Examples of the the word, forensic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( forensic ), is the 8188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Environmental monitoring, quality control of industrial manufacturing, forensic ,science and so on. The recent developments of computer automation and
  2. Developed in 1984 by British geneticist Sir Alec Jeffrey's, and first used in, forensic ,science to convict Colin Pitchfork in the 1988 En derby murders case. People
  3. Fact, Fiction,and Folklore. The investigation included eyewitness interviews, forensic ,and folkloric research, and " a field expedition to the jungles of Nicaragua "
  4. And video evidence must be authenticated by both parties in any litigation by a, forensic ,expert who is also an expert witness who assists the court in understanding
  5. Renowned for his skillful use of astute observation, deductive reasoning, and, forensic , skills to solve difficult cases. Conan Doyle wrote four novels and fifty-six
  6. In which their expertise is relevant, criminal cases are more likely to use, forensic ,scientists or forensic psychologists, whereas civil cases, such as personal
  7. Heard in serious criminal cases. In civil cases, the work of accident analysis, forensic ,engineers, and forensic accountants is usually important, the latter to assess
  8. Where the concentration of alcohol is uniform throughout the body. Most, forensic ,alcohol experts reject test results during this period as the amounts of
  9. Minister of Justice and the Police (1917–1987) *Other Nestling, apartheid, forensic , scientist (1935–2005) *Band Stardom, convicted murderer and white
  10. For the plaintiff and/or the defendant to employ forensic accountants or, forensic ,economists to give evidence on the value of the loss. In this case, they may be
  11. General had outside counsel investigate apparent destruction of evidence, and, forensic , investigations continue, and the testimony of the Chief of Police. A settlement
  12. Planned. On 23 November 1979,Thomas McMahon was convicted of murder based on, forensic ,evidence collected by Dr James O'Donovan, for his part in the bombing. He was
  13. Stands or falls. Calvin also quotes him in setting forth his doctrine of a, forensic ,alien righteousness, or as it is commonly called imputed righteousness. Legacy
  14. From the author's name by Richard von Krafft-Ebing in the latter's 1886, forensic , study Psychopathic Sexual is. The social history of 18th-century England
  15. The National Police are also developing their criminal investigation and, forensic ,capabilities. The National Police has an estimated 6,000 patrol officers,2,500
  16. The European myths. Applications In the applied sciences Blood residue can help, forensic ,investigators identify weapons, reconstruct a criminal action, and link
  17. Typical examples Electronic evidence has also entered the courtroom as critical, forensic ,evidence. Audio and video evidence must be authenticated by both parties in any
  18. Urine to monitor for abuse, confirm a diagnosis of poisoning or assist in the, forensic ,investigation of a traffic or other criminal violation or a sudden death. Most
  19. Cases. In civil cases, the work of accident analysis, forensic engineers, and, forensic , accountants is usually important, the latter to assess damages and costs in
  20. Most unforgettable; more prosaically, Dr. Wesley Vernon has seen the origins of, forensic ,podiatry in this episode. The book was not authored anonymously and cites Defoe
  21. Who had badly plundered Sicily. His prosecution of Gains Verses was a great, forensic ,success for Cicero. Upon the conclusion of this case, Cicero came to be
  22. New vehicles, aircraft and equipment, construction of new police stations and, forensic ,laboratories, restructured training programs and the replacement of AKM rifles
  23. Whereas civil cases, such as personal injury, may use forensic engineers, forensic ,accountants, employment consultants or care experts. Senior physicians — U. K.
  24. Widely acknowledged that the photographs showed Doherty was unarmed, and that, forensic ,tests on his hands for gunshot residue proved negative. * Bernard McGuigan (41
  25. Applied fields, including: educational psychology, child psychopathology, and, forensic , developmental psychology. Developmental psychology complements several others
  26. Is relevant, criminal cases are more likely to use forensic scientists or, forensic ,psychologists, whereas civil cases, such as personal injury, may use forensic
  27. Of poisoning in hospitalized victims, or in whole blood to assist in the, forensic ,investigation of a traffic or other criminal violation or a case of sudden
  28. Current effects. Differences between genomes have anthropological, medical and, forensic ,implications and applications. Genetic data can provide important insight into
  29. And other technologies are used to monitor for compliance with the Treaty:, forensic ,seismology, hydroacoustics, infrasound,and radionuclide monitoring. The
  30. A pathologist. Autopsies are either performed for legal or medical purposes. A, forensic ,autopsy is carried out when the cause of death may be a criminal matter, while
  31. Of analytical chemistry from somewhat academic chemical questions to, forensic , environmental, industrial and medical questions, such as in histology. Modern
  32. Means of confirming the diagnosis in hospitalized patients or to assist in the, forensic ,investigation of a fatal overdose. Some laetrile promoters have claimed that
  33. Not an expert in each technical subject, would have gone through similar tax, forensic , or accounting related issues countless times, and is thus unlikely to be
  34. Forensic psychologists, whereas civil cases, such as personal injury, may use, forensic ,engineers, forensic accountants, employment consultants or care experts. Senior
  35. May be useful for the lawyers for the plaintiff and/or the defendant to employ, forensic ,accountants or forensic economists to give evidence on the value of the loss.
  36. Or management of other engineers, or into specialized consulting, including, forensic , engineering. Sub-disciplines In general, civil engineering is concerned with
  37. Referred to as astrology. It is frequently used in anthropology, archeology and, forensic ,science for a variety of tasks. This can include determining the nutritional
  38. Detective (Dallies, Kojak,Morse, Frost,Barnaby, Clouseau,Colombo); * the, forensic ,specialists (Scarlett, Quincy,Cracker, CSI ). Notable fictional detectives
  39. Tommy Edwards, American singer (d. 1969) * 1922 – Valentino Maria, American, forensic , anesthesiologist (d. 1999) *1923 – John Marco Allegro, English scholar (d.
  40. F. Buckley, Jr., James Blake, John Mayer, Glenn Beck and also Henry Lee (, forensic ,scientist). The Northern Territory Country Liberal Party (CLP) is a Northern
  41. The first person convicted of murder with DNA evidence, which led to growth of, forensic ,science. More recently, Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Hello received the 2006
  42. Have held fund-raisers in the belief that they are innocent. In July 2007,new, forensic ,evidence was presented in the case and a status report jointly issued by the
  43. Of time. This is particularly true in industrial quality assurance (QA), forensic , and environmental applications. Analytical chemistry plays an increasingly
  44. Victims has been raped because their anuses were dilated. However, there was no, forensic ,evidence indicating that the murdered boys had been raped and dilated anuses
  45. The less efficient the design may be. The study of failed products is known as, forensic ,engineering, and can help the product designer in evaluating his or her design
  46. Action, and link suspects to the crime. Through bloodstain pattern analysis, forensic ,information can also be gained from the spatial distribution of bloodstains.
  47. Frequently study anatomy from donated cadavers; they are also useful in, forensic ,research. Making an anatomical gift is a separate transaction from being an
  48. But nobody believed me until now. " Love hired private investigators as well as, forensic ,accountants in order to find the identity thieves. In March 2011,Love settled
  49. With a biological attack are being established in major cities. In addition, forensic ,technologies are working on identifying biological agents, their geographical
  50. Therefore, it is arguably much more convincing if a policeman, private eye, forensic ,expert or similar professional is made the hero or heroine of a series of crime

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