Examples of the the word, rend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rend ), is the 6753 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Parfait outrage de Died SUR la Terry, il est certain Aussie Que club quit see, rend ,l'imitate de Died en pageant DES figures humans, est beau coup plus
  2. Throats, or cast out into the freezing world, they would tear their topknots or, rend ,their clothes and bewail their karma, blaming gods or Kali or luck or their
  3. River town in Paraguay there are men who have been thus mutilated; they will, rend ,and devour alive any wounded man or beast; for blood in the water excites them
  4. And copiously dangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles, : Or I will, rend ,thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't! " Guide
  5. Came upon a tree-trunk split with wedges. Testing his strength, he tried to, rend ,it with his bare hands. The wedges fell, trapping his hands in the tree and
  6. Makes him most akin to the heroes: there is a hint of hubris in his attempt to, rend ,the tree asunder, and striking contrast between his glorious athletic
  7. Legal principles by reference to which a court is entitled to" pierce" or ", rend ," or" remove" the" corporate veil ". It is" hornbook" law that a duly
  8. M67" Hippo" tank of the U. S. M. C. during the Vietnam War Image: USAF, rend , JPG|Front and rear views of a man with a M2A1-7 United States Army
  9. S line, : Every man on every play, : Striving all the time.: Cheer on cheer will, rend ,the air, : All behind our men.: And we'll fight for dear old Williams: And we
  10. Aqua Flavia),a column in the Roman bridge in Chaves where those people, rend ,homage to Emperor Vespasian. Pliny, knew the Iberian Peninsula, as he had
  11. Trahir Le system, voilà CE quit nous posse à LES hair La Haine, c'est CE quit, rend ,nos propose dungarees On unique la France sous one ten dance de unique popular
  12. With Antoine Panet-Raymond and Denis Robichaux) Articles *" La mondialisation, rend ,la souveraineté plus necessary et urgent Que Jamie ", in L'Action national
  13. The date of Milo's death is unknown, but he reportedly was attempting to, rend ,a tree asunder when his hands became trapped in the cleft of its trunk and a
  14. He was requested to take over as Dean of the Board. He did not take long to, rend ,asunder the network of corruption which resulted in a counter petition against
  15. Special attacks, the most common of which are the various" break" or ", rend ," abilities, each of which can either inflict a specific stat-lowering rebuffs
  16. Weak # With You # I Draw the Line L'enters Du decor (2004) # Ce quit nous, rend ,four # Hello # L'enters Du decor # Red guitar # Si on court # Rain à Pierre #
  17. Or with swords, be not afraid. If they smite you, smite not in return. If they, rend ,you, be not discouraged. Another will take up the good work. "" If any man
  18. Temple's Destruction According to Jewish Law, one is obligated to grieve and, rend ,one's garment upon visiting the Western Wall and seeing the desolate site of
  19. And the call to Israel was," Be converted to me with all your heart... and, rend ,your hearts, and not your garments" ( Joel, ii,12 sq). Holy Job did penance
  20. To virtue through labor. The phrase was also used in French (" LE travail, rend ,Libra! ") by August Fore, a Swiss psychiatrist, in his" Forms de la
  21. It can destroy like lightning or replenish life, heal,or cure. It is used to, rend ,ways through solid matter. Its light is said to be steadier, softer and
  22. Their animal contacts to retrieve information and their martial prowess to, rend ,foes to bits. The City-Gangrel are rumored to have become a distinct bloodline
  23. Joints quiver, and his spine shakes.: Thereupon Baal drags out Yam and would, rend ,him to pieces;: he would make an end of Judge Nagar. However, Athtart pleads
  24. Talons are capable of easily slicing through flesh and plastic. They can even, rend ,metal armor, possibly because they are also enforced by Miguel's enhanced
  25. Manifest lengths of chain from the fathoms of their native realm to ensnare and, rend ,their victims into pieces. The Cenobites have a limited ability over death:
  26. Under this onslaught they too broke. Retort" La Garden must, elle NE see, rend ,pas! " (" The Guard dies, it does not sur rend er! "). Capture of Lancelot At
  27. Civil War five days later. Gentlemen of the Right! You come here outraged to, rend ,your vestments and to dab ash on your foreheads even while, as colleague De
  28. Is taken from Bloom, : From the hang and hungrier goblin: That into reigns would, rend ,ye, : And the spirit that stands by the naked man: In the Book of Moons -
  29. A music group) ): Quad un Cordite est à l'agonies, savez-vous Bain CE quit Lew, rend ,la vie? IL bit un Demi.:" When a northerner is dying, do you know what
  30. Of heat in that person's body. He also has razor-sharp teeth and claws able to, rend ,light metals. The werewolf is resistant to many forms of conventional injury
  31. By a Japanese made flamethrower based on the M2) * * Gallery Image: USAF, rend , JPG|Two CGI views of a man with an M2A1-7 U. S. Army flamethrower. The two big
  32. Head. Vixen's claws/nails are particularly sharp and tough, enabling her to, rend ,through a variety of substances, such as fabric, wood,cinder block and even
  33. See what the Eyeballs really are, despite the preacher's protests that he will, rend ,the fabric of the biodiverse. The conflict usually ends up in a full-scale crab
  34. Over the sea to Skye. Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar, Thunderclaps, rend , the air; Baffled, our foes stand by the shore, Follow they will not dare.
  35. Heresies sought to divide or reduce Christ's nature, and in doing so would, rend ,and devalue Christ's followers with their false teachings. Efren also wrote
  36. Immensely strong with heavy wrist-thick trunks and stems. These will certainly, rend ,latticework, crush thin wooden posts, and can even strangle large trees.
  37. Lit); lose (lost); mean (meant); meet (met); put (put); read (read);, rend ,(rent, obsolescent ); send (sent); set (set); shed (shed); shoot (shot
  38. Tour couched in the form of a novel. The famous quote" Tout compere, rend ,très-indulgent ", commonly translated as" To know all is to forgive all ", is
  39. Named Movement reported Cambronne's reply as" La garden must et NE see, rend ,pas! " (" The Guard dies and does not sur rend er! "). These words became
  40. Turlingdromes And copiously dangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles, Or I will, rend ,thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!
  41. The words often attributed to Pierre Cambridge" La Garden must et NE see, rend ,pas" " The Guard dies, and does not sur rend er ". Life He was born in Pointer
  42. Artillery fire and cavalry charges. The quote" La Garden must main NE see, rend ,pas! " (The Guard dies but does not sur rend er!) is generally attributed to
  43. May be observed in multiple locations. At the funeral, mourners traditionally, rend ,an outer garment, a ritual known as serial. The torn garment is worn throughout
  44. Recurved canines, used to dispatch prey, and the carnassial complex, used to, rend ,meat from bone and slice it into digestible pieces. Dogs have molar teeth
  45. Tom o' Bedlam):: From the hag and hungry goblin | | that into rags would, rend ,ye, : And the spirits that stand | | by the naked man | | in the Book of Moons
  46. The Kings of the Earth lament And the merchants of the Earth Weep, wail and, rend ,their raiment. They cry, Alas,Alas, that great city, In one hour is her
  47. His" Grenadier de Waterloo ",1817,with the motto" La Garden must et NE see, rend ,pas" ( a famous phrase frequently attributed to Cambridge, but which he never
  48. To which the Jews come every year and anoint it, bewail themselves with groans, rend ,their garments, and so depart ". This was because an Imperial decree from Rome
  49. And defended the primacy of the Roman Pontiff and adjured the council not to ", rend ,asunder Christ's seamless robe ". He was next sent by the Pope to the Emperor
  50. Verses to newspapers and magazines," Jeanie Morrison "," My Had is like to, rend , Willie ", and " Wearies Could Well" being his best-known poems. He became

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