Examples of the the word, lasting , in a Sentence Context

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  1. For himself alone. When Narrow points out that" his victories will never be, lasting ," Room admits that he is involved in a" never ending defeat," but this does
  2. Are continuing to work with the two Presidents in the hope of finding a, lasting ,peace. The two countries are still technically at war. Notable countries with
  3. Wife. His Turing test was a significant and characteristically provocative and, lasting ,contribution to the debate regarding artificial intelligence, which continues
  4. Clones from Franklin Computer Corporation are the best known and had the most, lasting ,impact, as Franklin copied Apple's ROMs and software and freely admitted to
  5. And harmony. Legacy The culture and monuments of Ancient Egypt have left a, lasting ,legacy on the world. The cult of the goddess Isis, for example, became popular
  6. Alba. The dispute over the eastern marches does not appear to have caused, lasting ,trouble between Alexander and Henry of England. In 1114, he joined Henry on
  7. A witty study of amorous intrigue and emotion, would prove a popular and, lasting ,international success. Middle Viennese period and Parisian operas (1780–1788)
  8. Governors, commanders,clergymen and representatives, in order to reach a, lasting ,agreement. Massed, like most people in Afghanistan, saw this conference as a
  9. Used the slogan Think Different in advertising campaigns. The slogan had a, lasting ,impact on their image and revived their popularity with the media and customers
  10. Honoured for his artistic accomplishments, Rodin did not spawn a significant, lasting ,school of followers. His notable students included Antoine Bordello, Charles
  11. Stimulation of 5-HT2A receptors will achieve that. But if the threat is long, lasting ,the animal needs to start eating and mating again - the fact that it survived
  12. After stepping down — it had after all no set tenure and might be an action, lasting ,only a moment. But any stepping forward into the democratic limelight was risky
  13. Was to be widely imitated. Salieri's next two operas were not particular or, lasting ,successes, of the two only La Serbia capital (" The Stolen Bucket" )
  14. Stronger than that of the Sun, these radio flares are more powerful and longer, lasting , Algol is 92.8 light years from Earth; however, about 7.3 million years ago it
  15. Milan. Pa via offered stiff resistance however, and was only taken after a siege, lasting ,three years. During that time Albion turned his attention to Tuscany, but signs
  16. Throughout #244-245 and 249-251 (Sept. -Oct. 1983 & Feb. -April 1984). One, lasting ,change was the reintroduction of Mary Jane Watson as a much more serious
  17. Generals. Although he is mostly remembered for his vast conquests,Alexander's, lasting ,legacy was not his reign, but the cultural diffusion his conquests engendered.
  18. Were killed by the Afghans. This final act was to be the start of long, lasting ,bitterness between Sikhs and Afghans. Third battle of Animal The Mughal power
  19. 1892: Homestead Strike The Homestead Strike was a bloody labor confrontation, lasting ,143 days in 1892,one of the most serious in U. S. history. The conflict was
  20. BC against a similar but unspecified coalition seem to show that he met with no, lasting ,success. According to the Tanaka, however,Ahab with 7,000 troops had
  21. Recovered and taken aboard the recovery ship, the USS Okinawa after a mission, lasting ,12 days,7 hours,11 minutes, and 33 seconds. Lunar subsatellite The Apollo 15
  22. Weaker) tales, being committed to memory and related at gatherings, often, lasting , many hours or even days. Culture Traditional Ainu culture was quite different
  23. Amiga 500+ (1991) was the shortest lived model, replacing the Amiga 500 and, lasting ,only six months until it was phased out and replaced with the Amiga 600 (1992
  24. 17 hours and 57 minutes between sunrise and sunset, with nautical twilight, lasting ,the entire night. Temperatures at this time of year will be hovering around 17
  25. Thousands of his men at which they ate together. In an attempt to craft a, lasting ,harmony between his Macedonian and Persian subjects, he held a mass marriage of
  26. Remains were allegedly buried beneath the palace steps. Alboin's death had a, lasting ,impact, as it deprived the Lombards of the only leader they had that could have
  27. For their alleged restoration of Athenian freedom. The greatest and longest, lasting ,democratic leader was Pericles; after his death, Athenian democracy was twice
  28. And soldiers took place in the summer of 2009 in the Old Acapulco seaside area, lasting ,hours and killing 16 of the gunmen and two soldiers. This came after the swine
  29. Of the enemy. In spite of some successes, the Catalans were unable to secure, lasting ,gains. They quarreled with Michael IX, and eventually turned on their Byzantine
  30. Was his finest hour, but his relief by Maj. Gen. George G. Meade caused, lasting ,enmity between the two men. In San Francisco, after the war, he obtained a
  31. This outside scriptwriting would serve Kurosawa as a lucrative sideline, lasting ,well into the 1960s,long after he became world-famous. Wartime films and
  32. Noted for his synthesis of knowledge from both east and west. He has had a, lasting ,influence on the development of medicine and health sciences. The use of
  33. Treasury that provided for both active and retired soldiers. One of the most, lasting ,institutions of Augustus was the establishment of the Praetorian Guard in 27 BC
  34. Of Jews and money have been characterized as underpinning the most damaging and, lasting ,antisemitic canards. Antisemitic have often promulgated myths related to money
  35. To script eight other Kurosawa films. A famous, virtually wordless sequence, lasting ,over eight minutes, shows the detective, disguised as an impoverished veteran
  36. Lamb. At Manchester, Eddington lived at Dalton Hall, where he came under the, lasting ,influence of the Quaker mathematician J. W. Graham. His progress was rapid
  37. And agricultural production techniques, the first known ships, Egypt left a, lasting ,legacy. Its art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities
  38. Cicero's dialogue Hortensias (now lost),which he described as leaving a, lasting ,impression on him and sparking his interest in philosophy. Studying at Carthage
  39. S December 2004 message was much more vehement than usual in this speech, lasting ,over an hour. In the past, Alneda. Com and Jihad. Net were perhaps the most
  40. The entire country. However, the late 1950s and early 1960s saw the onset of a, lasting ,transformation of the city due to tourism. Large buildings and complexes rose
  41. Other immigrant groups, including Europeans; make up the broadest and longest, lasting ,range of styles in America; and have, historically,been more influential
  42. Ultimately repelled following Mammals' victory at Embryo. These attacks had, lasting ,political consequences, souring the previously cordial Lombard-Frankish
  43. Parents. In July 1933,Halo committed suicide. Kurosawa has commented on the, lasting ,sense of loss he felt at his brother's death and the chapter of his
  44. STPP) can be used to successfully treat GAD with positive effects, lasting ,12 months after treatment. There are other treatment plans that should be
  45. The northern part of which Albion conquered between 569 and 572. He had a, lasting ,impact on Italy and the Antonia Basin; in the former his invasion marked the
  46. Role is a" trusted servant" with terms rotating and limited, typically, lasting , three months to two years and determined by group vote and the nature of the
  47. In 334 BC he invaded Persian-ruled Asia Minor and began a series of campaigns, lasting ,ten years. Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles
  48. Are continuing to work with the two Presidents in the hope of finding a, lasting ,peace. The two countries are still technically at war. Caspian Sea
  49. Considered to have begun with the accession of Adad-nirari II, in 911 BC, lasting ,until the fall of Nineveh at the hands of the Babylonians, Medes, Scythians and
  50. Planter, or “ Feast of Adorning ”, was observed every May, it was a festival, lasting ,five days. During this period the Priestesses of Athena, or “ Pantries ”

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