Examples of the the word, calcium , in a Sentence Context

The word ( calcium ), is the 5616 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of potassium carbonate, was mildly basic. After heating this substance with, calcium ,hydroxide (slaked lime),a far more strongly basic substance known as caustic
  2. Form of gouty arthritis caused by the formation of rhomboid crystals of, calcium ,pyrophosphate known as pseudogout. In the early stages, the gouty arthritis
  3. To the second messenger molecule cyclic AMP, which is involved in triggering, calcium ,signals by the release of calcium from intracellular stores. This form of
  4. Food chemistry Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium,and, calcium ,salts are commonly used as antioxidant food additives. These compounds are
  5. Within a cell caused by drug activity, which also can cause apoptosis via a, calcium ,binding protease calpain. Mitochondrial regulation The mitochondria are
  6. Are supported or can move on. The shells of amoebas are often composed of, calcium , The proteins or materials are synthesized in the cell and exported just
  7. Commonly, acids can be identified as tasting sour, reacting with metals such as, calcium , and bases like sodium carbonate. Aqueous acids have a pH of less than 7,where
  8. Dissolve the alkali metals and other electromotive metals such as magnesium, calcium , strontium, barium,europium and ytterbium. At low concentrations (<0.06 MOL/L
  9. Pathway for initiation identified in several toxin studies is an increase in, calcium ,concentration within a cell caused by drug activity, which also can cause
  10. Developed in 1886. This is done in a Downs Cell in which the NaCl is mixed with, calcium ,chloride to lower the melting point below 700 °C. As calcium is less
  11. Adverse effects of disulfide, hepatotoxicity and drowsiness, do not occur with, calcium ,carbamide. *Naltrexone is a competitive antagonist for opioid receptors
  12. Generic term, for either of the previous two, or even for a mixture) *, calcium ,carbonate (sometimes called" free lime" or" lime water" ) * magnesium
  13. Salts are called arsenals, e. g., Paris Green (copper (II) acetoarsenite), calcium , arsenate, and lead hydrogen Senate. The latter three have been used as
  14. S catalyst (-heterogeneous catalyst that consists of palladium deposited on, calcium ,carbonate and treated with various forms of lead) is commonly used, though
  15. Proton pump inhibitors and eradication of H. pylori. Side effects Excess, calcium ,from supplements, fortified food and high- calcium diets, can cause milk-alkali
  16. Of thiamine, niacin,riboflavin, and folate, and dietary minerals including, calcium , iron, magnesium,phosphorus, zinc,copper, and manganese - comparable to
  17. The clay-rich types, are slightly to moderately alkaline and have free, calcium ,carbonate. Climate Austin has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen CFA)
  18. Such as thiamine, niacin,and riboflavin, plus some dietary minerals including, calcium , iron, potassium,zinc, copper,and manganese. Cooked amaranth grains are a
  19. And control of soil pH. Slaked lime ( calcium hydroxide) or limestone (, calcium ,carbonate) may be worked into soil that is too acidic for plant growth.
  20. Food additive E numbers are #E300 ascorbic acid #E301 sodium acerbate #E302, calcium , ascorbate #E303 potassium acerbate #E304 fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid (
  21. For example, the carbonylation of glutamate allows for better binding of, calcium ,cations, and the hydroxylation of proline is critical for maintaining
  22. Safety and handling Acetylene is not especially toxic but when generated from, calcium ,carbide it can contain toxic impurities such as traces of phosphine and ursine.
  23. In this process, the aluminum oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite with, calcium ,fluoride and then reduced to the pure metal. The operational temperature of the
  24. Chemicals in the chemical industry. It was prepared by the hydrolysis of, calcium ,carbide, a reaction discovered by Friedrich Wöhler in 1862 and still familiar
  25. B2,B6,niacin and C, and are rich in iodine, potassium,iron, magnesium and, calcium , In addition, commercially cultivated microalgae, including both Algae and
  26. Melting point below 700 °C. As calcium is less electromotive than sodium, no, calcium , will be formed at the anode. This method is less expensive than the previous
  27. Containing calcium carbonate. She gradually recovered. Compounds containing, calcium ,may also increase calcium output in the urine, which might be associated with
  28. Hydrogen peroxide, domiphen bromide and sometimes fluoride, enzymes,and, calcium , Ingredients also include water, sweeteners such as sorbitol, sucralose, sodium
  29. Acid already present in the stomach. For example, Pepcid Complete includes, calcium ,carbonate in its formulation, allowing it a faster onset of action.
  30. From person to person, generally those medications that contain aluminum or, calcium ,are the likeliest to cause constipation, those that contain magnesium are the
  31. Has been noticed in several toxicity studies. It was shown that an increase in, calcium ,concentration within a cell, caused by drug activity, also has the ability to
  32. P2Y5,P2Y7,P2Y9,P2Y10) do not function as receptors that raise cytosol, calcium , The P2X isotropic receptor subgroup comprises seven members (P2X1–P2X7)
  33. System, and wet grinding are requirements to working abalone shell safely. The, calcium ,carbonate dust is a respiratory irritant and the particles can penetrate into
  34. Pain. She had consumed large quantities of chewable antacid tablets containing, calcium ,carbonate. She gradually recovered. Compounds containing calcium may also
  35. It is also produced through neutron capture by or alpha emission by, calcium , Is created from the neutron salvation of as a result of subsurface nuclear
  36. NaCl is mixed with calcium chloride to lower the melting point below 700 °C. As, calcium ,is less electromotive than sodium, no calcium will be formed at the anode.
  37. Industrial activities. Improper irrigation of farm land can wick the sodium, calcium , and magnesium from the soil and water to the surface. This process steadily
  38. Form. Its chemical formula is NaAlSi2O6·H2O. Minor amounts of potassium and, calcium ,substitute for sodium. A silver-bearing synthetic variety also exists (
  39. Two distinct minerals, when used as a material: gypsum (a hydrous sulfate of, calcium ,) and calcite (a carbonate of calcium ). The former is the alabaster of the
  40. Cyclic AMP, which is involved in triggering calcium signals by the release of, calcium ,from intracellular stores. This form of signal transduction is particularly
  41. Disease. But during the past 15 years, it has been reported in women taking, calcium ,supplements above the recommended range of 1200 to 1500 mg daily, for
  42. Material: gypsum (a hydrous sulfate of calcium ) and calcite (a carbonate of, calcium ,). The former is the alabaster of the present day; generally, the latter is the
  43. She gradually recovered. Compounds containing calcium may also increase, calcium ,output in the urine, which might be associated with kidney stones. Calcium
  44. Of ischemic heart disease. Example Drugs used are nitrates, beta blockers, or, calcium , channel blockers. Nitrate Nitrates cause vasodilation of the venous
  45. Are metabolomic,i.e. G protein-coupled and modulate mainly intracellular, calcium ,and sometimes cyclic AMP levels. Though named between P2Y1 and P2Y15,only nine
  46. In other newly discovered elements of the time: potassium, sodium,magnesium, calcium , and strontium (all of which Davy isolated himself). Nevertheless,-um
  47. Not as widely known, is in fertilizers and control of soil pH. Slaked lime (, calcium ,hydroxide) or limestone ( calcium carbonate) may be worked into soil that is
  48. NaOH),potassium hydroxide (KOH),magnesium hydroxide (Mg (OH)2),and, calcium ,hydroxide (Ca (OH)2). Note that only hydroxides with an alkali metal—column
  49. Stimulation by amphetamine. This mechanism is thought to rely on the actions of, calcium ,ions, as well as on the proximity of certain transporter proteins. The
  50. Sensor. In neurons, calcium -sensitive acetylate Cyclades are located next to, calcium ,ion channels for faster reaction to Ca2+ influx; they are suspected of playing

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