Examples of the the word, enjoyment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enjoyment ), is the 6581 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is a natural and inherent right of all people, indispensable to the, enjoyment ,of the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," and (Section I
  2. Made an outstanding contribution to the beauty of the world and to mankind’s, enjoyment ,and understanding of life. ” On May 1,2002,Miller was awarded Spain's
  3. Randonnée is an organized long-distance ride. One popular Dutch pleasure is the, enjoyment ,of relaxed cycling in the countryside of the Netherlands. The land is very flat
  4. Costume jewelry. The trend of jewelry-making at home by hobbyists for personal, enjoyment ,or for sale on sites like Etsy has resulted in the common practice of buying
  5. The pursuit for immediate pleasure. Chronic hedonism encouraged the pursuit of, enjoyment ,and indulgence without hesitation, believing pleasure to be the only good.
  6. Crumb is similar only because we both grew up making comics for our personal, enjoyment , without ever taking drawing seriously, and without ever trying to attain a
  7. Cassava otherwise known as" Dugavazu" is the English language's word for ", enjoyment ," or" happiness. " So important and profoundly powerful word since ancient
  8. 1. Article 1 - property Article 1 provides for the right to the peaceful, enjoyment ,of one's possessions. Article 2 - education Article 2 provides for the right
  9. Character) they will choose to ignore the event in question so that their, enjoyment ,of the franchise is not diminished. When the holder of the intellectual
  10. Saying in his own defense to justify Christian practice of marriage and, enjoyment ,of foods (see I Tim. 4:3; 5:23): to the spiritually pure all (an
  11. A few. The disco sound was also shaped by Tom Moulton who wanted to extend the, enjoyment ,of the music — thus creating the extended mix or" Remix ". This has influenced
  12. And urban exploration. Motivation Caving is often undertaken for the, enjoyment ,of the outdoor activity or for physical exercise, as well as original
  13. Meanings in Old Comedy and it allows the audience to relax in uncomplicated, enjoyment ,of the spectacle, the music, jokes and celebrations that characterize the
  14. But is in fact a right, due to God having“ ... given the earth for the use and, enjoyment ,of the whole human race ”. Similar views are presented by G. K. Chesterton in
  15. Midnight movie showings. According to activist writer Naomi Klein, ironic, enjoyment , of the film initially arose among those with the video before MGM, the film's
  16. Connotations, though despot and tyrant tend to stress cruelty and even, enjoyment ,therefrom, while dictator tends to imply more harshness or unfair
  17. Against on the basis of disability in regard to the full and equal, enjoyment ,of the goods, services,facilities, or accommodations of any place of public
  18. Room. He considers this a good solution because he believes it increases the, enjoyment ,of the room by its occupants. Other authors might come to different conclusions
  19. It is done both for recreation (to reach an inaccessible place, or for its own, enjoyment ,) and professionally, as part of activities such as maintenance of a structure
  20. In the Convention (e.g. discrimination based on sex - Article 14 - in the, enjoyment ,of the right to freedom of expression - Article 10). Protocol 12 extends this
  21. Project which some applicants do not experience in their paid jobs) * A simple, enjoyment ,of the iterative process of software development and maintenance Debian
  22. With his snowmen. He uses the snowman for social commentary, revenge,or pure, enjoyment , Examples are Snowman Calvin being yelled at by Snowman Dad to shovel the snow;
  23. In 1908. The Borne Convention now provides in Article 5 (2) that" the, enjoyment ,and the exercise of copyright shall not be subject to any formality ".
  24. These calls are meant to display excitement, sociability feelings and, enjoyment ,of food. There have been many attacks in Uganda by chimpanzees against human
  25. Yiddish for" money" ) is often distributed to children to enhance their, enjoyment ,of the holiday. The amount is usually in small coins, although grandparents or
  26. Are referred to as ecosystem services. They may include # Facilitating the, enjoyment ,of nature, which may generate many forms of income and employment in the
  27. In his preternatural gifts, a contempt for inexact learning, and, enjoyment , of idling away his time with Jackson, conjoined with news of his father's
  28. Alter Nationalgalerie, Berlin. Friedrich sought not just to explore the blissful, enjoyment ,of a beautiful view, as in the classic conception, but rather to examine an
  29. Has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the, enjoyment ,of the same rights. These limits can only be determined by law. # Law can only
  30. Was Friedrich's key innovation. He sought not just to explore the blissful, enjoyment ,of a beautiful view, as in the classic conception, but rather to examine an
  31. Religious matter as far as Buddhism is concerned. Buddhism teaches that sensual, enjoyment ,and desire in general, and sexual pleasure in particular, are hindrances to
  32. e.g. not to separate a family under family life protection),the effective, enjoyment ,of such rights may also include an obligation for the State to become active
  33. Instrument are considered to be hobbies. Entertainment may also provide fun, enjoyment ,and laughter. The industry that provides entertainment is called the
  34. Bhāvas are named, and their enjoyment is likened to savoring a meal: NASA is the, enjoyment ,of flavors that arise from the proper preparation of ingredients and the
  35. Thus, the sensory discrimination is linked to capacity for pleasure. For Kant ", enjoyment ," is the result when pleasure arises from sensation, but judging something to
  36. Therefore more consistent with the novel. Though the Baron still takes sadistic, enjoyment ,in the suffering of others, he is portrayed as somewhat flamboyant, pompous and
  37. Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and those experiencing a loss of energy and, enjoyment ,of life with norepinephrine- and dopamine-enhancing drugs. A counterargument is
  38. A Public Art Strategy, with a vision that is accessible and enhances people's, enjoyment ,of their surroundings. The public art strategy delivered a new event called
  39. Or suffering within the consensual scenario. Sadomasochism does not imply, enjoyment ,through causing or receiving pain in other situations (for example, accidental
  40. To the context and the object which is at stake ". Including occupancy, use and, enjoyment , and the right to sell, devise,give, or lease all or part of these rights.
  41. Loss of reputation, loss or impairment of mental or physical capacity, loss of, enjoyment ,of life, etc. This is not easily quantifiable, and depends on the individual
  42. Feelings of the child" and emphasized that infancy should primarily focus on, enjoyment , He noted that learning was not about the acquisition of facts but the
  43. That will guarantee to every human being free access to the earth and full, enjoyment ,of the necessities of life, according to individual desires, tastes,and
  44. Club. Other cyclists maintain their own bicycles, perhaps as part of their, enjoyment ,of the hobby of cycling or simply for economic reasons. The ability to repair
  45. Under the Convention. Thus, an applicant must prove discrimination in the, enjoyment ,of a specific right that is guaranteed elsewhere in the Convention (e.g.
  46. Of what he called" a dull state of nerves ", when one is" insusceptible to, enjoyment ,or pleasurable excitement; one of those moods when what is pleasure at other
  47. Enjoy the simple pleasures of daily life, such as eating, drinking,and taking, enjoyment ,in one's work, which are gifts from the hand of God. According to the Talmud
  48. For foxhunting in the 19th century, hunting was an all day event where the, enjoyment ,was derived from the chase rather than the kill. In this setting the tiny
  49. Of the work as a whole. Eight ragas and associated Bahamas are named and their, enjoyment ,is likened to savoring a meal: NASA is the enjoyment of flavors that arise from
  50. His canoe voyaging in the wilderness of Maine, was the first to convey the, enjoyment ,of spiritual and lifestyle aspects of cruising. The concept of cruising for

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