Examples of the the word, pixel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pixel ), is the 5429 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Devices, and by 1974 had a linear 500-element device and a 2-D 100 x 100, pixel , device. The first KH-11 KENNAN reconnaissance satellite equipped with
  2. Image data is an ordinary 2D image, a 3D volume, or an image sequence. The, pixel ,values typically correspond to light intensity in one or several spectral bands
  3. 1 means that the pixel is opaque because the geometry completely overlapped the, pixel , If an alpha channel is used in an image, it is common to also multiply the
  4. Color contribution from any geometry because the geometry did not overlap this, pixel , A value of 1 means that the pixel is opaque because the geometry completely
  5. Observed at the point of view. This is all repeated for each sample, for each, pixel , In distribution ray tracing, at each point of intersection, multiple rays may
  6. Porter and Tom Duff. In a 2D image element, which stores a color for each, pixel , additional data is stored in the alpha channel with a value between 0 and 1. A
  7. In the alpha channel with a value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 means that the, pixel ,does not have any coverage information and is transparent; i.e. there was no
  8. Where C_o is the result of the operation, C_an is the color of the, pixel ,in element A, C_b is the color of the pixel in element B, and \alpha_a and
  9. MARIA typically meant that programmers created their games using the lower 160, pixel , modes. The 7800 features a broad (for its time) palette of 256 colors.
  10. Where the quantum efficiency is most important) it can be assumed that a, pixel ,either contains an electron - or not. This removes the noise associated with
  11. Mask absorbs a high proportion (about 2/3) of the light falling on each CCD, pixel , For still scenes, for instance in microscopy, the resolution of a Bayer mask
  12. Differently, as it could output a short burst of high-frequency signal per, pixel ,to offer more color options. The epitome of the Apple II design philosophy was
  13. Rendering of a ray traced work, multiple rays are generally shot for each, pixel , and traced not just to the first object of intersection, but rather, through a
  14. Theoretically enable the 7800 to create games at higher resolution than the 256, pixel , wide graphics found in the Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Master System
  15. The over operator can be accomplished by applying the following formula to each, pixel ,value:: C_o = C_a \alpha_a + C_b \alpha_b \left (1 - \alpha_a\right) where
  16. Value of the object at the point of intersection becomes the value of that, pixel , The color may be determined from a texture-map. A more sophisticated method is
  17. Similarly, in the high-resolution graphics mode, color was determined by, pixel ,position and could thus be implemented in software, saving Wozniak the chips
  18. Modes which are either 160 pixel s wide or 320 pixel s wide. While the 320, pixel , modes theoretically enable the 7800 to create games at higher resolution than
  19. And was used to demonstrate its use as a shift register and as a crude eight, pixel ,linear imaging device. Development of the device progressed at a rapid rate. By
  20. This is usually referred to as multiplied alpha. Assuming that the, pixel ,color is expressed using straight (non-premultiplied) RGBA tuples, a pixel
  21. The gain register is stochastic and the exact gain that has been applied to a, pixel ,'s charge is impossible to know. At high gains (> 30),this uncertainty has
  22. Casting In ray casting the geometry which has been modeled is parsed pixel by, pixel , line by line, from the point of view outward, as if casting rays out from the
  23. Differently, as it could output a short burst of high-frequency signal per, pixel ,to offer more color options. The epitome of the Apple II design philosophy was
  24. Standard, TrueType, which provided full scalability and precise control of the, pixel ,pattern created by the font's outlines, and licensed it to Microsoft. Adobe
  25. As well as the specified intensities of the light sources, the value of the, pixel ,is calculated. Another simulation uses illumination plotted from a grandiosity
  26. Is higher than claimed by Apple, working out to 477 PPI at or 36 arc seconds per, pixel , Materials The deviation from parallelism between two surfaces, for instance in
  27. 2 colors — spaced display with two blank horizontal lines following every 8, pixel , lines ),640×200 (2 colors — spaced display) * Colors: 8 colors (TTL
  28. Ray casting In ray casting the geometry which has been modeled is parsed, pixel ,by pixel , line by line, from the point of view outward, as if casting rays out
  29. Frames of the scene are produced. Between acquisitions, the sensor is moved in, pixel ,dimensions, so that each point in the visual field is acquired consecutively by
  30. Operation, C_an is the color of the pixel in element A, C_b is the color of the, pixel ,in element B, and \alpha_a and \alpha_b are the alpha of the pixel s in elements
  31. Because the geometry did not overlap this pixel . A value of 1 means that the, pixel ,is opaque because the geometry completely overlapped the pixel . If an alpha
  32. It can shift the continuous graphics at the bottom of the display down in two, pixel ,increments because the internal display counter is not incremented on blank
  33. With a factor to match the intensity of the sample spectrum and subtracted, pixel ,by pixel and spectrum by spectrum from the sample spectrum using a
  34. Hammers printed a portion of a row of pixel s at one time, such as every eighth, pixel , By shifting the comb back and forth slightly, the entire pixel row could be
  35. Multiplication at the cost of counting multiple electrons in the same, pixel ,as a single electron. The dispersion in the gain is shown in the graph on the
  36. Similarly, in the high-resolution graphics mode, color was determined by, pixel ,position and could thus be implemented in software, saving Wozniak the chips
  37. Blue). The result of this is that luminance information is collected at every, pixel , but the color resolution is lower than the luminance resolution. Better color
  38. Of approximately 300 PPI at a distance of from one's eye, or 57 arc seconds per, pixel ,is the maximum amount of detail that the human retina can perceive. Raymond
  39. Sensitive to the red, green and blue components of its color. Eventually every, pixel ,in the image has been scanned at least once in each color and the resolution of
  40. Details, peaks or troughs in color or intensity, that are smaller than one, pixel , If a naive rendering algorithm is used without any filtering, high frequencies
  41. Color were fully green, its RGBA would be (0,1,0,0.5). However, if this, pixel ,uses multiplied alpha,all the RGB values (0,1,0) are multiplied by
  42. RGBA tuples, a pixel value of (0.0,0.5,0.0,0.5) implies a, pixel ,which has 50 % of the maximum green intensity and 50 % opacity. If the color
  43. Every other column of the image sensor for storage. In this device, only one, pixel ,shift has to occur to transfer from image area to storage area; thus, shutter
  44. Motorola 6845 or compatible) with a custom-designed gate array to generate a, pixel ,display output. CPC6128s later in production as well as the models from the
  45. A factor to match the intensity of the sample spectrum and subtracted pixel by, pixel ,and spectrum by spectrum from the sample spectrum using a least-squares
  46. Pixel color is expressed using straight (non-premultiplied) RGBA tuples,a, pixel ,value of (0.0,0.5,0.0,0.5) implies a pixel which has 50 % of the maximum
  47. Can bring the fill factor back up to 90 percent or more depending on, pixel ,size and the overall system's optical design. The choice of architecture comes
  48. The example, in just eight cycles. The paper then advanced and the next, pixel ,row was printed. Because far less motion was involved than in a conventional
  49. Typically manifests itself as jaggies, or jagged edges on objects where the, pixel ,grid is visible. In order to remove aliasing, all rendering algorithms (if
  50. As every eighth pixel . By shifting the comb back and forth slightly, the entire, pixel ,row could be printed, continuing the example, in just eight cycles. The paper

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