Examples of the the word, procurement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( procurement ), is the 5360 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nigeria has continued a strict policy of diversification in her military, procurement ,from various countries. The current Chief of Air Staff (CAS) is Air Marshal
  2. Hindered emergency relief efforts and created tremendous problems of, procurement ,of supplies in general and of distribution. Cambodia received Soviet technical
  3. The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform suggested canceling, procurement ,of the F-35B and halving orders of F-35As and F-35Cs. At the same time Air
  4. Agencies. Many industrialized nations also began to utilize EVM in their own, procurement ,programs. An overview of EVM was included in first PMBOK Guide in 1987 and
  5. 24 January 2011,Goiania was sentenced to 32 years in prison. Program costs and, procurement ,A procurement of 132 aircraft was planned in the mid-1980s,but was later
  6. The Quarter Master General office also had three branch offices: QG-1 planning, procurement , and budget; QG-2 maintenance, construction,and cantonment; and QG-3
  7. Larger volumes. In part as a result, numerous studies have indicated that the, procurement ,volume must be sufficiently high to provide sufficient profits to attract
  8. XF4U-3B with minor modifications was also produced. XF4U-3B,planned, procurement ,for the FAA. F4U-4B: Designation for F4U-4s to be delivered to the British
  9. The M16 could be supplemented by the Individual Carbine beginning in 2014,if, procurement ,is attained. Introduction The M16 is a lightweight,5.56 mm, air-cooled
  10. Sector Osasco Construction Industries is a leading Egyptian EPC (engineering, procurement ,and construction) contractor, based in Cairo, Egypt and active in more than 20
  11. In Monrovia. On December 24, 1989,a small band of rebels led by Doe's former, procurement ,chief, Charles Taylor invaded Liberia from Côte d'Ivoire. Taylor and his
  12. AT-802 - cost of program - 450 million kunas. It has to be noted that this, procurement ,wasn't planned and money was acquired from a surplus in the national budget. *
  13. De l'Armament (Eng: General Weaponry Directorate) is the French defense, procurement ,agency (a mixed military/civilian service) that includes the former Direction
  14. In addition to administrative reorganization; modernization projects include, procurement ,of new vehicles, aircraft and equipment, construction of new police stations
  15. As well as monitor the progression of the state-of-the-art to redirect, procurement ,patterns accordingly. Their inherent focus on practical implementation of
  16. Of 1964 the P.1154 was cancelled, as the Royal Navy had already begun, procurement ,of the McDonnell Douglas Phantom II and the RAF placed a greater importance on
  17. VF-124) to train as instructors. The Marine Corps pulled out of any, procurement ,when development of the stores' management system for ground attack munitions
  18. As roughly $170 billion. This included all research and development costs; the, procurement ,of 15 Saturn V rockets,16 Command/Service Modules,12 Lunar Modules, plus
  19. Support to Iraq, Iran,or both. Iraq, in particular, had a complex clandestine, procurement ,network to obtain munitions and critical materials, which,in some transactions
  20. In 2010,credible claims of corruption were made with regard to recruitment and, procurement ,of Armored Personnel Carriers. Further, the wisdom and prudence of certain
  21. Nigeria has continued a strict policy of diversification in its military, procurement ,from various countries. After the imposition of sanctions by many Westerns
  22. Agriculture, services,energy, financial services, investment,and government, procurement , NAFTA forms the largest trading area in the world, embracing the 405 million
  23. Better range and requiring less logistics support and having around the same, procurement ,costs (if development costs are ignored) as legacy fighters. Further, the
  24. Military construction, and force deployments. He contracted for weapons, procurement ,and drafted the military budget presented to the government. Only an overall
  25. August 1995. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a severe drop in defense, procurement , This resulted in a mere dozen Ka-50s instead of the planned several hundred
  26. And such general duties as payroll administration, personnel management and, procurement , It is also responsible for the Detention Unit for inductees being held during
  27. Goiania was sentenced to 32 years in prison. Program costs and procurement A, procurement ,of 132 aircraft was planned in the mid-1980s,but was later reduced to 75. By
  28. International organizations, such as finance, translation,building management, procurement ,and personnel ”. The Court is currently housed in interim premises on the
  29. S opposition leader have complained of zero consultation before launching this, procurement , The council nevertheless hopes to choose a partner before the elections
  30. Enthusiastic about the Harrier and managed to overcome efforts to obstruct its, procurement , The AV-8A entered service with the Marine Corps in 1971,replacing other
  31. To negotiate non tariff measures, including foreign direct investment, procurement ,and trade facilitation. The latter looks at the transaction cost associated
  32. And" a compulsory monopoly of force" prohibiting the more efficient voluntary, procurement ,of defense and judicial services from competing suppliers. He also considered
  33. Overrode his military advisors. His civilian appointees handled the draft and, procurement ,of men and equipment, but no civilians—not even the secretaries of War or Navy
  34. If India had selected the F-16IN for its Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft, procurement , a sixth F-16 production line would be built in India to produce at least 108
  35. For several deaths in Europe. He is also thought to have been involved in arms, procurement , # Khakis Gaddafi: Son of Muhammad Gaddafi. Closeness of association with regime
  36. The cost of each aircraft averaged US$737 million in 1997 dollars). Total, procurement ,costs averaged $929 million per aircraft, which includes spare parts, equipment
  37. Emphasize the country in which the procurement started, but also illustrate how, procurement ,infrastructure was established in different countries. Some transactions may
  38. Elevation – Empire – Enhance – Energy-plus-house – Engage – Engineering, procurement ,and construction – Entablature – Entail – Entryway – Blastula – Escape tunnel
  39. The Six Ministries (Yukon, 육조 ) that were charged with all matters related to, procurement ,and consumption of food and drink for the royal court. The Board of Personnel (
  40. Because the military had much higher priorities on which to spend its limited, procurement ,dollars. Some B-2 advocates argued that procuring twenty additional aircraft
  41. At this time, the country-level sub-articles emphasize the country in which the, procurement ,started, but also illustrate how procurement infrastructure was established in
  42. For Acquisition, thus making EVM an essential element of program management and, procurement , In 1991,Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney canceled the Navy A-12 Avenger II
  43. To use it, and many variations of it began to proliferate among various, procurement ,programs. In 1967,the DoD established a criterion-based approach, using a set
  44. Personnel Carriers. Further, the wisdom and prudence of certain decisions of, procurement ,have been publicly questioned. History 1896 to 1900 The period between 1896 and
  45. 2003 might be modernized and reinstated into service in 2009. Cost of fighter, procurement ,program - 5 billion kunas. * Modern radar network. New modern radar network was
  46. Even though modernized, are nearing their operational limits). The planned, procurement ,of 2-4 Go wind class corvettes has been cancelled. As of 2009,military spending
  47. For up to 65,000 pistols. This contract ranks as the single largest handgun, procurement ,contract in US law enforcement history. Many HK civilian rifles that were
  48. NATO Force goals. Efforts will be made to achieve that the funds allocated to, procurement ,of new armaments and equipment and modernization of the existing equipment make
  49. Cognitive tasks on a daily basis, meeting mental challenges that include food, procurement ,and social system identification. They also have good spatial discrimination
  50. Of Defense (as of 2007,Gérard Longer) oversees the military's funding, procurement ,and operations. The French armed forces are divided into four branches: **

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