Examples of the the word, entertaining , in a Sentence Context

The word ( entertaining ), is the 5628 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Depths. He recognized this, and deliberately aimed for a more light-hearted and, entertaining ,film for his next production, while switching to the new widescreen format that
  2. Had never written a story, I knew absolutely that I could write stories just as, entertaining ,and probably a lot more so than any I chanced to read in those magazines.
  3. Gave the film two out of four stars and wrote," The movie isn't as funny or, entertaining ,as Evil Dead II, however,maybe because the comic approach seems recycled ". In
  4. Games accompanied by his idiosyncratic, hyperbolic commentary which is often as, entertaining ,as instructive. Nimzowitsch's chess theories when first propounded flew in the
  5. Immensely popular with the public, not only because of Eddington’s clear and, entertaining ,exposition, but also for his willingness to discuss the philosophical and
  6. People find animation to be amusing. Similarly, some people find cartoons to be, entertaining , Cinema and theater Many people find cinema /or theater and other live
  7. Being a form of spam) are now commonplace. Particularly since the rise of ", entertaining ," advertising, some people may like an advertisement enough to wish to watch it
  8. The Atlantic review of COOL IT described it as" An urgent, intelligent,and, entertaining ,account of the climate policy debate, with a strong focus on cost-effective
  9. Of socialist realism, expand its boundaries, and begin work on a wider range of, entertaining ,and artistic Soviet films. Notable films include: *The Cranes Are Flying
  10. Schaefer decided to carry over previous characters that they felt were the most, entertaining , The two considered the Edison family" essential" and chose Bernard because
  11. However, in the literary world, epigrams were most often gifts to patrons or, entertaining ,verse to be published, not inscriptions. Many Roman writers seem to have
  12. Traveling minstrels. Comics contain text and drawings which convey an, entertaining ,narrative. Several famous comics revolve around superheroes such as Superman
  13. The CNR had built a radio network with the aim of promoting itself as well as, entertaining ,its passengers during their travels. The onset of the Great Depression hurt the
  14. Of the Godzilla series. " Mike Rogue of American Kiev said the film is ", entertaining ,if flawed" and" worth any giant monster fan's time. " Box office and
  15. Commented," Spears’s fifth studio album is her most consistent, a seamlessly, entertaining ,collection of bright, brash electronic. " Blackout won Album of the Year at MTV
  16. Foot. During his time in Dublin his duties were mainly social; attending balls, entertaining ,guests and providing advice to Buckingham. While in Ireland, he over extended
  17. Such as circus, plays,musicals, farces,monologues and pantomimes to be, entertaining , Comedy provides laughter and amusement. The audience is taken by
  18. American television. Other projects Cooking In his later years he took to, entertaining ,at home as chef – he had a special stove installed in his patio – and
  19. Personality than his father; greater emphasis was now placed on official, entertaining ,and royal duties than on lavish parties. He arranged a series of command
  20. Travels in Rolling Stone wrote:" Burton uses the summer's most explosively, entertaining ,movie to lead us back into the liberating darkness of dreams. " He praised the
  21. Thus:" Bill got his first professional job at the age of 13,playing and, entertaining ,at an auction for the fee of $1 a night. Very soon after this he formed a group
  22. Computing science problems like OCR" artificial intelligence" today. Low-cost, entertaining ,chess-playing software is commonly available for tablet computers. DARPA no
  23. Funniest works that have come down to us from Antiquity, and one of the most, entertaining ,examples of Latin courtroom oratory to survive. *Florida. A compilation of
  24. Came a new style of theater inspired by forum theater aimed at educating and, entertaining ,Burkina Faso's rural people. Cuisine The cuisine of Burkina Faso, typical of
  25. Amputees during the Korean War and Vietnam War. He toured Vietnam with the USO, entertaining ,troops along with Art Buchwald and George Lipton. He served as chairman of
  26. Where the underclassmen in the Band serenade the graduating seniors with an, entertaining , though vulgar, mock-hymn to Columbia, composed of quips that poke fun at the
  27. Of Armenia. Romans seem to have found the idea of a female gladiator novel and, entertaining , or downright absurd; Juvenal titillates his readers with a woman named" Media
  28. Year ". Daniel Baum of The Jerusalem Post called it" one of the funniest, most, entertaining , and best-programmed computer games I have ever seen ", and lauded its animation
  29. Poets detailed their doings and generations in allegoric language salted with, entertaining ,stories, which subsequently playwrights transformed into classical Greek drama
  30. Purposes of reporting the news and were legal, even if the highlights were also, entertaining , the BBC lost the case but set a legal precedent. This has allowed all UK
  31. Cream and gold color scheme they retain today—once again became a setting for, entertaining ,on a majestic scale. Many people feel King Edward's heavy redecoration of the
  32. Colombia reaffirmed their new-found status with another comprehensive and, entertaining ,display against Paraguay, this time winning the game by a 3-0 margin; once
  33. Is gradually becoming a favorite among fans due to its dark nature, brief but, entertaining ,Kiev battles, and the return of series veterans Shirt Honda and Akira Future
  34. Finale were mixed to positive. USA Today's Robert Bianca described the finale as, entertaining ,and satisfying, and praised it for deftly mixing emotion and humor while
  35. Like Mae West and rising fringe celebrities like Korea Pandit made Creswell an, entertaining ,presence at parties. His fame brought him appearances on The Jack Paar Show (
  36. Disagree with this account because Saint Jerome often made statements more, entertaining ,than factual. Most accounts of Cyril place him in better light like Theodore
  37. By other AI researchers, including Chris Malcolm, who described it as ", entertaining ,science fiction horror stories which happen to have caught the attention of the
  38. Of a dull party at Capp's home—leaving Walt Kelly alone to fend for himself, entertaining ,a group of Argentine envoys who didn't speak English. Kelly retaliated by
  39. Gambit Publications,2008,ISBN 978-904600-98-5). Personality There are many, entertaining ,anecdotes regarding Nimzowitsch—some less savory than others. For example, he
  40. Speech with his audience in mind, since above all, the Burns' supper should be, entertaining , Everyone drinks a toast to Robert Burns. Appreciation The host will normally
  41. To geography, anthropology and history, all compiled by Herodotus in an, entertaining ,style and format. It is on account of the many strange stories and the
  42. Caricatured. Dance and music Many people find involvement in social dance to be, entertaining , Some interesting people listen to or watch musical entertainment. Game Games
  43. Could not escape out to sea. Teach, on the other side of the island, was busy, entertaining ,guests and had not set a lookout. With Israel Hands ashore in Bath with about
  44. it's not good artwork and I don't know if it's well-drawn, but I know it's, entertaining , " - Don Rosa, Torino Comics Festival, April 2011" Don Rosa has a style that
  45. Shadow plays, puppetry,and traditional paintings, also were very popular for, entertaining ,and educating children. The most famous of these, the classic Havoc in Heaven (
  46. Largest private garden in London. The state rooms, used for official and state, entertaining , are open to the public each year for most of August and September, as part of
  47. Serie B, became the surprise team in the league, playing often spectacular and, entertaining ,football and even leading the league for six consecutive weeks. The club
  48. Youth attending Public School 149 in East New York, Brooklyn,where he began, entertaining ,his young classmates with songs and jokes, before moving to Thomas Jefferson
  49. To bring about a particular emotion or mood, for the purpose of relaxing or, entertaining ,the viewer. This is often the function of the art industries of Motion Pictures
  50. The review ended with the statement that" I expect that this game will keep, entertaining ,people for quite some time to come ". Phil Arose of The Advocate called it "

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