Examples of the the word, wholly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wholly ), is the 5633 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. North America, flying regional jets from American's hubs. American Eagle is, wholly ,owned by AMR Corporation, the parent company of American Airlines. It plans to
  2. Bring with them, and many household utensils. One display case, some long, is, wholly , filled with human hair which the Nazis gathered from people before they were
  3. The Bronx. Six State Senators out of 62 represent Bronx districts, half of them, wholly ,within the County, and half straddling other counties. All these legislators
  4. Oppenheimer summarized his impression of him as a person:" He was almost, wholly ,without sophistication and wholly without worldliness... There was always with
  5. Was nationalized in 1946. In 1997, it became an independent public organization, wholly ,owned by the Treasury Solicitor on behalf of the Government, with independence
  6. Group. The company is headquartered in Ingolstadt, Germany,and has been a, wholly ,owned (99.55 %) subsidiary of Volkswagen AG since 1966,following a phased
  7. American Eagle. The move followed Delta Air Lines and its spin off of its, wholly ,owned regional airlines Compass Airlines and Mesabi Airlines. MD-80 maintenance
  8. 11, 2008,InnoGames completed its acquisition of Atari, Inc., making it a, wholly ,owned subsidiary. History Atari Inc. (1972–1984) In 1971,Nolan Bushnell and
  9. Division BT Engage IT. Operations British Telecommunications plc (BT) is a, wholly ,owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and
  10. Could represent all four dialects. One of the most salient features of this (", wholly ,unified" ) orthography was the inclusion of the ZH digraph, which represents a
  11. The use of electronics and computing. The ultrasonic frequency range enabled, wholly ,new kinds of application in medicine and industry. New kinds of transducers (
  12. Indian audience, where movies are about an alien culture, based on a religion, wholly ,different, and,for the most part, a language that is unintelligible to the
  13. State Assembly (the lower house of the state legislature) represent districts, wholly ,within the Bronx. Six State Senators out of 62 represent Bronx districts, half
  14. A leading modern metaphysician in the classical tradition:" philosophers are, wholly ,justified in taking existence for granted ... and in never mentioning it again
  15. Who experimented with a" wall of sound" production technique that became the, wholly ,new ABBA sound. Anderson arranged an English translation of the lyrics by Neil
  16. Product of Airbus Industries, a consortium of European aerospace companies, wholly ,owned today by EADS. The A300 can typically seat 266 passengers in a two-class
  17. Proceeding, both appellant and respondent are bound to base their arguments, wholly ,on the proceedings and body of evidence as they were presented in the lower
  18. Of him as a person:" He was almost wholly without sophistication and, wholly ,without worldliness... There was always with him a wonderful purity at once
  19. Mechanics. In other stories, authors have used the word" android" to mean a, wholly ,organic, yet artificial, creation. Other fictional depictions of androids fall
  20. Flies Super ATR turboprops throughout the Caribbean. Executive Airlines is a, wholly ,owned subsidiary of American Eagle and, by extension, AMR. *Chautauqua Airlines
  21. On stage the opera was acknowledged in a letter to the public by Luck as being, wholly ,by the young Antonio. Les Dandies was received with great acclaim and its
  22. 11, 2008,InnoGames completed its acquisition of Atari Inc., making it a, wholly ,owned subsidiary. NAMC Banzai has purchased a 34 % stake in Atari Europe on
  23. In many lands ... It is well known that the disintegration of Russia was, wholly ,or in great part brought about by the Jews, and a large proportion of the
  24. By the disengagement of volatile in the molten mass which were then filled, wholly ,or partially, by siliceous matter deposited in regular layers upon the walls.
  25. Alfonso was a fierce, violent man, a soldier and nothing else, whose piety was, wholly ,militant. His tomb is in the monastery of San Pedro in Hues ca. Death Will and
  26. Coast and surrounded by a vast desert wasteland, the partially domed city is, wholly ,controlled by the monopolistic Paradigm Corporation. The Big O takes place
  27. And French Communities, and the territory of the German-speaking Community lies, wholly ,within the Walloon Region. Conflicts jurisdiction between the bodies are
  28. It in 1975; in so doing, the company became BMW South Africa, the first, wholly ,owned subsidiary of BMW to be established outside Germany. Three unique models
  29. The trumpet the second time. Their level of comfort while in the grave depends, wholly ,on their level of Man or faith in the one God, or Allah, equivalent in Arabic.
  30. Norms, over and above the reaction of society. # The existence of God, who is, wholly ,just, observes everything relevant about human actions and can attach
  31. Blues Away" and" Rose of My Heart. " Still more demos, alternate takes, and, wholly , unheard-before recordings have been released since Haley's death. Notable
  32. The limited number of Junkers JU 52 transports, the Germans used aircraft, wholly ,inadequate for the role, such as the Handel He 177 bomber (some bombers
  33. His mother retired to Weimar, and Arthur Schopenhauer dedicated himself, wholly ,to studies in the gymnasium of Gotha. After he left it in disgust after seeing
  34. In the computer game Dystopia takes place in Yggdrasil's first arcology. * The, wholly ,self-sustained utopian society 'Rapture' in the computer and Xbox 360 game
  35. That occurs at the scene of an accident, where the limb is partially or, wholly ,severed as a direct result of the accident, for example a fingertip that is cut
  36. Accused him of abandoning the literal sense of the scripture, and taking up, wholly ,with the allegorical sense. His views were condemned in a Synod at Alexandria
  37. Is blue amber. It turns blue in natural sunlight and any other partially or, wholly ,ultraviolet light source. In long-wave UV light it has a very strong reflection
  38. Studies in 1988. However not all reception of Steinmetz' studies have been, wholly ,positive. In the relatively calm academic world Jacob Neusner's combative
  39. Since its inception in 1972. It is currently owned by Atari Interactive,a, wholly ,owned subsidiary of the French publisher Atari, SA (ASA). The original Atari
  40. Museum were presented to him as a gift by the creditors. The property was, wholly ,disencumbered in 1847 by Robert Ca dell, the publisher, who cancelled the bond
  41. Failed at that time, I still feel, to this day, responsible for Auschwitz in a, wholly ,personal sense. Much of the controversy over Speer's knowledge of the
  42. Was also written in BCPL. Several operating systems were written partially or, wholly ,in BCPL (for example, TRIPOS and the earliest versions of Amiga DOS, a part of
  43. Sterling weakness by credit and exchange controls. In 1977,the Bank set up a, wholly ,owned subsidiary called Bank of England Nominees Limited (BEEN),a private
  44. In Fort Chipewyan, in present day Alberta. Until 1849,these districts were a, wholly ,unorganized area of British North America under the de facto jurisdiction of
  45. Central and Aberdeen South and North Discarding, the first two are again, wholly ,within the Aberdeen City council area, and the latter encompasses the North
  46. Offence for" many years" and that, as an indictable misdemeanor, it was ", wholly ,obsolete ". Their recommendation was implemented by the Criminal Law Act 1967.
  47. Laboratories, Inc., was then renamed AT&T Bell Laboratories, Inc., and became a, wholly ,owned company of the new AT&T Technologies unit, the former Western Electric.
  48. Even after it had done its best, the original intermixture of things was not, wholly ,overcome. No one thing in the world is ever abruptly separated, as by the blow
  49. Has the distinction of being the largest Muslim-majority sovereign country, wholly ,within Europe. Albania is a parliamentary democracy with a transition economy.
  50. Of the fourteen major steel companies: These companies commanded some 200, wholly , or partly owned subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and overseas in Australia

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