Examples of the the word, garbage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( garbage ), is the 5358 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Make it economical and sanitary to throw away sewage as part of the normal, garbage ,collection service. They also reduce water use by half, and eliminate the
  2. Feed on subsistence scavenged or stolen from campsites and picnics, as well as, garbage ,dumps. Mammalian prey includes rabbits, hares,raccoons, muskrats,beavers, and
  3. e. g., formal languages like lambda calculus); these are said to be, garbage ,collected languages. Other languages were designed for use with manual memory
  4. And this mutant was grown by early farmers," at first unintentionally in the, garbage ,heaps, and later intentionally in their orchards ". Zohar and Hope believe
  5. Delays, which may be created by (some) interpreted languages, automatic, garbage , collection,paging operations, or preemptive multitasking. However, some
  6. Which threatens coastal habitat. Pollution can occur from a number of sources:, garbage ,and industrial debris, the transportation of petroleum in tankers, increasing
  7. Has come into use to popularize the idea that allowing bears to scavenge human, garbage , such as trash cans and campers' backpacks, pet food, or other food sources
  8. Top item from s, returns the resulting state. The main problem is that C lacks, garbage ,collection, and this makes this style of programming impractical; moreover
  9. Array bounds checking, buffer overflow detection, serialization and automatic, garbage ,collection, that are not a standard part of C. Tools such as Purify, Valgrind
  10. Track down the problem. Such issues are ameliorated in languages with automatic, garbage ,collection. Libraries The C programming language uses libraries as its primary
  11. Other languages were designed for use with manual memory management, but have, garbage ,collected implementations available (e.g., C,C++). Some languages, like Ada
  12. Elite who have been educated as to why an idea or video or piece of apparent, garbage ,may be considered art. The marker of status becomes understanding the work
  13. Then manual memory management and garbage collection, and does not restrict, garbage ,collection to memory management, rather considering that any logical or
  14. To be effectively abstracted away. * Memory may leak despite the presence of a, garbage ,collector, if references to unused objects are not themselves manually disposed
  15. Entirely disable garbage collection when speed is required. While integrating, garbage ,collection into the language's compiler and runtime system enables a much
  16. Year round. The crisis eased by mid-January when authorities began taking the, garbage ,to a temporary landfill. And the Athens commuter rail service. Athens Metro The
  17. Water. Septic tanks may also require some lifestyle changes, such as not using, garbage ,disposals, minimizing fluids flushed into the tank, and minimizing
  18. Environments typical of modern desktop computers, it can be difficult for the, garbage ,collector to notice when collection is needed, resulting in large amounts of
  19. Thread performs the work of reclaiming. Principles The basic principles of, garbage ,collection are: # Find data objects in a program that cannot be accessed in the
  20. And automatic garbage collection rather than manual memory management and, garbage ,collection, and does not restrict garbage collection to memory management
  21. Some of these bugs can have security implications. Disadvantages Typically, garbage ,collection has certain disadvantages: * Garbage collection consumes computing
  22. To notice when collection is needed, resulting in large amounts of accumulated, garbage , a long, disruptive collection phase, and other programs' data being swapped
  23. Separate heaps for collected and manually managed objects; others, like D, are, garbage , collected but allow the user to manually delete objects and also entirely
  24. With humans Bears become attracted to human-created food sources, such as, garbage ,dumps, litter bins, and dumpsters; they venture into human dwellings or barns
  25. Management. The garbage collector, or just collector, attempts to reclaim, garbage , or memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by the program.
  26. To dog food and animals that are small enough to appear as prey. Items like, garbage , pet food, and sometimes feeding stations for birds and squirrels will attract
  27. The object it points to. Though the semantics of the language allow automatic, garbage ,collection of inaccessible objects, most implementations do not support it by
  28. Formerly occupied by wolves, and are often observed foraging in suburban, garbage ,bins. Coyotes thrive in suburban settings and even some urban ones. A study by
  29. Pieces of human culture) carefully gathered in situ, museum pieces and modern, garbage , Archaeologists work closely with biological anthropologists, art historians
  30. The electrical resistors or that of the trashcans devoted to specific types of, garbage ,(paper, glass,biological, etc.) In marketing, coupon codes can be used for a
  31. Evacuation of wounded to the rear. Troops lived on a field sodden by rain, part, garbage , dump and part graveyard. Unburied Japanese bodies decayed, sank in the mud, and
  32. Post-hoc GC is sometimes distinguished as litter collection. ) The, garbage ,collector will almost always be closely integrated with the memory allocator.
  33. Of the Baku Bay. Improvements were made in the general cleaning, maintenance, garbage , collection fields and these services are now at Western European standards. The
  34. e. g., C,C++). Some languages, like Ada,Modula-3,and C++/CLI allow both, garbage ,collection and manual memory management to co-exist in the same application by
  35. Optimization techniques, commonly lead to such logical leaks. The belief that, garbage ,collection eliminates all leaks leads many programmers not to guard against
  36. It retains some syntax and the general style of C, it also includes, garbage ,collection and CSP-based concurrency. The Go programming language, under
  37. On items left behind during people’s activities: fragments of pottery vessels, garbage , human remains, stone tools or evidence left from the construction of dwellings
  38. Speakers throughout the Maritime. * Carburetor: (rhymes with carburetor) a, garbage ,disposal. * Homogenized milk or homo milk: Milk containing 3.25 % milk fat
  39. That is hard to predict or to detect in routine testing. * The moment when the, garbage ,is actually collected can be unpredictable, resulting in stalls scattered
  40. Reclaim the resources used by those objects Many computer languages require, garbage ,collection, either as part of the language specification (e.g., Java,C#, and
  41. Also, creative use of storage pools can provide for a limited form of automatic, garbage ,collection, since destroying a storage pool also destroys all the objects in
  42. Form of object-oriented programming than those of C++ or Java, and also adds, garbage ,collection and concurrency features. Perl is another example of a popular
  43. Garbage collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management. The, garbage ,collector, or just collector, attempts to reclaim garbage , or memory occupied
  44. But allow the user to manually delete objects and also entirely disable, garbage ,collection when speed is required. While integrating garbage collection into
  45. Problem. There is an ambiguity of terms, as theory often uses the terms manual, garbage ,collection and automatic garbage collection rather than manual memory
  46. Memory allocation routines in C are slower than allocation in a typical, garbage ,collector, thus the performance impact of so many allocations is even greater.
  47. Incident. Specifications (C-17) In computer science, garbage ,collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management. The garbage
  48. Terms, as theory often uses the terms manual garbage collection and automatic, garbage ,collection rather than manual memory management and garbage collection, and
  49. To break down. Experts, such as AVERT, recommend condoms be disposed of in a, garbage ,receptacle, as flushing them down the toilet (which some people do) may cause
  50. Management, rather considering that any logical or physical resource may be, garbage ,collected. Garbage collection does not traditionally manage limited resources

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