Examples of the the word, scrutiny , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Formally decided not to act further on the complaints, reasoning that renewed, scrutiny ,would, in all likelihood, result in the same conclusion. Among Danish academics
  2. A sustained loss). A publicly traded company though often comes under extreme, scrutiny ,if profit and growth are not evident to stockholders, thus stockholders may
  3. S book. The Economist argued that the panel's opinion had come under no, scrutiny ,at all, and that Lomborg's responses had not been reported. *Penn & Teller:
  4. Or had oligarchic tendencies. After leaving office they were subject to a, scrutiny ,(euthanasia, literally 'straightening' ) to review their performance. Both of
  5. Tool of the intellect, brought the classical and medieval traditions under new, scrutiny , exercising a new concept of doubt, with varying outcomes. Foremost among the
  6. Period. Elected officials too were subject to review before holding office and, scrutiny ,after office. And they, too, could be removed from office any time the assembly
  7. Dominant DNS software in use on the Internet. With the heavy use and resulting, scrutiny ,of its open-source code, as well as increasingly more sophisticated attack
  8. Concerns and both the local autonomous government and city council are under, scrutiny ,by the European Union. The construction surge is the subject of hot debates
  9. Uncertainty, suspence of judgement appear the only result of our most accurate, scrutiny , concerning this subject ". It is likely that Hume was skeptical both about
  10. Then a single national myth. The issue of Canadian identity remains under, scrutiny , perhaps more than the identity of the people of any other modern nation.
  11. By the media His proof of Fermat's Last Theorem has stood up to the, scrutiny ,of the world's mathematical experts. Wiles was interviewed for an episode of
  12. Composer to explore different and often darker ideas without inviting external, scrutiny , While his chamber works were largely tonal, they gave Shostakovich an outlet
  13. On Transfrontier Television * Protection of democracy through parliamentary, scrutiny ,and election monitoring by its Parliamentary Assembly as well as assistance in
  14. To rescuing lost or trapped humans. The military use of dolphins, however,drew, scrutiny ,during the Vietnam War when rumors circulated that the United States Navy was
  15. Agreement on Investment (MAI). This treaty was prematurely exposed to public, scrutiny ,and subsequently abandoned in November 1998 in the face of strenuous protest
  16. Cards, debit cards are accepted by merchants with less identification and, scrutiny ,than personal checks, thereby making transactions quicker and less intrusive.
  17. To cover the council’s operating costs and producing annual accounts for public, scrutiny , The parish council evaluates local planning applications and works with the
  18. To take some matter up, of a contest before a jury court. In the case of a, scrutiny ,going to trial, there was the risk for the former officeholder of suffering
  19. That certain basic human epistemic biases are projected onto the material under, scrutiny , According to one study, humans apply a rule of thumb by which we expect a
  20. Same information multiple times Common criticisms from staff include: * Close, scrutiny ,by management (e.g. frequent random call monitoring) * Restrictive working
  21. Cabinet drawn from the principal opposition party. A backbench cross-party, scrutiny ,and overview committee is in place to hold the executive cabinet to account.
  22. For three decades and dozens of people have been tested, sometimes under the, scrutiny ,of an independent panel of judges. Still, nothing. " People's desire to
  23. Claims by the alternative medical community combined with inadequate media, scrutiny ,and attacks on critics. There is also an increase in conspiracy theories toward
  24. Published in refereed scientific journals, the results do not receive as much, scrutiny ,as more mainstream topics, and many scientists aren't even aware that there is
  25. Orange Revolution: The final run-off election is held under heavy international, scrutiny , *2005 – A gang-related shooting on a busy shopping street in Toronto kills one
  26. Over the years Beowulf scholars have put the work of the scribes under intense, scrutiny , many debates whether the scribes even held a copy as some believe they worked
  27. The Russians reneged on the agreement, asserting in 1897 the need for special, scrutiny ,of the Bosnian Annexation issue at an unspecified future date. External matters
  28. Floating point units of modern microprocessors have been designed with extra, scrutiny , Nowadays, AMD,Intel and others use automated theorem proving to verify that
  29. Other violent incidents in the army ranks, which have come under greater public, scrutiny ,in 2010. It is very likely that these incidents have some connection with the
  30. A predictable path of negotiation with class counsel and representatives, court, scrutiny , and notice. There may not be a way to uniformly settle all of the many claims
  31. Individual, but this particular kind of cloning has not come under ethical, scrutiny ,and is generally treated as an entirely different kind of operation. Many trees
  32. Issue of steroids. After the Congressional hearings in early 2005,and with the, scrutiny ,of the sports and national media upon this issue, Selig put forth a proposal
  33. Of The Skeptical Environmentalist in 2001,Lomborg was subjected to intense, scrutiny ,and criticism in the media, where his scientific qualifications and integrity
  34. However, Bossuet emphasizes that God will hold the king's actions to special, scrutiny , thus balancing an unchangeable Divine Right with an inexorable Divine
  35. Mythologies and cosmological explanations of the Vedas came under rational, scrutiny , As well as the Buddha's own teachings, new ethical and spiritual philosophies
  36. An alleged wrong. This reform moved the attention of courts from technical, scrutiny ,of words to a more rational consideration of the facts, and opened access to
  37. And influential theory among medieval authors, having been the subject of much, scrutiny ,in the wake of the neo-Scholastic revival of the late 19th and early 20th
  38. Prices. Prices' version, however,has recently come under renewed, scrutiny ,by Michael A. Babcock. Based on detailed philological analysis, Babcock
  39. Yellow (SRI International, led by Jay Spit zen). In April 1978,after public, scrutiny , the Red and Green proposals passed to the next phase. In May 1979,the Green
  40. Comics were among those criticized when the comic book industry came under, scrutiny ,with the publication of psychologist Fredric Wertham's book Seduction of the
  41. NLS, but controversy followed as Daniella, in a move that has since come under, scrutiny , pulled Carlos Zambrano after the sixth inning of a pitcher's duel with
  42. Classification of species, the method is statistical and thus directly open to, scrutiny ,and reinterpretation. With changing phylogenetic analysis, the actual content
  43. Tales of native cannibalism, these stories are treated with a great deal of, scrutiny , as accusations of cannibalism were often used as justifications for the
  44. Facilitate subversion. Recently another bad coding practice has come under, scrutiny ,; dangling pointers. The first known exploit for this particular problem was
  45. The need for the artist to match natural observation with an introspective, scrutiny ,of his own personality. His best-known remark advises the artist to" close
  46. But exist only through being taken for granted, without being subject to, scrutiny ,that searches for an essence within them. Another view of the Buddhist theory
  47. Focus For a team sport, baseball places individual players under unusual, scrutiny ,and pressure. In 1915,a baseball instructional manual pointed out that every
  48. Of its day and generation ... Despite the halo of authority, and despite the, scrutiny ,of the staff, the great bulk of the secondary articles in general psychology
  49. Security Agency (NSA) backdoor. DES consequently came under intense academic, scrutiny ,which motivated the modern understanding of block ciphers and their
  50. A university-based project to give the UFO phenomenon closer scientific, scrutiny , The result was the London Committee (1966–1968),led by physicist Edward

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