. Most 3D beading patterns are done in right angle, weave , but sometimes both techniques are combined in the same piece. Both stitches
  20. Plans. The resulting effect is that the interior lower walls appear to, weave ,in and out, partly alluding to a cross form, partly to a hexagonal form and
  21. To the fabric. In free embroidery, designs are applied without regard to the, weave ,of the underlying fabric. Examples include crewel and traditional Chinese and
  22. Motorcycles in 2006. The CHP test riders reported experiencing wobble or, weave ,instability while operating the motorcycles on the test track. 2007 workers '
  23. Fabric. *Gauze—extremely soft and fine cotton fabric with a very open plain, weave , Printed calico was imported into the United States from Lancashire in the
  24. Then later incorporated into the piece or left as a flat tapestry. Right angle, weave ,lends itself better as a technique to 3D beading, but peyote stitch offers the
  25. One another. The role of a game master in a traditional role-playing game is to, weave ,the other participants' player-character stories together, control the
  26. Weave *Cheesecloth—extremely soft and fine cotton fabric with a very open plain, weave , In the UK, Australia and New Zealand: *Calico—simple, cheap equal weft and
  27. And better-armed than the Japanese fighters. Improved tactics such as the Teach, weave ,helped counter the more agile Zeros and Natalia Ki-43 'Oscars '. Japanese
  28. Common reel is the reel of three, in which, as the name implies, three dancers, weave ,in and out of one another, completing a figure 8 pattern on the floor, usually
  29. Fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton and/or a very fine, light plain, weave ,cotton fabric (sometimes called muslin gauze). *Muslin gauze—the very
  30. Commanded to put fringes, tzitzit, on the corners of their garments, and to, weave ,within these fringes a" twisted thread of blue (tethered) ". In ancient days
  31. Home of the sun) *Mama Occur - Wisdom to civilize the people, taught women to, weave ,cloth, and build houses *Marco CAAC - known for his courage and sent to earth
  32. Using the word pregnant. The network finally relented and let Area and Ball, weave ,the pregnancy into the story line, but remained adamant about eschewing use of
  33. Most popular brand: YMO). Fishing line lends itself better to right angle, weave ,because it is stiffer than nylon thread, so holds the beads in a tighter
  34. European calicoes (1680) would thus be a cheap equal weft and warp plain, weave ,cotton fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton, with a block printed design
  35. Resulting in a fabric that is 1600 warp ends wide with four repeats of the, weave ,going across. The term" Jacquard loom" is a misnomer. It is the" Jacquard
  36. Calves. Women also wore an undergarment of Japanese cloth. Modern craftswomen, weave ,and embroider traditional garments that command very high prices. In winter the
  37. Plastic. Both men and women wear wooden bracelets. The Masai women regularly, weave ,and bead jewelry. This bead work plays an essential part in the ornamentation
  38. Movement speed of their party faster than any mount or movement buff. Bards can, weave ,the effects of up to four songs at once to confer the greatest advantage to
  39. In LaTeX. It does it in a single invocation; it does not have separate, weave ,and tangle commands. It does not have the extensibility of no web, but it can
  40. Most open weave of muslin. *Gauze—any very light fabric, generally with a plain, weave ,*Cheesecloth—extremely soft and fine cotton fabric with a very open plain weave
  41. Material used (iron versus bronze or steel), weave density (a tighter, weave ,needs a thinner weapon to surpass),and ring thickness (generally ranging
  42. Had a strict upbringing and education. Her education included how to spin and, weave ,and she was forbidden to say or do anything, either in public or private.
  43. File: Coptic tunic ornament. JPG|10th century tunic ornament, wool,tapestry, weave , California Academy of Sciences File: Farms capital. PNG|Coptic Capital.
  44. At modern Highland games events is made of twill woven worsted wool. The twill, weave ,used for kilts is a" 2–2 type ", meaning that each weft thread passes over and
  45. Fibers were split along their length and spun into thread, which was used to, weave ,sheets of linen and to make clothing. Papyrus growing on the banks of the Nile
  46. Fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton. *Muslin—a very fine, light plain, weave ,cotton fabric. *Gauze—extremely soft and fine cotton fabric with a very open
  47. The sort presented in paperback romance novels. Soap opera storylines sometimes, weave ,intricate, convoluted,and sometimes confusing tales of characters who have
  48. Source code with one command (" tangle" ), and documentation with another (", weave ,"). The preprocessor also provides an ability to write out the content of the
  49. Without undue tension bending the arrangement out of place. Right angle, weave ,is done using both ends of the fishing line, in which beads are strung in
  50. History of computing hardware. The ability to change the pattern of the loom's, weave ,by simply changing cards was an important conceptual precursor to the

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