Examples of the the word, sp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sp ), is the 8458 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other atom, forming two pi bonds, giving a total of three bonds. The remaining, sp , orbital on each atom can form a sigma bond to another atom, for example to
  2. Palaeeudyptinae, Paraptenodytinae or new subfamily? ** Spheniscidae gen. Et, sp , Indet. (Late Oligocene/Early Miocene of Hakataramea, New Zealand) **
  3. Amsterdam Island, South Indian Ocean, c.1800) * Saint Paul Island Duck, Anas, sp , (Saint Paul Island, South Indian Ocean, c.1800): only known by a painting
  4. Can be hosts for insect pests or fungal diseases (ovary smut – Microbotryum, sp , ) which attack crops being cultivated. Ironically, the property that they
  5. And hybridization of the C-O bond, owing to the electron-withdrawing effect of, sp , hybridized oxygen (carbonyl groups) and the donating effects of sp 2
  6. Commercial name; plants sold under this name are actually a fern Lomariopsis, sp , ) *Myriophyllum aquaticum (Brazilian milfoil, milfoil ) *Myriophyllum
  7. From the Gulf of Arab, Red Sea. * (1984) A new hydroid Hydrating Bayer n., sp , (family Hydractiniidae) from the Bay of Panama. * (1988) The hydroids of
  8. Of Wooster, Ohio (internal mold). Image: Syringothyris01. JPG|Syringothyris, sp , .; a sp irited brachiopod from the Logan Formation (Lower Carboniferous) of
  9. Mauritius, Mascarenes, c. 1830s) * Farther Blue Pigeon, Alectroenas, sp , (Farther Group, Seychelles,19th century): Only known from early reports;
  10. A strain of bacteria was named in honor of Gaga," Arthropoda gygaxiana, sp , nov UTCC393 ". * Blizzard Entertainment dedicated the 2.4.0 patch of World of
  11. Probably was extant at Western contact. * Tahitian" Goose ", Rallidae gen. Et, sp , Indet. (Tahiti, late 18th century? ): Early travelers to Tahiti reported a "
  12. Institute Pasteur in 1923 on the inhibiting action of fungi of the" Penicillin, sp ," genre in the growth of staphylococci drew little interest from the direction
  13. In the language of valence bond theory, the carbon atoms in an alkane bond are, sp , hybridized: they each have two hybridized p orbitals and two SP hybrid
  14. Gone extinct earlier. Pycnonotidae – bulbs * Rodrigues Bull, Hypsipetes, sp , (Rodrigues, Mascarenes,17th century? ): Known only from subfossil bones.
  15. The introduction of bacterial cultures (e.g. Lactobacillus SP., Streptococcus,SP, .,Leuconostoc SP., etc) to produce a variety of fermented milk products. The
  16. Samples, three were identified as new sp ecies and named Janibacter hotel., sp , Nov (after Fred Hoyle),Bacillus isronensis. Sp. Nov (named after ISRO)
  17. Each carbon atom the 2s orbital hybridizes with one 2p orbital thus forming an, sp , hybrid. The other two 2p orbitals remain hybridized. The two ends of the two
  18. Extinct. Sphenisciformes Penguins * The Chatham Islands Penguin, Eudyptes, sp , (Chatham Islands, SW Pacific),is only known from subfossil bones, but a
  19. And Réunion, Mascarenes, c. 1700) * Fernando de Noronha Rail, Rallidae gen. Et, sp , Indet. (Fernando de Noronha, W. Atlantic,16th century? ): A distinct sp ecies
  20. A genus of laid snakes found in Southeast Asia and Australia * Heterodox, sp , .,hog-nosed snakes, a genus of harmless colubrid snakes found in North America
  21. Propiolic acid. Terminal alkanes have at least one hydrogen atom bonded to an, sp , hybridized carbon (those involved in the triple bond. An example would be
  22. Deep chest. The limb bones were also very robust. Classification and sp ecies, sp , Apatosaurus is a member of the family Diplodocidae, a clade of gigantic
  23. The common European adder, found in Europe and northern Asia * Acanthophis, sp , .,death adders, a genus of laid snakes found in Southeast Asia and Australia
  24. Koninginnenkruid A. jpg|Auditorium cannabis File: Big yellow. JPG|Gerber, sp , (Mutisoideae). Note the zoomorphic disc flowers. File: Grange
  25. Genetic differences between worker castes have been noted in Acromyrmex, sp , These polymorphisms are caused by relatively small genetic changes;
  26. Conjugate base is stabilized as a result of the high s character of the,SP, orbital,in which the electron pair resides. Electrons in an s orbital benefit
  27. Bond are SP hybridized: they each have two hybridized p orbitals and two, sp , hybrid orbitals. Overlap of a SP orbital from each atom forms one PSP sigma
  28. To another atom, for example to hydrogen atoms in the parent acetylene. The two, sp , orbitals project on opposite sides of the carbon atom. Terminal and internal
  29. As suggested by circumstantial evidence. * Raoul Island Scrub fowl, Megapodius, sp , (Raoul, Kermadec Islands,1876): A megaphone is said to have inhabited Raoul
  30. Middle Eocene of Atacama Desert, Peru ) – basal? ** Spheniscidae gen. Et, sp , Indet. CADIZ P 21 (Leticia Middle Eocene of Junta Torrid, Argentina ) **
  31. Hybrid. The other two 2p orbitals remain hybridized. The two ends of the two, sp , hybrid orbital overlap to form a strong σ valence bond between the carbons
  32. Colonies were Penicillin recumbent, Clado sp orium clado sp orioides, Alternaria, sp , And Tilletiopsis abscess. Out of the 12 bacterial samples, three were
  33. Each have two hybridized p orbitals and two SP hybrid orbitals. Overlap of an, sp , orbital from each atom forms one PSP sigma bond. Each p orbital on one atom
  34. Stories of such creatures may have referred to the land crocodiles, Quinkana, sp , .,a terrestrial crocodile which grew to 5 to possibly 7 meters long, or the 4
  35. Ximenes, online catalog http://www.artgate-cariplo.it/Portal-museo/page38.do?, sp ,page38&link ln502&stu24. LanguageISOCtxParam=en Art gate by Foundation Carlo
  36. Belgium. The current mayor of Ghent, Daniël Vermont, leads a coalition of the,SP, A, Open VLD and Pro Gent. Every year the ten-day-long" Ghent Festival" (
  37. Is always pronounced. A SS indicates that the preceding vowel is short. St and, sp , at the beginning of words of German origin are pronounced and, re sp ectively. *
  38. Dependent on flax (Linux usitatissimum) (for sails) and hemp (Cannabis, sp , ) (for ropes) from the shores of the Baltic Sea ports. Any threat to their
  39. Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, allowing up to 4 players to use their advance or, sp , handheld as a controller that had additional information on the screen, as well
  40. Two long and two short antennae. File: Copepodkils. JPG|A cope pod (Paranoia, sp , ) from Antarctica ca. 12 mm long, photo of translucent ovoid animal with two
  41. Is exploited by the introduction of bacterial cultures (e.g. Lactobacillus, sp , .,Streptococcus SP., Leuconostoc SP., etc) to produce a variety of fermented
  42. That, several scientists had published or pointed out that mold or penicillin, sp , Were able to indicate bacterial growth, and even to cure bacterial infections
  43. Porfirio seems the most likely choice. * Tokamak" Mustard ", Rallidae? Gen. Et, sp , Indet. 'Tokamak ': An unidentified terrestrial bird is mentioned in an early
  44. And named Janibacter hotel. Sp. Nov (after Fred Hoyle),Bacillus isronensis., sp , Nov (named after ISRO) and Bacillus Prabhat (named after the ancient
  45. Second sp ecies from Texas was provisionally referred to as a Quetzalcoatl us, sp , By Alexander Keller and Langston in 1996,indicating that its status was too
  46. Such as the prymnesiophytes Emiliano Huxley (coccolithophore),Carolina, sp , .,and the Euglenophyte Lucretia lanolin are able to out-compete diatom sp ecies
  47. Of bacterial cultures (e.g. Lactobacillus SP., Streptococcus SP., Leuconostoc, sp , .,etc.) to produce a variety of fermented milk products. The reduced pH from
  48. Studied are the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pi sum) and its endosymbiosis Büchner, sp , APS, the tsetse fly Glossing morsitans and its endosymbiosis
  49. It probably was a close relative. * The Norfolk Island Rail, Gallirallus, sp , May be the bird shown on a bad watercolor illustration made around 1800. *
  50. Of a sp arse cover of sp iny grass and low thickets, a creeping plant (Pomona, sp , ), and stands of coconut palm. This low-lying herbaceous flora seems to be

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