Examples of the the word, entitlement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( entitlement ), is the 5615 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Forbidden by law, but it does not necessarily protect other rights, such as the, entitlement ,to a fair trial. So if an imposition such as internment without trial is
  2. Would have one empress (Guangzhou, 皇后 ) at one time, although posthumous, entitlement ,to empress for a concubine was not uncommon. The earliest known usage of
  3. Above a certain value, or is real estate. *Fixed trust. In a fixed trust,the, entitlement ,of the beneficiaries is fixed by the settler. The trustee has little or no
  4. The inhabitants there, however,unlike the merchant elite, were accorded no, entitlement ,to a voice in town affairs and were not allowed to send representatives to the
  5. Mobile service provider networks, broadcast video contribution/distribution, entitlement ,and content delivery systems.: :* Security and surveillance: IP cameras, data
  6. Negative rights In one sense, a right is a permission to do something or an, entitlement ,to a specific service or treatment, and these rights have been called positive
  7. And this economic system mutualism. Proudhon had many arguments against, entitlement ,to land and capital, including reasons based on morality, economics,politics
  8. Was the timing of the payment. It is the predecessor to the wife's present-day, entitlement ,to maintenance in the event of the breakup of marriage, and family maintenance
  9. Ireland or the Republic without restriction on their residency, may exercise an, entitlement ,to Irish citizenship, such as an Irish passport. Foreign relations Foreign
  10. 2007,when Hasselblad commented that Hillary Clinton's proposed US$ 5,000 baby, entitlement ,might lead to fewer abortions because of women wanting to keep the money.
  11. Because of its singularity or due to the specific creation of an, entitlement ,or obligation. Courts have used the term in describing cooperative apartment
  12. Disability rating. In general, participants have 48 months of program, entitlement ,to complete an individual vocational rehabilitation plan. Participants deemed
  13. That humans have needs that society ought to fulfill," recognizing equality of, entitlement ,". In chronological and theoretical sense there are classical — those created
  14. Legacy of make-work programs and has contributed to the current culture of, entitlement , Notes The Canadian Alliance (), formally the Canadian Reform Conservative
  15. They must receive one of these benefits for at least 24 months from date of, entitlement ,(first disability payment) before becoming eligible to enroll in Medicare.:
  16. Due to FEE is the inability of an agricultural laborer to exchange his primary, entitlement , i.e., labor for rice when his employment became erratic or was completely
  17. Between humanitarianism and the ideal of a 'guaranteed social minimum' where, entitlement ,extends beyond cash or food transfers and is based on citizenship, not
  18. Including Medicaid, food stamps, federal education programs While he protected, entitlement ,programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, his administration attempted to
  19. Program. In some states, counties also contribute funds. Unlike the Medicare, entitlement ,program, Medicaid is a means-tested, needs-based social welfare or social
  20. Of their two members of parliament. In addition, Weymouth and Welcome Aegis ', entitlement ,to four members was reduced to two members. In total therefore the Act
  21. To household assistance under specific conditions, and also introduced, entitlement ,to leave of absence from work and cash benefits in the event of a child’s
  22. Included an increase in military spending and major cuts in discretionary and, entitlement ,spending. The law also mandated the controversial 1981 Kemp-Roth Tax Cut. In a
  23. From the 12-year eligibility period and may receive additional months of, entitlement ,as necessary to complete approved plans. Vocational rehabilitation for
  24. To provide telecommunications services subject to general conditions of, entitlement ,and, in some instances, specific conditions. Under a specific condition BT
  25. The Platform and Labor" believe that all people are created equal in their, entitlement ,to dignity and respect, and should have an equal chance to achieve their
  26. Germans or Americans, except among gardeners who admire many plants with the, entitlement ,of the sieboldii and sieboldiana. The Horus Botanic us in Leiden has recently
  27. Refuge, comprising. Of the remaining land area, the state of Alaska owns; its, entitlement ,under the Alaska Statehood Act. A portion of that acreage is occasionally ceded
  28. Ireland was dropped. The amended constitution asserts that while it is the, entitlement ,of" every person born on the island of Ireland … to be part of the Irish
  29. Has sufficiently pleaded a cause of action, not whether the plaintiff has some, entitlement ,to judicial action separate from proof of the substantive merits of the claim
  30. Enjoyed in practice),abolished time limits for hospital care, introduced, entitlement , to household assistance under specific conditions, and also introduced
  31. King of England, and could be willed by him to whomever he chose. This was an, entitlement ,established by William I who was illegitimate. ) The children of Richard's
  32. Amendment also stated that legal residents would be eligible for a residence, entitlement ,after eight years if certain conditions were met, such as language fluency.
  33. Of the whole distribution matching an ideal pattern, but of each individual, entitlement ,having the right kind of history. It is just that a person has some good (
  34. Not be entitled to S2,but rather, some or all of S3. For the purpose of legal, entitlement , therefore, part or all of S3 is the same as S1. Now, let us say that the
  35. Gives them the land. Yahweh's war campaign in Palestine validates Israel's, entitlement ,to the land and provides a paradigm of how Israel was to live there: twelve
  36. Or all of S3 is the same as S1. Now, let us say that the purpose is not legal, entitlement , but rather, the following situation: The admiral of the fleet believes that
  37. Proponents of" social justice ": the notion of" rights" is a mere term of, entitlement , indicative of a claim for any possible desirable good, no matter how important
  38. Depicted holding an overflowing vase. The Babylonian star-figure appears on, entitlement ,stones and cylinder seals from the second millennium. It contained the winter
  39. Law recognizes private and community property, as well as overlapping forms of, entitlement ,for charitable purposes, known as waif or trusts. Under sharia law, however
  40. A maintenance liability were taken over by the state. * The extension of, entitlement ,to educational allowances to cover all tenth-grade pupils in vocational
  41. It. Moreover, despite accusations of boot-legging, Euro Cult assert their legal, entitlement ,to distribute the Sale DVD in the U. S. In its online blog, On Five, the
  42. Higher clerics and freemen of the Cinque Ports were deemed barons. This is right, entitlement ,or" title ", began to be granted by decree in the form of the writ of summons
  43. The economy, protection from competition with foreign industries, and welfare, entitlement ,programs. During the Yeltsin years in the 1990s,these groups were well
  44. To the OEM for a refund. Despite refusal of some manufacturers to honor the, entitlement , it has been enforced by courts in some countries. A woodwind instrument is a
  45. Clearances. He also spoke in support of the Slum Clearances Bill which provided, entitlement ,for full compensation for those who purchased a house after August 1939 and
  46. Could come and take away the body of an executed person. But there was no, entitlement ,for a non-relative. There was a risk that a request from a non-relative would
  47. West Germany at that time. * The Benefit Improvement Law (1973),which made, entitlement ,to hospital care legally binding ( entitlement s already enjoyed in practice)
  48. The Kings" ( Donations of Alexandria). Being a son of Julius Caesar, such an, entitlement ,was obviously felt as a threat to Roman republican traditions. In fact
  49. Concept of a person's estate * Patrimony of affectation, in civil law, a legal, entitlement ,that can be divided for a purpose, as distinct from the general patrimony of
  50. In 2003–2006. Rights are legal, social,or ethical principles of freedom or, entitlement ,; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of

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