Examples of the the word, falsely , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Website of the City of Frankfurt). Some larger housing areas are often, falsely ,called city districts, even by locals, like Nordweststadt (part of Niederursel
  2. Movements, the droll humor. He also had" Hitchcock" themes: the wrong man, falsely ,accused, violence erupting at the times it was least expected, the cool blonde.
  3. Other person). In a similar vein, Camus believed that society and religion, falsely ,teach humans that" the Other" has order and structure. What does this have to
  4. Clergy, and princes, nobles and great lords of your cities and dioceses have, falsely ,devised certain godless plans against the Jews, unjustly depriving them by
  5. To have children with a lover. Stefano Inessa writes that Cardinal Borgia, falsely ,claimed Cesare to be the legitimate son of another man—Domenico d'Pregnant, the
  6. Against Jews (see Pope Gregory IX and Judaism). Pope Gregory X::" And most, falsely ,do these Christians claim that the Jews have secretly and furtively carried
  7. Vilnius the Elder, the father of the future Emperor Zulus Vilnius, had, falsely , charged Sinus with having open incest with his sister Julia Calvin.
  8. Accuse them of crimes they did not commit, suppress exculpatory evidence and, falsely ,incarcerate them. One Black Panther Party leader, Elmer " Geronimo" Pratt, was
  9. The pilot was not approved to pilot the plane he was attempting to fly. Morales, falsely ,obtained his Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) license by showing
  10. Marked for class) in BRE until relatively recently; it has latterly become, falsely ,perceived as an intrusive Americanism). Similarly, the word" hockey" in BRE
  11. On the death of his father, combined with the bitterness stemming from being, falsely ,accused of rape. Filmography Bibliography * 1993 Craig Charles Almanac of Total
  12. Phineas" ). The author's identity was not widely known at first. A number, falsely ,claimed to have authored the poem, and Thayer's efforts to set the record
  13. Enemies, looking for a pretext to lay their hands on the Jews' property, were, falsely , attributing terrible crimes to them, in particular that of killing children and
  14. Activity which he gave to the order. Many letters, treatises,and other works, falsely ,attributed to him survive, such as the l'Michelle du Closure, les Meditations
  15. Has also, from divine Providence, the right and duty of proscribing" knowledge, falsely ,so called "
  16. Have believed that governments must represent one or more social classes, and (, falsely ,) concluded that, because Chiang oppressed some social classes more than urban
  17. That a Polonium isotope caused the rings was speculative; and that Gentry, falsely ,argued that the half-life of radioactive elements varies with time. Gentry
  18. Platonism came about independently of Frege's review. For example, the review, falsely ,accuses Husserl of subjectivizing everything, so that no objectivity is
  19. 1 million in 1965. This was a gross distortion of the truth. It was also, falsely ,reported that Ms. Mussel sent over US$500,000 to Switzerland, but that was
  20. A sensational trial in 1913. *In 1928,the Jews of Masses, New York, were, falsely , accused of kidnapping and killing a Christian girl in the Masses blood libel.
  21. Speculate that the blood vessels in these women are diffuse abnormal. Some have, falsely ,claim that the entire lining of the artery becomes thickened throughout, making
  22. Of Sicily, which they use for lamps instead of Kyle, and which they call, falsely ,Sicilian Kyle, for it is a kind of most Bitumen. " The Simon bitumen is
  23. Maronite Lebanon. The Muslim Arab press, however,was sympathetic to the, falsely ,accused Captain Dreyfus, and criticized the persecution of Jews in France.
  24. Widow, a brief note was included reading" To the widow of Lavoisier, who was, falsely ,convicted. " About a century after his death, a statue of Lavoisier was erected
  25. Eugenics Record Office. My not forming a genome ethics program quickly might be, falsely ,used as evidence that I was a closet eugenicist, having as my real long-term
  26. Then by force of their property, and appropriating it themselves; ... they, falsely ,charge them with dividing up among themselves on the Passover the heart of a
  27. S symbols are visually very similar to the ISO symbols, leading many to, falsely ,assume that they are identical. *The first computer programming language
  28. Exhausted the state's treasury. Ancient historians state that Caligula began, falsely ,accusing, fining and even killing individuals for the purpose of seizing their
  29. When aroused. Blood libel Various religious and other groups have been, falsely ,accused of using human blood in rituals; such accusations are known as blood
  30. Controversies that have surrounded it, particularly a moral panic in the 1980s, falsely , linking it to Satanism and suicide. When working together as a group, these
  31. Another language. Again, in 1529,he writes“ An epistle against those who, falsely ,boast they are Evangelicals” to Vulturous Neocons (). Here Erasmus complains
  32. Of the Exchequer **Herbert Samuel,1st Viscount Samuel, Postmaster General; was, falsely ,implicated. (1912) *Shell Crisis of 1915,which led to the fall of Herbert
  33. The touching of yourself also in some part, though we trust in that behalf, falsely , These events led rapidly to Mary's defeat and imprisonment in Lock Even
  34. Haggard after a chance encounter in her store the night the John Salt Line was, falsely ,deemed his greatest success. She marries him thinking he is the heroic person
  35. And her sons Nero and Dress, were arrested on the orders of Tiberius. Tiberius, falsely ,accused Agrippina of planning to take sanctuary besides the image of Augustus
  36. S ionized plume. Protective circuits on the fuel cells in the service module, falsely ,detected overloads and took all three fuel cells offline, along with much of
  37. Alchemical work known as the Secret Alberti or the Experiment Alberti, were, falsely , attributed to Albert us by their authors in order to increase the prestige of
  38. Up in San Francisco. Capra phone them saying he had moved from Hollywood, and, falsely , implied that he had some experience in the budding film industry. Capra's only
  39. And destroyed. *In the 1910 Shiraz blood libel, the Jews of Shiraz, Iran,were, falsely ,accused of murdering a Muslim girl. The entire Jewish quarter was pillaged; the
  40. Husserl of subjectivizing everything, so that no objectivity is possible, and, falsely , attributes to him a notion of abstraction whereby objects disappear until we
  41. Detecting only 60-80 % of infections in asymptomatic women, and often giving, falsely ,positive results. Culture remains useful in selected circumstances and is
  42. Ham Fisher. Fisher retaliated clumsily, doctoring photostats of Li'l Abner and, falsely ,accusing Camp of sneaking obscenities into his comic strip. Fisher submitted
  43. A middle-class man from England's countryside, marries a poor woman who, falsely ,believes she is marrying into a monies family. After George's birth, his
  44. Progressed) republicanism; hatred of Queen Marie-Antoinette, who was, falsely ,accused of being a spendthrift and an Austrian spy; and anger toward the King
  45. Bacardi has faced criticism and legal problems for supposedly attempting to, falsely ,convince consumers they were purchasing rum made in Cuba rather than just
  46. And bases his belief ... on a count of the coins in Jones's pocket, whom he, falsely ,believes to be the man who will get the job. " (see To qualify as an item of
  47. And their co-conspirators in various cities throughout the empire, each of whom, falsely ,proclaimed kinghood during the upheaval following Cyrus's death. Darius the
  48. Place of birth in the above equation, the effect of birthplace on wages may be, falsely ,attributed to the effect of education on wages. The most obvious way to control
  49. Random sequences. " Gamblers' Fallacy" is one example of this. Gamblers may, falsely ,believe that they have hit a" lucky streak" even when each outcome is
  50. Fourth Army commander, General Gunther von Kluge, also criticized Rommel for, falsely ,claiming all the glory for his achievements. Rommel did not, Kluge felt

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