Examples of the the word, expedite , in a Sentence Context
The word ( expedite ), is the 12274 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Directly to the military commanders. Although Julian at first attempted to, expedite ,the order, it provoked an insurrection by troops of the Petulantes, who had no
- g., cryotherapy,iontophoresis, electrotherapy) are modalities often used to, expedite ,recovery in the orthopedic setting. Additionally, an emerging adjunct to
- Efficiency and human improvement. One such improvement was his effort to, expedite ,news services through his printing presses. Atlantic Ocean currents As deputy
- Of winning the war. The destruction of Dresden, while immense, was designed to, expedite ,the defeat of Germany. As the historian and journalist Max Hastings said in an
- Has been picked up by the social enterprise sector, which hopes to simplify and, expedite ,the process of setting up new businesses. A number of business ideas, such as
- Of mercantile cities such as Bruges and Antwerp, operated counting houses to, expedite ,trade. The term" course," which has become synonymous with" stock market,"
- By the consultants. The ministers, he added, directed the Secretariat to, expedite ,the procurement process for the consultants to enable the Railways Development
- And scene to scene. The Script Supervisor's notes are given to the Editor to, expedite ,the editing process. The Script Supervisor works very closely with the Director
- To try to expand their employment opportunities. Indian policy experts hoped to, expedite ,assimilation of Native Americans to the larger American society, which was
- Where she is seen urging Connor to murder an innocent girl in order to, expedite ,the birth of the child they conceived together. In an effort to stop Connor
- Reveal through a learner's sufficient experience anyway, so the point is to, expedite ,it; economy of research is what demands the" leap" of abduction and governs
- Worldwide is to separate aircraft to prevent collisions, to organize and, expedite ,the flow of traffic, and to provide information and other support for pilots
- Determining the exact mechanism of the disease, improving animal models to, expedite ,research, clinical trials of pharmaceuticals to treat symptoms or slow the
- Primers may be used in Sanger sequencing, isolation of a DNA sequence to, expedite ,recombinant DNA technologies involving the insertion of a DNA sequence into a
- Railroad, which planned to experiment with it as a blasting explosive to, expedite ,the construction of the -long Summit Tunnel through the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Unfinished after 10 minutes' play and scored less than 18 points in total,the, expedite ,system comes into effect. The Laws of Table Tennis do not prescribe the manner
- Of computing power, the NCCS has installed high-speed fiber-optic networks to, expedite ,data movement, a scientific visualization center that enables researchers to
- Second Chamber" and" Federation Chamber ". The concept of a parallel body to, expedite ,Parliamentary business, based on the Australian Main Committee, was mentioned
- For informed practice,to be testable and, through its trials, to, expedite , and economize inquiry. The economy of research is what calls for abduction and
- Declaring the Rangers' sale to be under the control of the Commissioner to, expedite ,the process. Because of public comments made by Hicks deemed detrimental to the
- Reveal through a learner's sufficient experience anyway, so the point is to, expedite ,it; the economy of research is what demands the" leap" of abduction and
- And AIDS. Partly in response to these criticisms, the FDA issued new rules to, expedite ,approval of drugs for life-threatening diseases, and expanded pre-approval
- opponent's free hand touches the playing surface. * As a receiver under the, expedite ,system, completing 13 returns in a rally. * The opponent has been warned by
- Non-postal uses and economic aspects While postal codes were introduced to, expedite ,the delivery of mail, they are very useful tools for several other purposes
- Chinatown. According to the film, the Chinese use professional mourners to help, expedite ,the entry of a deceased loved one's soul into heaven by giving the impression
- Military courts and the traditional Oaxaca courts, which have been revived to, expedite ,the trials of genocide suspects. Rwanda has low corruption levels; in 2010
- But maintain they could prove the charge and were only dropping the charge to, expedite ,proceedings. US District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan insisted that the
- In order to restore severed national ties, promote mutual understanding, and, expedite , independent peaceful unification, have agreed to carry out various exchanges in
- Actors to play the roles; and an assistant director, Dmitri Vasily, to, expedite , shooting. It was an obvious allegory and stern warning against the massing
- Crime Cyberspace also brings together every service and facility imaginable to, expedite ,money laundering. One can purchase anonymous credit cards, bank accounts
- Approved a draft resolution calling on the Government of the United States to, expedite ,a process that would allow the Puerto Rican people to exercise fully their
- Information, the loyalty card may also be used to access such information to, expedite ,verification during receipt of checks or dispensing of medical prescription
- Progress on an agreement was slow partly due to Cromwell being too busy to help, expedite ,the proceedings and partly due to the negotiating team on the English side
- a million dollars to the Carnegie Institution with the following suggestion to, expedite ,the construction of the (MOA) In Scotland, he gave $10 million in 1901 to
- And village levels to advise the government on local conditions and to, expedite ,its directives. Other institutional innovations included the organization (
- He doubled the size of the Territorial Army, created a Ministry of Supply to, expedite ,the provision of equipment to the armed forces, and instituted peacetime
- Time to maintain liaison among the factions and begin defining operations to, expedite ,the repatriation of approximately 370,000 Cambodians from Thailand. On March 16
- Nanotechnology, which they claim can be made safe for pre-singularity use or, expedite ,the arrival of a beneficial singularity. Some support the design of" friendly
- Friendship with Israel may help to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute and, expedite ,Azerbaijan's integration with the West. The Azerbaijan-Israel Friendship
- The WordStar program; and Disaster, a program whose purpose was specifically to, expedite ,creating of the data files used for merge printing. These were revolutionary
- Gradually eliminated the CAB's authority to set fares; * required the CAB to, expedite ,processing of various requests; * liberalized standards for the establishment
- System of Public Lands. The new Renewable Energy Coordination Offices will, expedite ,the permitting of wind, solar,biomass, and geothermal projects on BLM-managed
- Century, the duty of the Apostolic - or Roman Chancery was to prepare and, expedite ,the pontifical letters and writs for collation of church dignities and other
- Replacement, Ken Salazar, by authorizing the BLM to establish offices that will, expedite ,renewable energy development on the National System of Public Lands. The new
- Century, the government sponsored programs to control the river ways and, expedite ,inland drainage in the Great Plain. With the danger of recurrent flooding
- Introduced by Cuba’s delegate on June 20, 2011,calling on the United States to, expedite ,a process“ that would allow Puerto Ricans to fully exercise their inalienable
- Committee on decolonization approved a draft resolution that calls on the US to, expedite ,the process to allow Puerto Ricans to exercise fully their inalienable right to
- The line. All lines use the regional system of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes to, expedite ,their trips. Metro Shuttle bus" G" offers a free connection to the
- Pidgin Delaware developed early in the province as a vehicular language to, expedite ,trade. A dialect known as Jersey Dutch was spoken in and around rural Bergen
- In the administration so FDR appointed a special assistant, Wayne Coy, to, expedite , matters. Later that year a German submarine fired on the U. S. destroyer Greer
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