Examples of the the word, fringe , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fringe ), is the 6580 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Are related to the passage graves found in Denmark and elsewhere. Dolmen sites, fringe ,the Irish Sea and are found in south-east Ireland, Wales,Devon and Cornwall.
- Texts, artwork and photographic pieces alongside a detailed study of his, fringe ,theater work, written by Phil and Sarah Stokes who run his official website
- Means" coffeehouse" in Spanish and Portuguese, whereas cafeteria means ", fringe ,benefit" in Hungarian and cafeteria means" sweatshop" in Romanian. Solano
- Habitat is the mangrove swamp or manual. Many, though not all, mangrove swamps, fringe ,estuaries and lagoons where the salinity changes with each tide. Among the most
- Normally by picking up the marker disc. However, like golfers putting from the, fringe , rough or fairway, most disc golfers still use a putting motion on shots that
- Formally ended funding in 2006. Integrative medicine, complementary medicine, fringe ,medicine Integrative medicine is the combination of the practices and methods
- Intensity is zero. This effect is known as interference. The interference, fringe ,maxima occur at angles: ~ d \theta_n \lambda, ~ n 0,1,2,\lots where λ is
- A small market town has expanded into one of the most populous areas on the, fringe ,of London. Croydon is the civic center of the borough and houses the largest
- Bank of Australia. The tax system was reformed, with the introduction of, fringe ,benefits tax and a capital gains tax – a reform strongly opposed by the Liberal
- Displays of the flag, such as those in parades or on indoor posts, often use, fringe ,to enhance the beauty of the flag. The first recorded use of fringe on a flag
- By the archaeological mainstream of what they saw as an archaeoastronomical, fringe ,to an incomprehension between the cultural focus of archaeologists and the
- Expression is" cry Du cur ".; demimonde: a class of women of ill repute; a, fringe ,group or subculture. Fell out of use in the French language in the 19th century
- In addition, several sub-surface reefs (particularly the Collaborate on the, fringe ,of the Formicas),banks (specifically the Princess Alice Bank and D. João de
- Respectively. Decoration Traditionally, the flag may be decorated with golden, fringe ,surrounding the perimeter of the flag as long as it does not deface the flag
- Noted that patients had not been reporting certain thoughts at the, fringe ,of consciousness, thoughts which often preceded intense emotional reactions;
- An international reputation. Canada also boasts the world's second largest, fringe ,festival the Edmonton International Fringe Festival. There are also 2 majors
- Large group of voters from all major parties, including the CCF, voted for the, fringe ,British Columbia Social Credit Party (Soc reds),who wound up with the largest
- Sports such as skydiving from aircraft, and is currently regarded by many as a, fringe ,extreme sport or stunt. BASE numbers are awarded to those who have made at
- The Jews,1975),Ian Hershey, and others identify Holocaust denial as a, fringe ,historical belief. Contemporary Holocaust debate about the Nazi concentration
- And his friendship with old show-business types like Mae West and rising, fringe ,celebrities like Korea Pandit made Creswell an entertaining presence at parties
- Makes any change ordered, there are no implications of symbolism in the use of, fringe , Several federal courts have upheld this conclusion. Traditionally, the Army
- The ridges of a cluster of hills in the southern portion of the city, on the, fringe ,of residential neighborhoods. Some trails allow biking and others are for
- The region's original indigenous inhabitants were quickly expelled to the, fringe ,and by 1867 few at all remained. Many industries and workshops that had been
- Without modification,except Bourne shell scripts stumbling into, fringe ,syntax behavior interpreted differently in Bash or attempting to run a system
- To approve development applications for subdivisions outside the city, fringe , In response to lobbying by landholders, the Ballarat West Growth Area Plan, a
- Edward Loud in 1707. Celtic languages are most commonly spoken on the western, fringe ,of Europe, notably in Ireland, Scotland,Wales, the peninsula of Brittany in
- Notch, but into a pit formed for it within the upper one; in lacking a jagged, fringe ,which appears on the hind legs and feet of the crocodile; in having the toes of
- Malaya-Borneo, South Vietnam, and Peacekeeping. The banner is trimmed with gold, fringe , has gold and crimson cords and tassels, and is mounted on a pike with the
- Which was the precursor to the flak jacket. Also, during World War I am mail, fringe , designed by Captain Cruise of the British Infantry, was added to helmets to
- Of fringe , but a 1925 opinion of the attorney general addresses the use of, fringe ,(and the number of stars) " ... is at the discretion of the Commander in
- Often use fringe to enhance the beauty of the flag. The first recorded use of, fringe ,on a flag dates from 1835,and the Army used it officially in 1895. No specific
- A fire extinguisher on a police car—during two days of violence and rioting by, fringe ,groups supported by the nonchalance of more consistent and peaceful masses of
- In the western part of what is now Burkina Faso and the bordering eastern, fringe ,of Mali became the stage of one of the most important armed oppositions to
- When talking about conspiracies in the Vietnam era, Pipes includes within the, fringe ,element anyone who entertains the thought that conspiracies played a role in
- Basis of the fractured labour-political spectrum that would generate a host of, fringe ,leftist and rightist parties, including those who would eventually form the
- In 2007 a survey found that 30 % of Swiss reject evolutionary theory. The, fringe ,Christian organization Pro Genesis commissioned a survey earlier this year that
- S historical name. Bishkek is situated at about altitude just off the northern, fringe ,of the Kerry Ala-Too range, an extension of the Than Shan mountain range
- Frisian in the Sutherland region of Lower Saxony; the Saterland's marshy, fringe ,areas have long protected Frisian speech there from pressure by the surrounding
- Values. Many of the projects that fall under this umbrella are considered ", fringe ," science by astronomers and none of the projects has located any artifacts.
- Of these is designated as a City, and the second, which is on the city's outer, fringe , has the title of Shire. These areas have elected councils which are
- Of the 20th century, and by the 1970s belief in UFOs had become part of the, fringe ,beliefs associated with the paranormal, New Age, Earth mysteries, Forteana etc.
- Of a candidate from one of the other parties or in rural areas on the" Celtic, fringe ,", where local evidence suggests that economic ideas were at best peripheral to
- The economics profession has changed several times from the center to the, fringe ,of the mainstream, and it is currently a distinct minority position. By the
- Prepared and has approved by the city and state government to allow for planned, fringe ,communities consisting of 14,000 new homes and up to 40,000 new residents
- The Army used it officially in 1895. No specific law governs the legality of, fringe , but a 1925 opinion of the attorney general addresses the use of fringe (and
- Contention. Conspiracy theorists on the internet are often dismissed as a ", fringe ," group, but evidence suggests that a broad cross-section of Americans
- Locations are seen as part of the" Square Mile ". Since the 1990s the eastern, fringe ,of the City, extending into Hackney and Tower Hamlets, has increasingly been a
- Synthesis of paranoid conspiracy theories, which were once limited to American, fringe ,audiences, has given them mass appeal and enabled them to become commonplace in
- Is created by a deep dent in the rim of the crown, which has no gap in the, fringe ,of tentacles. The method used by Ectoprocta is known as" upstream collecting "
- Widespread throughout the western half of Europe, especially along the western, fringe ,of the continent. Studies of the Y-chromosome found that on their direct male
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