Examples of the the word, eminent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eminent ), is the 9457 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The competition for the Academy's Grand Prize in Mathematics. Cauchy, a highly, eminent ,mathematician of the time, considered Galois' work to be a likely winner. On
  2. With Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Hadley, Dr. Samuel Clarke, Martin Folks, and other, eminent ,philosophers. He was admitted a member of the Royal Society. In 1722,having
  3. Did to either optics or physics. Other alchemists of the Western world who were, eminent ,in their other studies include Roger Bacon, and Tycho Brahe. The decline of
  4. Of Burma. * Sung San Sub FYI is an honorary member of The Elders, a group of, eminent ,global leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela. Her ongoing detention means
  5. By the support of Anonymous Ben Tours, the NASA of Narbonne, and of the, eminent ,Talmudist Sheri of Toledo, Ben Are issued a decree, signed by thirty-three
  6. Friends, known as" the Marlborough House Set ", were considered to be the most, eminent ,and fashionable of the age. Buckingham Palace—the Ballroom, Grand Entrance
  7. Factions he was ably assisted by Nigam ul-Mulk, his vizier, and one of the most, eminent ,statesmen in early Muslim history. With peace and security established in his
  8. And several other Christian denominations, a Doctor of the Church is an, eminent ,theologian (for example, Thomas Aquinas, also known as the Angelic Doctor)
  9. The State of New York's Empire State Development Corporation approved use of, eminent ,domain, which,through declaration of Manhattanville's" blighted" status
  10. And Individual Differences. While he has been rated as one of the top-50, eminent , psychologists of the 20th Century, Jensen remains a controversial figure
  11. The Enigma Variations, which were premiered in London under the baton of the, eminent ,German conductor Hans Richter. In Elgar's own words," I have sketched a set
  12. Of the need to condemn the land of many private citizens, through the use of, eminent ,domain, to make room for the corridor. Concerns and Improvements In order to
  13. Such as citations and recognition, Rogers was found to be the sixth most, eminent ,psychologist of the 20th century and second, among clinicians, only to Sigmund
  14. Noblewoman. Her father was Mira Muhammad ` Ali Nazi of Isfahan an, eminent ,Baha’í of the city and prominent aristocrat. After a wearisome journey from
  15. Of their caste by attempting to emulate the practices of higher castes. The, eminent ,Socio-anthropologist M. N. Srinivasan has also questioned the rigidity of caste
  16. Based on caste affects 250 million people in South Asia. According to the, eminent ,sociologist Andre Befall, treating caste as a form of racism is" politically
  17. An abbot at the Draping Monastery who was considered widely as one of the most, eminent ,lamas of his time. Although Sonar Goats became the first lama to have the
  18. Son of Philip Mac Costello. ) * 1488. Maguire, son of Tag OG O'hugging,an, eminent ,poet, died this year. * 1494. The son of Mac William Bulk was slain this year
  19. Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers. Novels *First Light (1987). An, eminent ,astrophysicist and her brother, a small-town Buick salesman, discover how they
  20. Had expanded to a well known 20-volume set. Its rising stature helped recruit, eminent ,contributors, and the 9th edition (1875–1889) and the 11th edition (1911)
  21. Arabia affected the prices of the Soviet oil was refuted by Marshall Goldman-, eminent ,and one of the leading experts on the economy of the Soviet Union in his latest
  22. For the most important varieties of this species, which are moreover the most, eminent ,actors in what is called" Universal History," first rose to a flourishing
  23. Youth culture of the sixties. The different conceptions of CND - campaign by, eminent ,individuals or mass movement - caused friction between leaders and supporters.
  24. Memoirs have survived is unknown as of today) and hosted parties at which, eminent ,scientists discussed ideas and problems related to chemistry. Contributions to
  25. Was invited to enter the workshop of August Rodin. Even though he admired the, eminent ,Rodin he left the Rodin studio after only two months, saying," Nothing can
  26. Peace Prize ". Alexander Graham Bell (March 3,1847 – August 2,1922) was an, eminent ,scientist, inventor,engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the
  27. Architecture. Sir John Summerson wrote that" there have been two supremely, eminent ,theorists in the history of European architecture—Leon Batista Alberti and
  28. Barnes, industry leader, former CEO of Area Brown Over * Nick Bottom, eminent ,philosopher and futurist and Director of the Future of Humanity Institute at
  29. The 2007 print version of the Britannica boasts 4,411 contributors, many, eminent , in their fields, such as Nobel Laureate economist Milton Friedman, astronomer
  30. By the second-generation Annalists, led by Fernand Branded. Precepts An, eminent ,member of this school, Georges Duty, wrote in the foreword of his book Le
  31. For instance, the Biblical stories of Noah and Abraham with the arrival of such, eminent ,leaders as John Eliot; John Winthrop; and his own father, Increase Mather.
  32. Of the symbol is said to have been retained in his honor. The number is of, eminent ,importance in mathematics, alongside 0,1,and. All five of these numbers play
  33. Induce his listener to feel just what Epictetus wanted him to feel. " Many, eminent ,figures sought conversations with him, and the Emperor Hadrian was friendly
  34. Became skilled, and promoted a plan for publishing, in Washington, portraits of, eminent ,American statesmen; however, he met with but slight encouragement. During his
  35. Brought in samples of his music to class. In the summer of 1858,Grieg met the, eminent ,Norwegian violinist Ole Bull, who was a family friend; Bull's brother was
  36. Believes Confucius was a Divine Prophet of God, as was Baotou and other, eminent ,Chinese personages. In modern times, Asteroid 7853," Confucius ", was named
  37. S law is analogous to the relationships discovered at the same epoch by other, eminent ,scientists: Darcy's law (hydraulic flow),Ohm's law (charge transport)
  38. 3,1596 – April 12, 1684) was the son of Geronimo Amati. He was the most, eminent ,of the family. He improved the model adopted by the rest of the Amati's and
  39. That Mesmer plagiarized his dissertation from a work by Richard Mead,an, eminent ,English physician and Newton's friend. That said, in Mesmer's day doctoral
  40. February 16, 1834 – August 9,1919),also written on Hacker, was an, eminent ,German biologist, naturalist,philosopher, physician,professor and artist who
  41. To the bacterial genome in a phenomenon called lysogenic conversion. An, eminent ,example is the conversion of a harmless strain of Vibrato cholera by a phage
  42. Which controls state benefits. Property rights are often poorly protected, and, eminent , domain land seizures have had a disproportionate effect on poorer peasants.
  43. Vigorously to the study of Sanskrit. There he enjoyed the society of such, eminent ,men as Antoine-Léonard de Chézy (his primary instructor),Sylvester de Sacy
  44. Literature Iranian philosophy appears and is treated in various ways. Two, eminent ,examples are: * Thus Spoke Zarathustra by the German philosopher Friedrich
  45. Have taken a share under the direction of Phidias. He is said to be the most, eminent ,sculptor in Athens after the departure of Phidias for Olympia, but enigmatic
  46. In a geometrical manner. The error may have become commonplace because the, eminent ,historian and psychologist E. G. Boring perpetuated it. In fact Berkeley argued
  47. 40a). His principle of life he expressed in the maxim, R. Abbey, though, eminent , as a salafist, was more distinguished as a haggis and controversial. He
  48. So do environmental concerns, and concerns relating to the use and abuse of, eminent ,domain by institutions involved in them. Especially criticized was the A11
  49. beginner's kit" of The Cat in the Hat. In 1966,Gases authorized the, eminent ,cartoon artist Chuck Jones, his friend and former colleague from the war, too
  50. That account, I go With SER Brunette, and I ask who are His most known and most, eminent ,companions. Some fifty poetical components by Dante are known (the so-called

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